Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live internet feed, The meeting begins at 7pm, or shortly there following. City council updates and archives are available on the City website.
City Council Agenda, 9/10/12. New - Items listed below may include embedded pdf documents, illustration and photographs of interest. The link itself is no longer a pdf file with listed pages.
A. Closed session, 5:30 pm. Listed but no further information.
B. Open session
(7:00 pm)
Consent Calendar (pass through)
1. Approval of cash disbursements.
2. Approval of Minutes (meeting of 8/13/12).
3. Continuing proclamation of 4/7/10 local emergency, severe cliff erosion, revetment failure supporting storm drainage 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue.
4. Approval of subsidized State preschool classes, 2012-13 contract from San Mateo County, Office of Education, $277,469, no required budget authority. State reduction from last year, $24,128, part-day staff reduced. Consent Calendar (pass through)
1. Approval of cash disbursements.
2. Approval of Minutes (meeting of 8/13/12).
3. Continuing proclamation of 4/7/10 local emergency, severe cliff erosion, revetment failure supporting storm drainage 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue.
5. Notice of completion for the Collection System Capacity Improvement Projects: Palmetto Mainline Capacity upgrade. Fiscal year 2012-13 budget.
Fire inspection? Not needed here. |
7. Approve purchase of four (4) Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Sedans, fund 72, $103,643.24. Fiscal year 2012-13 budget.
8. Resolution for Pacifica Police Department to accept a $100,000 Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) grant award on behalf of the 9 north San Mateo cities (COAST task force) to combat and reduce under age 21 alcohol consumption.
Special presentation
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Fog Fest presentation
Public hearing
9. Consider approving a Planning Commission recommendation to approve a General Plan Amendment for a residential second unit, 900 Rosita Road. Project hearing 7/2/12; appeal 8/13/12.
10. Consider a resolution endorsing Proposition 37, the" California Right to Know Genetically Engineered (GE) Food" legislation.
11. Fire inspection process and fees letter from Sanchez Art Center, protesting the required "$150 fee to inspect each artist studio." The Art Center is asking for the entire building inspection to be common areas only, and the entire fee to be one only billed to the Sanchez Art Center.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Woohoo new cars, new trucks...already budgeted for I know but it's $450,000...pfft! Is it absolutely necessary? Or is it just easy?
Place your bets now on item #11.
Do we further subsidize all those artists, including that for-profit photog, or do we follow our own rules and charge for the service? Show of hands please!
Item 10 is a total waste of time.
6. $351,068.82.
7. $103,643.24.
No and No
Do these people understand we are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy ?????
We need to put all absolutely non EMERGENCY purchases on hold for now.
Besides, what if we do outsource, the police cruisers will go to the county.
Geez don't blow a gasket 506. You just don't understand. Listen to our heartfelt real sincere explanation...This money was already budgeted to be spent. See? It's not like we're spending it now and it's not like real money. Well,actually, the companies we're paying treat it as real money. And we're gonna get real cars and trucks with it. Snazzy stuff. We gotta do it. It can't be undone, OK? This money has little cars and trucks printed all over it. That's how we keep track of our budget. C'mon, trust us.
Yeah, let the county buy the new cruisers after the outsourcing after the failed tax measure after the election. Shared costs split among all the failed cities?
If the Council approves only one $150 charge for the Art Center, it will be because Pete gets his head around it. He was the one behind the extension of their lease paying the City practically nothing because Leone, Hall and all his other pals have kept him in office all these years. All the businesses in Rockaway Beach had to individually pay the $150. So are the artists saying if the fire is not in the common area, let the building burn down?
With all the paints and art supplies in that old building I'd think a very thorough fire inspection of each rented/unrented space would be the fire depts recommendation. They're the experts, not council, not the tenants. Are there any kilns on the premises? The low rents are enough of a gift/subsidy to the tenants. Is the city still paying the utilities? That should change. Aren't many of these really for profit and selling their work?
I support and donate to the art center, but , come on. Pay Your Fair Share!!!!!
How , why? do they think they get such a break when every other working stiff pays through the nose. This is disgusting and the subject bothers me the most. PAY YUR FAIR SHARE!!
Fire inspection fee is bullshit. Didn't have it in 2010, it was a made up budget fluffer in 2011. They came to my place of business and spent 3 minutes, I kid you not, and a few weeks later I get the bill for $150. Fee for service! Excuse me. It's a fee because they can, no other reason.
Every business in this town should tell them to go pound salt. They laid off the Fire Inspector so now they have to send an engine and 3 firefighters out to check your small business. Overkill, you think? This is a money grab, nothing else. Tell em to go take a flying leap!
Maybe they do pay their fair share and maybe they pay their own utilities, but as so often happens in this town, there is a lack of transparency if not outright concealment of the info. Public building and subsidized rents...This stuff should be public record and not require us to trust a council that so clearly is not deserving of the public's trust. And why would any lease be negotiated in closed session? As interesting as a blue collar-art community is, we do need to remember the budget is very blue collar.
No! Tell them to go grab some money at the Art Center.
anon750 Fees set because they can? No kidding. No more freebies from this broke-ass town! I support local business but you need to pay for your fire inspection just like everybody else. Or, make a strong enough argument to get the fee reduced. If they didn't inspect your premises as well as you want, ask them to check more. Waaawaaaawaaa.
#10 looks like it belongs on a Berkeley city council agenda. Who puts this crap on the agenda?
I don't blame the fire department, I blame these complete jackasses on city council. Kelp screwing over the very few business left in this sorry azz town.
Don't give these jackasses another dime.
And don't put that arrogant azz Campbell, on city council.
ABC=Anyone but Campbell.
Let the sheriff buy the new cars. We all know the council kicked the can down the road once again.
Consultant sheriff report still secret. Nothing at council about any document release. If anyone wants council to make decisions in public, attend monday night and complain under public comment toward end of agenda.
Did any of you call the DA about possible illegal secret meetings and votes? Do it.
Did you get off your ass and do it?
I love it, 20 people sitting around waiting for the guy sitting next to him to call or write the DA about Brown Act Violations.
lazy azzes
Email Rich Mahler, investigator SM District Attorney who is investigating this case.
The more people they hear from the more serious they take it.
(650) 363-4636
San Mateo County District Attorney's Office
Bureau of Investigation
400 County Center, 3rd Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
For what? Any violation of the new, not-so-improved Brown Act is borderline. The DA is busy with bigger fish. All this crap will produce is a letter saying Council didn't do wrong. Imagine the fun they'll have with that!
We can clean our own house. 3 new faces in November!
Agreed, 3 new faces in November.
Right, three new faces in November, one with only two years of experience just getting his feet under him and one who can't complete a logical thought. Really? That's what you want. Staff will run the show. I think you all are a bit daff if you think that's a good idea
9/11 758 Three new faces in November. Clean that house and move on. O'Neill, Vellone and Ervin bring a lot to any table.
9/11 2:28 doesn't make sense to me at all. We're in big trouble if all three are elected. Vellone, get real.
We need to keep Mary Ann. She is on the pro growth side. Don't throw baby out with the bath water.
Vellone is the only person I am voting for. She has volunteered more in fiscally important jobs to this City than then all the other candidates put together. She has a business in town that is successful and has been open for years.
Uh oh somebody doesn't like Suzy. You know what I like about her? If she's calculating how to use you, it doesn't show. Seems very honest and unrehearsed. I also respect her initiative and work ethic as a small business owner. She'll have a lot to learn, but her O'Neill and Ervin are a good mix of skills and smarts and Vellone can definitely keep up. Pro-growth? Sure they are, but as we've seen, anybody can fly that pro-growth banner. It's proven thus far to be pretty meaningless in Pacifica. Lookin' to change that and a few other things.
one must be able to balance their own checkbook, before they can handle the city's checkbook
No incumbents for me. Seen all I need to see. Wish we could make it 5 for 5.
anon 425 Vellone and O'Neill don't give me the creeps. And current council didn't recruit them and isn't embracing them. That's high praise. Very high praise.
@349 time to empty the tub!
No one for years has worked harder or done more to change the council than Mary Ann. She is smart and approaches the issues logically and fairly. She stands up for what she believes even when other council members are attacking her. She doesn't duck a tough vote even if you don't agree with her. Mary Ann does this cause she loves the town and that's it. For years she has been working for our community. She doesn't need us at all. I am grateful she has been willing to even run again.
Ask the teachers about whether O'Neill gives them the creeps
@616 Well then, it's time for her to take a well-deserved rest. Voted for her, believed in her, and have watched her be changed by the office. Enough.
anon 619 what? teacher's and their powerful union not crazy about O'Neill? well, that's music to my ears. he's probably the only candidate (or incumbent) with any real labor experience and that is going to be invaluable. he's a pragmatic straight-shooter, fiscally tough but compassionate about this town and he'll be a rock in the troubles ahead of us. we'll be lucky to get him.
@616 That's what she's been telling us. Where's the beef?
If one more politician says I am running because I love this country, state or city, I am going to vomit!
@740 I know what you mean. Spin that mawkish-meter right off the charts. Handy at the "feel good" empty gesture, they tend to be ineffective in office. Too emotionally needy to be problem-solvers. We don't have time for it.
I'm running because someone is chasing me.
If the economic survival of Pacifica concerns you, you should be voting for Vic Spano, Karen Ervin and, most importantly, Mary Ann Nihart. It’s really pretty obvious.
The ones here that are saying to get rid of Mary Ann are most likely no growth NIMBY's who would love to see her gone.
hutch you and 941 have got to be kidding. nihart and puppets? no thanks.
clean house
vellone and o'neill for sure
flip a coin for the other
It'll be Campbell, Ninhart and Vellone. Total waste of seats. Campbell's another nimby and an attorney. Can we say roadblock? Nihart we've seen. Ineffective before and after the election. Vellone has presence but a lot to learn and apparently Nihart is not a fan. Oh this is going to be fun. Maybe enough drama to distract us from whichever disaster strikes first?
Did we spend that $500,000 on cars and trucks that was on the agenda? I missed the meeting.
yes anon 941 the economic survival of Pacifica greatly concerns me which is why I'll vote for O'Neil.
The other 2 seats? Vellone is as qualified as anyone who's on council now...more than some. She gets my vote. Undecided on the other seat.
Anon 11:02, what do you mean, Nihart is ineffective? She is one of five, voting in the minority. She is also the smartest person I have ever seen on the Council. Give her some help and see how effective she can be. The best help would be Karen Ervin. We need brains more than “presence”.
Keep Mary Ann . If the Nimbys hate her she has to be good.
For years the council was dominated by the friends of the NIMBY's. Mary Ann and Len were out numbered 3 to 2. But look at how much Len and Mary Ann have accomplished just since Vreeland left. Finnaly got the assisted living center approved and over road Pete and Sue to move forward on freeway widening. If we elect another level headed pro progress council person there will be no stopping us.
No worrys though, Mary Ann will win no problem.
You never know. Its a national election so expect higher then normal around 50%. People vote happy when the wallet and bank account are full, and vote angry and want to remove people when the bank and wallet is empty.
Pacifica's, wallet and bank account are both empty.
It's the cities wallet that is empty, not the voters.
Karen Ervim is a name I never heard of before because I do not have any connection with the school district. Ok, so I hear she is smart but saive within Pacifica is what is getting my vote. She has one of my three. Don't know who else has the other two yet but definitely not Campbell.
Um. Excuse me Richie Rich. Voters Wallets ARE EMPTY.
A.B.C =Anyone but Campbell.
Just cause your wallet is empty, that doesn't mean every wallet is empty.
Why do I get a feeling this is a post by Mr Clever!
I think the City is much closer to bankruptcy than 99% of Pacificans.
Individuals tend to live within their means and not promise all our friends and family that they can retire at 55 and we'll pay for everything.
Hutch, you mean the ones that have not been foreclosed on already!
The only person on council including all the city staff that know how screwed the city is Mary Ann. She went to all the department heads after she was elected and talked to everyone.
Hutch, are you forgetting that our Mayor takes his job very very seriously!!
beyond pathetic excuse after excuse
dump them all
Hutch at 806 fast and loose with the facts as usual.
bankruptcy seems to be on the back burner along with outsourcing and controversial budget cuts like the PRC
watch for these items to gain prominence after the election and in the build up by council for a taxx measure
bunch of conniving manipulative politicians good for little other than playing the public for fools
anon 1152 oh brother
" and loose" (616), "oh brother" (801)
I think your brief predatory comments are about you, not about Hutch, and not about the other anonymous.
no, fast and loose with the facts definitely was about hutch
Not abc but NBC! Nobody But Campbell. Or NO. No O'Niel or BS Block Spano!
"Not abc but NBC! Nobody But Campbell. Or NO. No O'Niel or BS Block Spano!"..........
You forgot VMM (Vreeland Mini-Me)
Block Spano
Nix Nihart
and ABC
Steve, okay you and I have had the following conversation several times, and you have restored the following comments (the same comments I have found objectionable and have rejected).
Please explain to Hutch and to the rest of us why you have insisted that an anonymous person, with no further explanation, is allowed to post the following comments:
1) "Hutch at 806 fast and loose with the facts as usual." (9/12, 6:16 PM). And 2) "no, fast and loose with the facts definitely was about hutch." (9/13, 3:34 PM).
This is mean-spirited attack on a named person who contributes with good information. The attacking liar is anonymous. Think such distracting nonsense to single-out and discredit others has any fair value whatsoever? Short answer: It does not.
BTW, here's your own comment policy rules: "People may comment anonymously, but any comments that degenerate into 1) personal attacks against individual blog participants; 2) incomprehensible gibberish; or 3) attempts to turn conversations into grade-school playground brawls, will be removed."
For sure the comments are personal attacks, and have violated your rule #1, and possibly rule #3. Come on, get real about allowing this kind of personal abuse to others. Such personal attacks are not fair and they are not civil.
@450 anon9/11 that's a very snarky comment. can't be sure who you're attacking and it sounds very very personal so guess i'll disregard. always an option, right?
On a positive note I heard that an investigation by the DA into City Council is proceeding. That is a good sign. If there was not strong evidence of criminal wrong doing they would not even have opened a case.
The ruling just came down from Kathy, the hall monitor.
Make sure you print out plenty of detention slips Meeh!!
regardless of who wins in november i expect the tax measure recommended by fcstf to be revived just as soon as it's politically safe to do so. january? expect the message from city hall to be dire, pacifica to be desperate, shaken by painful cuts, ominous predictions, here comes that crime wave again, threats, coercion, the usual council melodrama. so they try the tax, voters say no. then blame the voters for forcing council to outsource. if we can still outsource. Or, the tax passes and it's Parteee. this town will spend like a drunken sailor. no restrictions on the use of those funds in a simple majority wins measure.
basically, council wasted the entire year 2012 on political posing and manipulating our fiscal disaster to get the outcome they preferred but wouldn't take the heat for.
anon504 was that from a reliable and verifiable source, ie, someone at the DA's office?
NMM=no more money
These clueless souls on council seem to have squandered any chance of getting the taxpayers and property owners to pony up yet again.
Oh and Mayor Pete, the arts in Sanchez is very important to Pacficia. Ya Pete so are tar balls.
"Hall monitor" huh, guess that's better than being a shadow, Anonymous 5:15 PM.
Words matter. Personal attack comments without substance or proper description are potentially damaging to others.
When such irresponsible attacks are made by anonymous people who are not accountable, such a policy is reckless. And in this instance, allowance of such nonsense is wisely stated as against blog policy.
Maybe you don't find attacking others disturbing Anonymous, but then you're anonymous. Give us your name and let us attack you. See how you feel about that. If you like it, maybe we can continue until you're totally discredited.
@606 what's the rush? you can be bumboozled into voting for a tax next year, right?
Mayor Pete will give his state of the state tomorrow at the Pac Dem mtg. 9:30, Sharp Park Golf Course. Should be entertaining. Wonder if we still have 7 Million in reserves?
Aaah, a milestone moment. Will he get the lovely golden tar ball to go with his lovely golden council pension?
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