$150 annual fire inspection fee only for the entire Sanchez Art Center complex. And a proposed tax to build the new library center, $32.2 million. Good reporting, Jane!
Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 10/23/12. "City Council gives Sanchez artists a break."
Sanchez Art Center |
![]() |
"A great city deserves a great library." |
In other council news, council members approved paying half of the cost to develop a financing plan for the new library/media center. ... The facility would cost about $32.2 million to build and furnish. ....The Pacifica Library Foundation is moving the project forward by contracting with a research firm to conduct polling to determine what the community would support by way of a voter approved measure to pay for the facility." Read article.
Reference - City. City Council Agenda, 10/22/12. Fix Pacifica Agenda article City council meeting 10/22/12 agenda article: Item 9, Acceptance of Library Conceptual Design and Cost Model. Authorize a
$12,000 contribution from the Capital Improvement Fund 22 to the
Pacifica Library Foundation.
Item 10, resolution to adopt a city administration policy for Commercial Fire Inspection Fees. Wow, I totally missed the sneaky fine print on both of these.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
So the rest of the business owners get the shaft while these hippies and artist get a break.
As if they don't get a break with reduced rent and utilities paid by the taxpayers.
Way to go council keep giving away freebees to the nooobeees the very people who bankrupted the city.
I'm telling you people, we are not broke. Couple thousand to the artists, $30K to some consultant to tell us we need more business, $12K to another consultant to tell the city the best way to fleece us for the $32 Million Dollar City Taj Mahal by the Sea(the idea that won't die). All this on top of the usual expenditures for all the gotta have it stuff. Hey, how about a wine bar in the Taj? Council is easier to watch when you've got a buzz on. Sculpture garden? The fishermen on the pier would love it. Rich, we're rich!
32 million to build a new library. Did the city read the memo. YOU ARE BROKE!
32 million can buy lots of books for every kid in the city. Comcast and ATT has a cheap rate internet for families that are low income.
seriously 32 million?
@309 Yeah they're serious. This council already spent several hundred thousand dollars on the plans for the Taj by the Sea with Library. That was on top of the previous several hundred thousand dollars spent for the earlier Taj by the Sea No Library project. It all comes out of some fund they keep handy for this foolishness. Gosh do you think maybe those funds could be better used? Re-allocated for something we actually need? Do ya?
My neighbor is 100% for a new library on the OWWTP because he says the developer is going to pay for it, not Pacificans.
He's not the only one who thinks that. These are not stupid people, they just trust too much and read too little.
Of all the bonehead ideas to come from city hall over many decades, wasting prime real estate on public buildings that produce no revenue is at the top of the list.
This bunch continues to really distinguish themselves.
I think Jane Northrop has a very dry sense of humor. Her tame little segue after reporting the city's latest stinker in her first paragraph is priceless..."In other council news, council members approved...the facility would cost about $32.2 million..."
She must have watched a lot of old SNL newscaster skits.
They are going to float a bond to pay for the library.
Just like the bonds to pay for the Waste Water Treatment Plant, Police Station Building, and to replenish the pension program.
The Waste Water Treatment Plant never worked right and the builder went bankrupt right after completing the state of the art plant.
The Police Station, which should have included City Hall and all City departments, cost over runs.
The pension bonds never refilled the buckets.
How can the city make any money? Perhaps a bake sale can keep the lights on a little longer?
Sell off property, no you gave all that the GGRA
Sell off equipment? They just have a couple broken trucks with no spare parts.
The consultant they're hiring to tell them how best to fund The-Taj- Mahal-With-Library will probably rank some possible schemes. Going to the people is not a winner, but the city could just give the site to a developer in return for building The-Taj-With-Library and whatever else the developer can squeeze in. We're so good at giving land away...really our municipal generosity seems to know no limits. In the spirit of collaboration, etc. I think we have a plan!
@404 broke, schmoke, we're not!
I wonder what percentage of our city employee pensions are funded? Some CA cities are at 100%or better, but many are in the 50% range. Large cities like Sacto and San Diego and little screw-ups like Pacifica, all with unfunded pension liabilities. How many times can a bond be refinanced? State law guarantees these public pensions but huge cuts to city services are coming, real cuts--unlike anything we've seen so far--or we can all pay a lot more taxes. A lot more. Give these boneheads more money for the artists and consultants and fancy drawings. Hell of a choice.
Seems like there are several discussions going on at once, with distrust of the city at the fore. Can't say I disagree with that concept.
The reason we don't know what's going on with the city employees pension plan is because city staff, and we're talking the top staffers, want to not talk about it, and the newspaper does nothing to pursue the story.
The library idea, although it would involve a bond issue for 32, or X millions, or whatever, I actually think is a good idea, except no one trusts the people in charge of the city! Think about that before you vote for any incumbent.
If you build a road they will come.
Susan Vellone says she won't take a income if she is elected.
TOT Tax, why don't I hear much about that?
I dont vote for taxes, but if I knew that the taxes went for PPD and Firefighters ONLY, I would change my mind. I am done giving schools money, they get enough, more than their share. This election season I am Pro-Peace Officers, Firefighters and Road Workers. Hurry and capitalize off that before I change my mind.
I am disappointed that City Council voted to charge Sanchez Art Center a measly $125.00. Have they explained their reasoning with anyone?
Pacifica's total longterm indebtedness at the end of fiscal 2010-2011 was $33,315,378 of which $19,375,000 was pension obligation. Only the city knows how much of that pension obligation is unfunded and they ain't talkin'. This info on city indebtedness is available on the state controller's website. City salary numbers for calendar year 2011 should be available this month for those who take an interest.
712anon this is Pacifica, there is no reasoning.
This is what I want; A new library, new city hall at WWTP. Roads fixed. More- newly developed single family homes. Senior/Disabled Vets Live-In Homes on Oddstad. Nick's Remodeled (they need it and they deserve the support from Pacifica)
I will vote for the candidate who most resembles what I would like to see happen in Pacifica.
Frankly, I am not interested in Palmetto as a Downtown. The weather is lousy and can't see the ocean.Plus we have a big school there. A new library and city hall is suited to that area cause you visit these buildings to stay inside. Hopefully these buildings will be built with a view and balcony. I believe it will bring in many visitors. The Pacifica Pier is a Wonder. It is perfect as it is with needed repairs. Save the Pier. In winter go to the pier and have a hot cocoa, coffee and/or soup. It is incredible watching the waves. And of course, Save Sharp Park Golf Course.
I see tourists attracted to Rockaway south to Pedro Point. We should be capitalizing off of that. The trails overlooking the ocean are spectacular. They don't go to Palmetto. There is no beach on Palmetto. Palmetto is kind of like our Industrial area, if we can say we have one. We have Nick's at Rockaway. They bring people in from all over the world. And now the newly renovated Moonraker is so lovely at Happy Hour with their Oceanside Organic Cocktail, order that with the Oysters a buck a shell. Saunter over to Nicks for a final. Hike over to linda mar beach to visit friends at sunset. Spectacular. In the winter have the Hot Chicken Tortilla soup at La Playa. Delish. We don't have time for Palmetto. Pacifica is unique and beautiful. We are running out of time.
Agree with anon1159 about Palmetto if nothing else. Ugliest area in town, gritty and rundown, and all the undergrounding in the world isn't going to change that. Other than the pier there's nothing worth seeing. Vreeland's dream of a new oceanfront city hall, oops, I mean a library, is still a waste of prime oceanfront real estate no matter which council supports it.
Last I heard, the proposal to build a new library (whatever its cost) included closing BOTH of the old ones.
I'm not in favor of that. Keep Sanchez library!
"Keep Sanchez library!" 2:55 PM
A lot of Mom's and Dad's agree with you. At least that's what I heard when attending a public library planning meeting.
Also, this city seems to be too spread-out to have only one library.
It's a real bad idea. From 2 perfectly adequate, convenient and well-used libraries we'd be going to one. Is it perhaps really more about finding a way to build a new council chambers? Wouldn't surprise me a bit. And let's not forget we're broke and this luxury would mean going further into debt. Current longterm debt for this city is $33 million and our pension obligations are exploding. New Council Chambers and the library would double our debt and waste prime oceanfront real estate on non-revenue producing public buildings.
And do you think the taxpayers will give them 32.5 million dollars. Ha, Sneaky Pete, even said get us anout 10 million for the city. The same guy who said we had a surplus to get elected.
No more money for these bozo's until they propose something revenue producing.
The library isn't a babysitting center.
Same with shopping malls
Bad excuse for even worse parenting
How much did city hall spend for the city hall by the sea?
@456 It depends when you want to start counting. During the Vreeland regime city hall spend about $350,000 on plans for the Vreeland City Hall by the Sea. That was mercifully shot down by concerned residents/dumb luck. Fast forward to 2011-2012 and the current regime has managed to hoodwink another $300,000 or more for plans for, ahem, a new Council Chambers by the Sea/state of the art Library. Set aside the deceptive mumbo jumbo that goes with both schemes and they have one glaring thing in common...the waste of prime city-owned oceanfront real estate (scarce stuff) by another council even more out of touch and math-challenged than the Vreeland regime. That's quite an accomplishment. Clean house and keep cleaning house until we find a council with common sense we can trust.
456anon these days the library is a safe after-school haven for lots of kids. Noisy little critters they may be but they're kids and I think any time they spend in a library is a good thing. The mall? Not so much. roxtMa
@453 this taxpayer is giving them all the heave-ho, one by inept one, if that's the only way, and term limits doesn't get them first.
Libraries are an anachronism, and we should consolidate down to one. Once the older generation moves on, we can stop wasting money on any of them.
I am definitely for a beach blvd commercial development but I don't think that prime property should be used for any public buildings. If you want a Library slash meeting area then put it at the old library site 200 feet away not on prime ocean front parcel that could house even more retail space.
Paleeze , I hated those libraries growing up. Too small and crowded. I don't know of any town or city that has more than one library. Can't schools take field trips on the bus to the new library station? Yes, I think so.
We need a bigger and better library. We could build something great and spectacular. All the schools will be visiting. You bet. Make it with million dollar views and a balcony, even a big fireplace. We need it. Do it. This is a good investment in your city. We are running out of time.
Hahaha 838. Very funny. Yes, by all means, a huge, spectacular library and council chambers. Huge, just enormous, with 3 fireplaces, minimum. Balconies and terraces. How about a lighthouse? The school kids they fly and bus in from all over will love it. Maybe a couple atriums with roll back roofs. We need this, we want it, and by God we should have it. Any old town can have money making businesses, lots of them, but not us. We're so staunchly anti-money, the filthy stuff, that we're using prime oceanfront real estate for public buildings and our darling council. We must carry out the Vreeland Imperative and make sure that no money is made on that property. It's just too grubby.
Making fun does not solve the problems barack.
We need a new library. We need a BIG Library. We need something fantastic for children of all ages to go to to read. We could have sections to separate the little from the older students and adults. Give this city something to be proud of. God knows we need it. Many sad things have been going on, very sad. This will create jobs and those two libraries we have are old and obsolete.
Knock down the old library and put the library in trailers for the mean time. Rebuild the library at the same location. Even though this could be a nice restaurant but the lack of parking is a problem.
Council chambers are used one Monday night a week. For council and planning.
The library on Terra Nova Blvd is right in the middle of the lot and ruined it for future development. No Apartment stock has been added in Pacifica since the late 1960's early 1970's.
Also who ever decided to move the corp yard from Palmetto over to Off the Highway 1? Highway Commercial with signage. Wow you people at city hall really thought that one out. People driving on Highway one can see broken down trucks and city equipment, instead of places to stop and spend money.
The mind set in this town boggles my mind. Unreal. Like a bad late night movie. Straight to DVD.
@710AM The whole town is old and obsolete and I think not being broke and up to our eyeballs in debt would make plenty of Pacificans proud. Aren't we well past the stage for happy talk and luxuries we can't afford? How about making do with the libraries we have until such time as we can afford something new or maybe even two new libraries on the current sites. This town's geography and population certainly supports two libraries. Why the urgency to replace two well-located, well-used libraries with one? Does Council really need its fancy new digs that badly? And why put any public building on such valuable oceanfront real estate? The city's hooks in the OWWTP are a real buzz kill for any developer. Must we make the same stupid mistake over and over? And why not open up that old Ed Cordero site for development instead of parking city junk there? Mighty valuable real estate for a city-owned junk yard. That's Pacifica! At least put it on the market and move the junk if someone bites. The current plan for the OWWTP is just as bad as Vreeland's was. Both are monumental wastes of precious developable land that could yield substantial revenue for this dying town.
I think there's some kind of use restriction on the Terra Nova library property. Believe it has to be for public use, ie, library, park, senior center, city childcare and probably not much else. Yeah, property that developers are going to be interested in is very rare in Pacifica, especially city-owned property. All the more reason to keep the OWWTP free of public buildings of any sort. We need revenue a lot more than we need a fancy new library.
This is what I want; A new library, new city hall at WWTP. Roads fixed. More- newly developed single family homes. Senior/Disabled Vets Live-In Homes on Oddstad. Nick's Remodeled (they need it and they deserve the support from Pacifica.
None of these will be done. Oddstad highest and best use is market rate housing.
Btw how much low income housing has Pacifica, added since 2000?
@710AM The whole town is old and obsolete and I think not being broke and up to our eyeballs in debt would make plenty of Pacificans proud. Aren't we well past the stage for happy talk and luxuries we can't afford?
This is how Pacifica lives!!
borrow more money and do not build, then raise taxes and kick the can down the road.
This is how Pacifica lives.
Look at those effin beams!
Let me remind you, that there are no luxeries in Pacifica. What public building has recently been built? PPD. In how many years? I think we are due for a new one and our city deserves it. We derserve it. I, as a taxpayer property owner, think I deserve a new library and city hall. And, I want it at the WWTP. I have every right to state so. Now, if it happens, well that is a whole other step. We have plenty of other spaces to fill, emply lots, junk yards, that can be turned over to a developer for housing.
we still have not paid for the police station.
The hippies win again! GREAT JOB, REST OF PACIFICA!
effin beams
This a good family blog that is g or pg 13 rated.
Remember the Bush's family values?
@343 Wow, that's about the most self-indulgent, reality-defying statement I've read on here. You're correct, you have every right to make it and I applaud your honesty in calling a new library and city hall (and that's what it is) a luxury. What's luxurious about it? We can't afford it. That's never stopped Pacifica leaders from spending every penney they could get their hands on, but gee wasn't that all about a certain much-maligned former city councilman? Hmmm, apparently not, because that flawed fiscal policy lives on in people like you.
we still owe about $3 million on that oversized, underutilized police station. maybe more if they used it as an atm. seem to remember someone on here months ago very authoritatively saying not to worry about how much two sets of development plans for the OWWTP cost (about $700,000 but who's counting)because the money came from funds from an earlier refi of the PD station loans. as if that's not like real money, uh huh. stuff all the city offices in the pd station, there's plenty of room, and then sell off the old locations on san jose and francisco for development. maybe we'd get lucky and the city would actually pay off the police station loans. or they could go into llama farming.
If we only owed 3 million on the police station they would have pulled another cash out refi/bond issue.
32 million bond for the library. 50 million for the waste water treatment plant. Hell we need 100 mil in debt!
Way to go city hall, tax and spend!
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