Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Loma Prieta Sierra Club Resolution against quarry development

Loma Prieta Siera Club worked against the pending 1.3 mile highway widening improvement.  They endorsed Pacifica city council candidates in the last city council election. Their membership includes San Benito, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.  What is this?  How about leave our city alone, you've already done enough damage, and as a city we may never recover.

Apparently Loma Prieta Sierra Club and similar intent organizations have been interfering with Pacifica progress  for several years. They sent their members here to defeat quarry development 6 years ago. Counter to their resolution claim of "endangered species protection", to my knowledge Peebles quarry geological research found no San Francisco Garter Snakes on the property, and frogs only in the pond. The property qualified as redevelopment (limestone, greenstone, dumped highway dirt).

Resolution against Pacifica quarry development, aka:  Protection of Pacifica Quarry, adopted August 2009:

Sierra Club delivers support to our city
WHEREAS the Pacifica quarry is home to a vibrant wetland habitat which includes an endangered species: the San Francisco garter snake, and a threatened species the red-legged frog; and

WHEREAS the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club has consistently opposed development proposals on this site; and

WHEREAS the California Coastal Commission has established 300' setbacks from Calera Creek (c.f. California Coastal Commission finding; F5a-7-2008, pgs 13 and 14) and adopted the findings contained in the Swaim report (c.f. Status of the San Francisco Garter Snake at Pacifica Quarry, San Mateo, California, pg 26) for the purpose of habitat conservation to sustain and enhance the existence of both an endangered species and a threatened species;

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club supports continued recognition and protection of the land form known as the Pacifica Quarry as containing significant functional environmentally sensitive habitat area (ESHA)." 

Related  - The Sierra Club Loma Prietan newsletter, January/February, 2012.
The Chapter has made its opposition clear. "We wrote to the San Mateo County Transportation Authority in 2010."
Note:  This Resolution was also posted by me following the Fix Pacifica reprint of a 8/14/12 Pacifica Tribune Letter to the Editor by Frank Vella. Hope we all  understand that Pacifica NIMBYS have not been alone their successful effort to holding back Pacifica progress.  

Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Should be interesting how the candidates answer the Sierra Club questionaire. I think that in the spirit of open and transparent government (hard to write that between fits of hysterical laughter) they should release their answers to the trib, this blog, and patch.

Hutch said...

Agree Anon. Just like with the Sierra Club backing Leo Leon for Jim Vreelands seat. You know who to not vote for.

Anonymous said...

The Sierra Club would much rather see bankrupt Pacifica like the Hippies. Way to go.