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I think we're called "sustainable." |
Sweet, cozy Sharp Park cottage |
I have lived in Pacifica since 1978, when I first saw the spectacular view of our city from atop the hill of the northern approach on Highway 1. My wife, Colista and I had just arrived from Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada and we instantly knew that this was the community in which we wanted to spend the rest of our lives. Right before my retirement in 1996 we purchased a small house close to the pier and continue to enjoy this unique portion of the California coast. Let's keep it that way. Vote for Rich, Mary Ann and Karen."
Note: The photograph of birds at the pier is from Rand McNally, Best of the Road, 2012.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Rich, Mary Ann and Karen? Oh hell no. It's Vellone and O'Neill and flip a coin for the other seat.
Mary Ann is turning into a lesser version of Vreeland and Dejarnatt, always needs to comment after the public has spoken to prove how much she doesn't know
NO DEVELOPMENT which has lead to.. BANKRUPTCY which has lead to...
DEFERRED MAINTENANCE which has created a ....
Don't be fooled. Rich Campbell is the latest poster boy for Pacificans for Sustainable Development.
Dejarnatt is more concerned with interrupting speakers during public comment at city council meetings. Thank God he is leaving!
@556 Well, duh. Don't you know the last speaker rules? Old political trick. She really dwarfs Vree and the rest in personal ambition and that need for the spotlight. Four more years? WTF. Another situation solved by term limits. Thank you Bernie!
Is this nick Leone guy related to andy Leone?
Nick is Papa to Andrew and I guess pop-in-law to Nancy Hall.
Last speaker rule=John know it all curtis
"this is how we live" - nancy hall
Oh great. The very people who bankrupted the town.
743 anon, And every attorney, debater, and cheesy small time politician who ever lived.
That's right. The very people whose flawed policies destroyed this town. They're endorsing Campbell, Nihart and Ervin. Draw your own conclusions but that's a group that has never met a tax it didn't love. Keep that gravy train running!
Oh dear, does he need to speak? Does he have that much clout and persuasion that he would need to write a letter to the paper with his endorsments?
I have a message for Mr Leone. I was just visiting your hometown Vancouver, it is quite lovely. Guess what? they miss you terribly. Lovely place. Go Home. Go Home.
Wait till the town files bankruptcy and they hit up the taxpayers for a new sewer plant and new infrastructure.
Watch what happens to your tax bill!
Campbell, Nihart and Ervin? With all due respect to Nick Leone, who has endorsed them, I sure hope not. Not unless you want new taxes to be the go-to choice to solve Pacifica's money problems. We need diverse, independent, pragmatic problem solvers on council to guarantee that all possible solutions are pursued vigorously and openly before new taxes are considered. I trust Mike O'Neill and Susan Vellone to do the job right.
didn't nick leone also support moving the city hall to the current council chambers? how much growth did that bring?
@852 Sounds right. Not a money maker. We have a spot for city hall and shouldn't waste prime oceanfront real estate for public bldgs of any sort. When the snazzy police station was built it was designed so that a second story could be added to accomodate other city offices. Not a popular idea with Chief Merritt or the city regime of that time. Even as a one story facility there is ample room for most, perhaps all, city offices. Community Center also has some space. Then sell off the city property on Francisco and City Hall for some much needed reserve cash. If we had the sheriff's here they'd lease very little space in that barn of a bldg. Oh no,we can't even consider that. Let's diddle while the city decays and then we'll raise some new taxes when everybody is good and scared and say we have no choice.
Police, fire, city hall should have been built on the location of the police station. The school board offices everything in one central location.
Who in the hell thought of buying the Ed Cordero building and making it a junk yard for old junk city equipment was a moron.
That could have been redeveloped into a prime mixed use property.
The jackasses who ran Pacifica, into the ground for the last 30 years have done a perfect storm of cluster FK!
Amen 240. Just more examples of how Pacifica's problems go way back. The city tradition of bad ideas and worse decisions was established long ago, but is being ably continued right up to present day. Common sense really isn't very common.
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