Sunday, February 17, 2013

Presidents' Day, Monday, 2/18/13

The Washington Post political blog, "Happy Presidents' Day", Anne Groer, 2/17/13.  Review of The Smithsonian Book of Presidential Trivia.
Perfect President's Day Reading: "The Smithsonian Book of Presidenital Trivia"
 What could possibly be unusual, or go wrong?
"Happy Presidents’ Day, that concocted celebration marking the birth of Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12) George Washington (Feb. 22) and the other 42 chief executives. Dreamed up by Congress–which always seems to be on recess— P-Day is part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act giving workers several long weekends a year.

Sure, you can shop the sales or clean out the garage this Feb. 18, if you’re lucky enough to be off.  But I suggest curling up with “The Smithsonian Book of Presidential Trivia” by Amy Pastan, which provides copious ammo to start or settle a barroom wager or dinner table debate. The breezy guide is way more fun than Google, Bing or Yahoo! and, as befits a tome from America’s storied museum complex—aka “the nation’s attic”—it is long on White House esoterica.

Such as?  The first lawyer to win the White House? John Adams, who would be succeeded by 24 other men possessed of legal training, heaven help us. Moreover, at just 5’4″, Adams remains our shortest president. (Got that, Mayor Bloomberg?)"   Read article. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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