Sunday, October 21, 2012

Best city council candidates are Vellone and O'Neill, NOT Campbell

Pacifica Tribune, Letters to the Editor, 10/16/12.  Campbell not serious by Bill Moore

"Rich Campbell for city council will contribute to this town's decision-making paralysis and I cannot vote for him. He talks a good game but he really does not get it.

Campbell is not serious, don't vote for him
He answered the Chamber of Commerce Rt 1 safety/gridlock question as follows:

Supports: creation of frontage roads (perhaps in the Quarry to create infrastructure backbone for development), pedestrian overcrossings at Reina Del Mar, and a turnaround /kid drop off at Police Station to serve northbound commuters.

When you think about these "solutions", they are really delay and simply unworkable.

The quarry is unbuildable due to widespread environment concerns and huge bureaucratic hurdles put down by various agencies and the Coastal Commission.  The Coastal Commission  is so anti-quarry it refused to let the owner post no trespass signs on the property! The city does not own the quarry. A frontage road is dreaming.

An overcrossing. Pedestrians are a small part of the problem. The hundreds of commute and school-drop off cars turning in Vallemar are the problem.  So this "solution" is a non-solution.

NIMBIES "goody more of the same, nothing"
A kid drop off at the police station. This is simply dangerous and shows a severe lack of thought. Stack up a hundred cars in front of the police station in limited space after many make a U turn at the light? The traffic jam is doubled!

Drop kids off unsupervised at the station on a rainy January morning to walk 400 yards down Rt. 1 east to the school? Or have these kids slog through the police parking lot,  through brush and wetlands to get to school the back way? No parent in their right mind will allow their kids to be used in this manner.

Rich Campbell can't be serious. Therefore he is unqualified to seriously address the issues facing this town.

I am supporting Sue Vellone and Mike O'Neill for council."

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Kathy Meeh said...

Note: once again, the Tribune has yet to update is Letters to the Editor, but eventually will. Meantime, this Letter was sent directly to me. The choice of Alfred E. Newman "what me worry" pictures from an era past, and the framing of the article were entirely mine.

Anonymous said...


Elaine, is sick.

Anonymous said...

Campbell,sure didn't think this one out

2 strikes richie rich and its the bottom of the 9th.

Kathy Meeh said...

...update its Letters to the Editor.

Anon 5:27 PM, sorry to hear Elaine is sick. Wish her the best always.

Anonymous said...

@530 Cheap thrills for some of us on here but probably didn't lose him one vote out there. With O'Neill and Spano splitting their votes and Mondfrans eating up a few hundred, Campbell needs to lose votes and not take any of the undecided or he's in. Hasn't done anything to do that.

Anonymous said...

ABC=Anyone but Campbell

Anonymous said...

Would it be safe to assume we won't be seeing Fred Howard's LTE on here? He's endorsing Campbell and Ervin. Go figure.

Nyuk Nyuk's little bro said...

Bill Moore said it here and we all read it..." the quarry is unbuildable." thanks for your article.

nyuk nyuk said...

Campbell is going to get every NIMBY vote. Count on it.
O'Neil, Spano and Mondfrans need to pow-wow. If they really care about Pacifica two of them need to drop out and block Vreeland's mini-me.

Steve Sinai said...

"O'Neil, Spano and Mondfrans need to pow-wow. If they really care about Pacifica two of them need to drop out and block Vreeland's mini-me."

Too late for that.

todd bray said...

Mr. Moore,

The Coastal Commission is not keeping the quarry owner from posting No Trespassing signs. The signs require a coastal development permit. The owner merely needs to apply for one.

The pervious owner had paid to have a series of No Trespassing signs put up in the quarry and he too needed a development permit. He decided not to get one and so had to remove the signs.

None of this is the fault of anyone other than the quarry property owners.

Nyuk Nyuk's little bro said...

Campbell and his condescending comrades! Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

All we can do now is work hard for O'Neill. Too late for any powwows among the candidates. The ballots have been printed. Vote for O'Neill and help his campaign.

Anonymous said...

Lil Nyuk Nyuk, soon enough. We've managed to screw the pooch again. Thank Spano or whoever influenced him to run for the 2 year seat. The big loss for Pacifica is that we won't have Mike O'Neill's independent, smart, common sense voice on Council. Instead we will have Campbell who too is very smart and will be working the enviro agenda from inside the ring. We are so screwed.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Spano is working very hard, precincting everywhere in the city, while O'Neill is not doing much. Also, Campbell's signs are repeatedly being stolen. That means some evil people are worried.

Anonymous said...

Haha haven't you heard that the candidate with the most signs wins?
Stealing signs is what passes for campaign strategy in Pathetica. Won't stop Campbell.

Anonymous said...

Spano using the same campaign style as Stone? He's getting his name out there but all it will do is take votes from O'Neill and guarantee Campbell wins.

Anonymous said...

Oneil is the sign stealer

Anonymous said...

not likely

Sherlock said...

Campbell steals his own signs so he can blame it on O'Neill.

Anonymous said...

Why? He's going to win with or without the signs.

Anonymous said...

Signs signs everywhere signs

Here is your sign

Anonymous said...

Rich Campbell's Rt. 1 congestion fix is getting zero traction. Have not heard a single parent at Vallemar think dropping kids off at the police station is acceptable. So, clearly if Rich Campbell makes up "solutions" to Pacifica problems so casually and with such little thought, I cannot vote for him.

Anonymous said...

I think he puts his signs on properties without the owner's permission. Then calls foul when they get taken down. My opinion solely.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Spano. O'Neill hasn’t worked half as hard as Spano or Campbell and his signs look like he made them in his garage. It's been a very poor showing from Mike.
The only thing guaranteed in this race is O'Neill gets 3rd.
Hard work gets my vote and wins elections. Spano will beat O'Neill the question is will he beat Campbell. I hope so. Don’t fall for the “O’Neill is the chosen one” BS.

Anonymous said...

Great idea 11:12, Rich Campbell needs the votes.

Anonymous said...

Rich Campbell specializes in happy talk. He has "ideas" for rt. 1, and the quarry. As a federal gov't employee at the EPA he will not be able to vote on either issue. He should really tell the voters the truth about his non-involvement in these critcal issues and cut down on the meaningless chatter.
He sounds like Mitt Roney.

Anonymous said...

Vellone, claims to be 50 with 34 years in business. Is she female Doogie Houser?

Anonymous said...

Campbell steals his own signs so he can blame it on O'Neill.

O'Neill steals his own signs so he can blame it on Campbell.

Anonymous said...

anon1112 you vote based on how well you think they campaign? you've got to be kidding. they're not running for prom queen or class president. the real job starts after they win. it's not about the campaign, it's all about track record, their actual accomplishments, challenges faced and solutions found. No one comes near Mike O'Neill in terms of track record and making important contributions to Pacifica. No one else on that ballot comes near.

Anonymous said...

@109 Don't know about Doogie, but Sue Vellone has always been industrious, hard working and independent...starting as a 16 year old and continuing. You?

Anonymous said...

@127 this goes on in every election. i think they all buy no more than 6 signs each and just claim theft of the rest. keeps the costs down.

Anonymous said...

anon107 you don't know what you're talking about on Campbell and recusal. plenty of reasons not to vote for him but that's not one of them.

Anonymous said...

anon 1112 Campbell says thanks. It's non-thinkers like you who will give him this election and thus derail any chance this town has at recovery. if you'd been an indian when the dutch first arrived on Manhattan you'd have sold the place for trinkets, too. good grief!

Anonymous said...

So what happened at Council last night? Do I have to go over to Index to find out?

Anonymous said...

@350 yeah, but not til the 24th. Index is offline til then.

Anonymous said...

The 24th is tomorrow no biggie.

Index has a bunch of good stuff, and they cover the council meetings they attended..