Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 3/20/12."Chamber of Commerce board suggests questions for City Council appointee interviews."
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"Improve the local economy?" |
Whomever they appoint, the new council member will serve a term that lasts only until November, when the seat will go up for public election. The council members decided they did not want to conduct face-to-face interviews of the candidates. They have not prepared a list of questions, said Mayor Pete DeJarnatt.
"We are not interviewing," he said. "We are just asking for people to submit their names and apply. There is no form. It can contain a resume or not. We have a pretty good idea of who will apply and I expect they will write anything they think is relevant. The only way we could interview would be public and I don't see that as being helpful to the process. I don't want people to have to campaign to us.
At the last council meeting, I didn't hear anyone interested in interviewing candidates, but that's not to say it wouldn't happen. I don't want to ask specific questions. I don't think that's appropriate. I don't want to have people commit themselves to specific answers to questions. It's not a job that works that way. It's a very difficult job. This is untraveled territory. We only want to appoint someone until November. I feel comfortable with the voters electing someone then."
Nevertheless, the Pacifica Chamber of Commerce board did prepare a list of questions they hope would be used to vet candidates through a question and answer process printed in the Pacifica Tribune, said Jim Wagner, Chamber board member. Besides listing why the candidate is suited for council, civic and elected involvement and supporters, those questions are:
•What is you position on the Caltrans Route 1 improvement project?
•Do you support an economic analysis of all general plan and zoning decisions so future economic impact to city revenue and be evaluated?
•What is your position on the Jefferson Union High School District's $48 parcel tax proposal on the June ballot?
•What are your thoughts on contracting with the sheriff's department for police services?
•What would you do to transform Palmetto Ave into our Main Street?
*How would you work with our business community to improve our local economy?"
Addendum, what was left-out of the Pacifica Tribune article:
1. "Issues questions" (above): "Closing statement, 200 words."
2. "Council appointment questionnaire": 1) Why do you think you would make a good interim council member. 2) Past civic or elected involvement. 3) Supporters.
The questions were accompanied by an action statement: "The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors feel it is important
to ask these important questions of prospective appointees. The next 9
months that this term will run will present important and difficult
challenges to whomever this council chooses to fill Mr. Vreeland's seat.
The issues addressed in these questions are of particular importance
the our chamber members and prospective appointees need to recognize
that our business community has a vested interest in our towns fiscal
health. We will send each applicant this list of questions and ask that
they return their answers in writing to the Tribune office by noon on
Monday March 26th." Jim Wagner, Chair Pacifica Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee.
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Posted by Kathy Meeh
I think the group of old dudes that hang outside the donut shop by Starbucks also have some questions for the candidates. And, will there be an evening gown competition? Talent?
Spanky, Thank God you Chamber Pogues have come out of the gate acting like arrogant asses. Oh and the lack of understand of zoning, permitting and predetermining bias is wonderful. Awesome job being nuts.
The Chamber's questions are no worse than the Sierra Club's questions for city council candidates.
It would be interesting to see candidates publicly answer the Chamber's questions and the Sierra Club's questions at the same time.
Steve muses, "It would be interesting to see candidates publicly answer the Chamber's questions and the Sierra Club's questions at the same time."
So he likes a two faced, forked tongued politician that can speak out of both sides of the mouth at the same time, hum?
Personally I see too much of that. :)
That could cause their heads to explode (the candidates, not necessarily the questioners)and then the PCT26 cameraman gets appointed, the medium becomes the
message and Marshal Mcluhan is still a god.
Pacifica has a $25 million dollar budget and that money should be managed by people who know what they are doing. We have other serious issues facing this town. The high school district has a major funding effort pending.
Yes, I would like a discussion of issues facing this town and how the council applicants would address them.
I guess some people are happy uninformed. Or flippant.
I am not part of that group. I actually want to see, hear and learn about the people that vote on Council.
Ehh Pogue Mahone to them all!
"So he likes a two faced, forked tongued politician that can speak out of both sides of the mouth at the same time, hum?"
I just thought it would be entertaining. Or very painful.
Save it for the election. Council has made it perfectly clear they are not interested in an interview process. Probably go with a retread at 3 to 1.
Those questions have very little if anything to do with competencies or skills useful for the position. They are about personal agendas which typically fall by the wayside once faced with the realities of political office.
Personnel agendas! The questions seem to address some of the most pressing issues that are facing Pacifica. I'm glad the chamber has put forward these questions. I have no doubt they will get responses from the serious applicants.
Understood Steve,
Since the list of applicants will not be released until Monday afternoon and the Council will decide that evening who the replacement is to be no meaningful public vetting is likely to take place.
That's right, personal agendas, along with personal opinions, group affinity, and personal bias. While those things raise the comfort level with this applicant or that one, none of them predict or reveal any skill or expertise useful in the actual job. That job can and should force anyone in it to re-examine their positions and decisions in the context of the facts not from some preconceived, uninformed, ringside position. I want someone with an open, sharp mind not some member of the chorus.
Brown Act violation!
No more communists on council.
Breaking News: Leo Leon has been found by the DA to have "broken the law" when he violated The Brown Act.
Seacrest Out.
A lot of "progressives" breaking laws lately. Mirkarimi, Leon, Digre, Dejarnet
Leo Leon found breaking the law. Doesn't that make him a perfect fit for council!
Boys, boys, stop beating that dead horse.
America Hero: As someone who risked his life fighting real Communists in Vietnam and North Korea I find it offensive that you call our public officials Communist.
I support your right to disagree with public policies that are enacted but anonymous name calling is the mark of a coward and a bully.
Clifford - only a commie would be upset at my comment. Are you a communist?
I just hope they pick someone who understands that frogs do not pay taxes and no development = no revenue = bankruptcy.
American Hero - I won't be trapped into fanning the flames of an irrelevant argument over who is/ isn't a communist. In America, we get to believe whatever we believe.
I just wanted to throw down for Tom Clifford. One of the most decent people I've met in a long time.
Mike doesn't seem to understand a council persons understanding of economics or environmental law means nothing. Both subjects are overseen by forces far greater than our city council.
Neither economics or environmental law are hard sciences. There's plenty of room for interpretation in both of them, which means nobody's interpretation is gospel.
Obsessed with communism Anonymous (1201), you think you're a "hero"? Your comment is particularly offensive since Tom Clifford (an actual hero) served this country in Vietnam to protect American liberty.
Thank you for your comments, Heather (123). We agree once again.
American Hero? Gamer.
Todd, why all the harsh feelings for the Chamber and the Rotary? We are only people putting our time, money and efforts into trying to make Pacifica a better place for all...Hardly traits to be demeaned.
Chris you all acted like Brown Shirted Nazis toward me regarding your sister organization in HMB. You have yet to apologize. You went so far as to mock me for asking for one. You and your Chamber pals who were involved are nothing short of mud dwelling louts to me.
If you had invited me to make a presentation WITH you that would have been a gracious offer on your part. But you all decided on some sort of sophomoric prank instead.
I don't pull that crap with you, Chris.
Really Todd? Did they throw you out of your home, take the valuables and then burn it to the ground? Did they try to haul you off to a concentration camp?
For someone who is so blatantly antagonistic, you expect everyone to throw their arms wide open. Stop acting like an ass and maybe, just maybe people will take you seriously and not the village idiot.
A.H. thanks for proving my point.
mike bell said...
I just hope they pick someone who understands that frogs do not pay taxes and no development = no revenue = bankruptcy.
^This is the best^
We have a winner! Todd Bray wins the most puerile and ridiculous digression into Godwin's Law in recent memory!
After tossing around wild accusations with little or no proof and insulting pretty much everyone he encounters, he whines like a little baby when someone decides that they don't want to put up with his BS.
It's as childish as the downtrodden and oppressed WASPs on Fox News complaining about being victimized by the "liberal media".
By all means, vote for the frogs. It's way too late to be working the "who and what can keep us from bankruptcy" routine. What's on the wish list for the bankruptcy court? Contracts and pensions! And we need to do better than Vallejo did with both of those items because the downward spiral isn't over and CA cities are on their own. Time to start thinking and planning the post-bankruptcy Pacifica. And this time instead of worrying so excessively about less than 200 city employees let's worry most about our 39,000 residents and their wallets and well-being.
Was "Fix Pacifica" set up as a magnet for flipping idiots to keep them off real sites, You people are totally F-ed up.
He who fights with business vacancies should look to it that he himself does not become vacant and when you gaze long into Courtney Conlon's picture, the GlamourShot(TM) also gazes into you. Citzens, question not Pacifica's Fifth Column, but bow deeply, genuflect and kiss the ring, kiss the ring. Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire? I hear and obey, my Chamber Overlords, thy will shall be done. Resistance is futile; The Chamber is dead, long live The Chamber!
Watch it M'Lord, don't linger under open windows lest you be struck on the head by a falling Chamberpot. You dare not challenge their claim to the throne.
Todd Bray should be really embarrassed with himself for comparing his silly spat with the Chamber with the perpetrators of the Holocaust.
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