United States Department of Labor, "History of Labor Day"
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Labor Day 2012 video message, 2:59 minutes |

.... The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday,
September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the
Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday
just a year later, on September 5, 1883.
This holiday belongs to all of us |
Related - CNN/Belle Reynoso, 9/2/12. "Labor Day by the numbers." "Labor Day is a holiday many American workers eagerly anticipate -- a three-day weekend, and a respite from work to relax and celebrate with friends and family. As you're calculating how many bags of buns you need to go with that jumbo pack of hot dogs at your barbecue (they never seem to match up), here are some other Labor Day numbers to contemplate."
Some statistics mentioned in the article:
155.2 million: Number of people 16 years and older who are in the labor force.
1.674 million: Veterans who were helped by the Department's Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) in 2010.
11.8: Percentage of workers who were members of a union in 2011.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
For the 100 Million Unemployed Workers in America, how should they celebrate Labor Day? Gas prices are at their highest, same with food and electricity.
Not much to celebrate. Volunteer at your local Charity.
Then its time to throw the bums out and put another bum in for 4 years. If that bum is better keep them around, other wise keep removing them.
Let each one screw things up a little bit every 4 years other then letting the same people screw up things over and over and over
Does anyone really think Obama and Romney are the best, smartest and brightest choices we have?
Obama wasn't qualified with less then 2 years in the Senate. Well, and Romney is just a spoiled rich kid who had tandrums to get his own way.
The 2 party system has been broken for a long time.
Not qualified elected candidates? Anonymous 12:46 PM.
There's a team of intelligent, seasoned people that run a Presidential administration. President Obama (and the team) got us through what would have been a serious depression in this country.
That crisis, and the aftermath that lingers, requires new and enforceable regulations hopefully to avoid repeating.
Compare the longer view of prior Presidential candidates and administrations. And since financial, legal, infrastructure, ecological, military and social legislation occurs at the level of Congress-- take a serious view of congress and the lobbied affects of monied interest there. Beyond that, in congress stubborn polarization is not helpful to move legislation forward.
President Obama made things worse. He added fuel to the fire. Mr. Zero had zero experience and we suffer from the idiots who elected him.
Today the DNC opens as the national debt crosses the $16 trillion threshold and a not-so-shocking new poll reveals the following: Does Obama deserve a second term?
• NO = 54%
• YES = 40%
I fail to see how Obama can win with numbers like this looming over his head.
100 Million Americans are UNEMPLOYED.
47.6 Million Americans are receiving WELFARE.
Republican or democrat, it is basically the same. They just want to keep the status quo.
Well happy labor day to you too, Anon 7:50 AM!
$16 trillion USA debt true, no thanks to regressive inaction of Congress, a few wars, prior Administration/Government policies that brought us here, and don't forget Corporate greed. But where are you getting the rest of your information? What are the sources?
Funny thing, US Department of Labor, 8/3/12 reports unemployment at 12.8 million, 8.3%. This is not the 100,000 million unemployed you claim. The entire USA population is less than 315 million people, includes children, the elderly, and those who cannot or do not work.
And what "welfare" are you referring to? Does that include subsidies to wealthy corporations? Or are you only talking about food stamps? On a bipartisan bases, Congress approved an increase in food stamps during this weak economy. For a broader perspective, see International Business Times, 6/27/12: "Most households on food stamps (75 percent) have children, seniors or disabled citizens. And most households (85 percent) have income that is below the poverty line ($23,050 for a family of four in 2012)."
100 million
It's not true that 100 million are unemployed. This is the number who are not in the work force, which includes retired people, disabled people, stay-at-home parents, students age 16 and over, people in institutions, unpaid people in family businesses, people in jobs or professions with unreported income, seasonal workers, and a lot of others. None of these people are unemployed. They are out of the labor force as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
100 Million Americans Not Reported In the Workforce, not paying taxes.
47.6 Million Americans Collecting Welfare.
However you spin it, you won't win it. Facts are facts.
However they report it, you distort it.
Fully a third of those not in the labor force are 65 or older. They're retired. They still pay taxes. "Not in the work force" is not the same as unemployed.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of August 3, 2012 the number of people not in the work force is 88 million, not 100 million. You rounded up by, oh, 12 million people. But it doesn't matter because these people are not unemployed. They're appropriately classified as not in the labor force. That does not mean they do not pay taxes.
Unemployed/underemployed/retired or otherwise not in the work force Americans pay taxes. Believe me, they pay taxes.
"47.6 Million Americans Collecting Welfare. However you spin it, you won't win it. Facts are facts." So spun by "facts are fantasy" Anonymous 9:40 AM
"46.7 million low income people provided FOOD STAMPS. See Bloomberg 9/5/12. "Former President George W. Bush expanded the program as part of the 2002 farm bill, Congress voted to expand it again in 2008, and Obama included extensions in his 2009 stimulus package." "$210 billion spent on food stamps, unemployment insurance and welfare in fiscal year 2012 is small compared to other spending."
This "safety net" helps people survive, and probably keeps down some crime. You need a better information source.
Unemployment insurance is a social insurance program, similar to social security. You pay into it from your paycheck. You can't collect unemployment insurance or social security unless you paid into it. A lot of employed people, especially in California, do not pay into social security (instead they pay into other retirement or pension plans like Cal-Pers) so they can't draw social security later on.
Food stamps and welfare are completely the opposite; they are means-tested so you have to be below a certain income level to receive benefits (unemployment insurance and social security are not means-tested) and you can receive benefits without having paid into the program. About half of the people receiving food stamp benefits are children.
16 Trillion in debt!
Spin your stats any way you like. I'm not voting for a Mormon. It's that simple.
99 weeks of unemployment.
52 weeks in a year.
Do the math!
The Marxists at the Presidential DNC Convention in Charlotte, NC are pissed off. There were more of them and Muslims, than Catholics and Christians, on the floor when the vote was taken.
Cleary the Nays won. A vote was just taken on the convention floor on whether God and Isreal should be supported. LA Mayor Villagaroisa ended up making the decision and brought God and Isreal back into the Democratic Platform. Ignoring the Marxists and Muslims.
LA Mayor Villagaroisa (D) has also been a strong proponent of Pension Reform and battling with the Teachers Unions. He is the only Democrat, on a recent interview , who has stated his concern about the 16 Trillion Debt.
Isn't that the guy who failed the CA Bar Exam so many times he gave up and decided to become a politician from CA? Even Pete Wilson managed to pass on the 4th attempt.
"..there were more of them (Marxists) and Muslims, than Catholics and Christians.." Anonymous 3:46 PM.
How is it you do not consider Catholics to be Christians? Did you miss something?
Very entertaining commentary, however fictional. But, I'll be voting with the party of inclusion, intelligence, equality, health care-- and by far the best convention party.
Guess you didn't have a Happy Labor Day?
So I know a guy who took the California Real Estate Brokers Exam 6 times to finally pass it. He makes more money in a year then all you windbags combined.
BTW, He just semi-retired at 60 and turned over the day to day operations to his son and daughter.
Whoa, he could reproduce? That's awesome!
It turns out the mayor was reading a script. What a bunch of losers. That was great theater.
You're kidding! A script! A politician with a script! Oh say it isn't so.
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