At least Pacifica City Council leaders focus on "our environment", and to a lesser extent "our economy".
![]() |
Congressman Todd Akins may survive, or not. |
Hence, the good news is that in an instant Akins managed to unite almost all Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Republicans may already have an alternative candidate to run for the Senate in Missouri.
The following is political satirist Andy Borowitz letter to voters "reshuffled" for the benefit of Todd Akins and his campaign:
"Dear Voter:
Over the weekend, I made remarks suggesting that rape could be legitimate and that a uterus could think. Today, I would like to offer every woman in Missouri my deepest apology. If your uterus could talk, I’ll bet it would have some choice words about old Todd right about now.
Congress, spend more time solving economic issues? |
.... On the other hand, if I lose, I’ll come back to Missouri and be released into the general population. The choice is yours, Missouri. I hope you’ll act like a uterus and do the smart thing.
Vote for me,
Read full article, The New Yorker/The Borwitz Report (The News, reshuffled)/Andy Borowitz, 8/21/12. "An apology from Todd Akin."
Reference - CNN/Tom Cohen, 8/21/20, the real news story, includes text and videos.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Act like a uterus? Wow, I could have lived another 40plus years without reading those words. Thanks ever so much.
Out Out Out! Get out! Missouri is too good for the likes of an Akin. He belongs in some Taliban cave in Afghanistan. Scat!
Is it just me or does he look a little like Jim Vreeland?
I noticed the very same thing.
When Roman Polanski raped a 13 year old girl Whoopi Goldberg on the view said that rape isn't that bad. Pres Clinton pardoned Polanski. Where was democratic outrage?
Akin apologized. The Democrats and Media don't want to talk about the real issues that are important to Americans. Jobs Jobs and Jobs.
Rape victims go into shock from trauma. Most victims do not become pregnant because of shock. I think that is what Akin meant. He must know someone who was raped. I do.
Awww, why am I not surprised we have an Akin apologist in Pacifica? And he's made it political. I'm in shock hahaha.
Anon428 Akin's comment is such a
towering momument to stupidity
that it easily overshadowed all
other news. Tell him to keep his
mouth shut and we'll get back to
@428 anon oh please please please tell me you haven't reproduced.
Umm Meeh, what does this have to do with Pacifica???
Clinton did not pardon Polanski.
"Pregnancy resulting from rape is not rare. In fact, a woman is more than twice as likely to get pregnant during a rape than during consensual sex." - Popular Science.
Why is this on Fix Pacifica?
And how does this article fix Pacifica?
This guy is a dipweed. But what does this really have to do with fixing Pacifica?
This is a distraction from our real problems that we need to discuss.
Who cares about a far off politician who probably won't even get elected?
Distracted from "..our real problems that we need to discuss." Anonymous 6:05 PM
On this blog, you may find other articles where Pacifica is sinking directly under its immediate "real problems". And you may wish to comment where you feel comfortable, or better submit your own article. Instructions are listed on the blog upper left. As
Social engineering is going on in "far off" Congress, and in the States. This article is closer to affecting all of us than you think. Congressman Todd Akins probably said nothing other than what is being discussed among his colleagues, including those who have distanced themselves from him.
Meantime regarding "jobs, jobs, jobs", Congress could be more productive, Anon 4:28 PM. As a political strategy, they chose the alternative.
But, here's a "pro-life" source that includes what appears to be scientific statistics and information which you might be willing to view. See Rethinking Education About Life, item 2, subset A, "Rape". Babies are born from rape, variables are considered. Medical treatment following the rape is effective.
Why is the comment I submitted several hours ago not showing up?
Which comment was that Anonymous?
natural selection anon 912
"Why is the comment I submitted several hours ago not showing up?"
There were lots of comments in the spam box. I restored some of the most recent ones.
Anonymous, 5:31 PM5:46 PM, 9:12 PM.
You seem to be selective stuck between Pacifica boarders in an anonymous world. Why not submit articles you understand. Submission policy stated upper left blog.
Natural deselection, 9:40 PM.
It seems like every article that is pertinent and important to Pacifica gets stepped on by some esoteric drivel that you can listen to on Fox or CNN or anywhere else. I'm interested in what's going to fix Pacifica and the crazy people here, not the morons in Washington, or Richmond for that matter.
No kidding. Some democrats have their panies in a bunch cause they have a serious party problem. What's the problem? Losing support. So they use George Soros and all his billions (who by the way hates America ) to scour the press releases to watch everymove and word spoken from people they do not like. Then they turn the words around and have the WH media whores run it 24/7. Meanwhile, American's are starving, Children are homeless and Kathy Meeh wants us to know that babies are born from rape. Wow. Get out of here. You're killing me. How's that Quarry development working out for you? Sick of it. You people are hopless.
While media is attacking Republican Senate Candidate Akin, for saying nothing wrong, meanwhile, Democratic Congress woman Lopez said this;
"I only voted no on the bill because I support the troops, but don't support the war, " Lopez said. "Besides, if these numbskulls would quit enlisting, we wouldn't need to support the stupid fucks. That last part's off the record, by the way."
Outraged? You should be. I'd rather support our troops than the 2.6 million illegal aliens that currently reside in California and that number has grown since it was last reported by the government. . Democrats made the whole state of California a Sanctuary State.
But, Kathy Meeh won't allow this to be posted.
More than half of all Americans are at least partially dependent on the Government.
But I want to hear more about Akin poor choice of words. That is more important to me.
Referring to Democrats, you said "... they have a serious party problem." No name Anonymous 10:45 AM.
Huh, my article comment was: "At least Pacifica City Council leaders focus on "our environment", and to a lesser extent "our economy"."
But since you've accelerated the commentary... following the posting of this article, I learned the Republican party endorsed an anti-women, anti-existing law, reproductive statement in their 2012 Platform draft. Yet, Republican leadership has rejected Todd Akins, who essentially stated the same as the Republican platform. Don't you find that curious? Is the Republican party hiding their true Agenda, and if so why? He's their guy.
Related to this issue, here's a good blog reference you'll appreciate: " Hollywood Gossip/Mitt Romney." Also, an easy to understand analysis of current Republican party strategy is posted on Pacifica Riptide,8/19/12.
Hey guys, it's all about ME! You know, Fix Pacifica. Conversations about what is going on in Missouri or DC are not going to address my issues here. Get with the program! Please.
"..I'd rather support our troops than the 2.6 million illegal aliens that currently reside in California." Anonymous 12:03 PM
And how do you reconcile that of those who enlist to fight our wars are illegal aliens? Overdue, our Nation needs a reasonable immigration policy. You said, 2.6 million people in California are "illegal". These are residents who contribute to our economy. They are people doing no harm for the most part. Think you can roundup a posse or a Gestapo, track them all down and deport them; then keep them out? Good luck.
Besides your comment about Representative Linda Lopez, Arizona seems to be nowhere. Well, here's something, but I don't understand it, and I don't care. As usual, you're off topic, and you have not provided a credible reference link.
And Pacifica Petunia 12:35 PM, it wouldn't matter what city or topic, Anonymous 12:03 PM would not relate. So on this thread, either have something yourself to contribute, or you might as well wilt. This article was intended to be informative but satirically "lite" (a move on kind of article), rather than a national political kerfuffle forum for the fringe right-wing knuckleheads.
I guess it's just an amazing coincidence that so many of your 'intended to be informative but satirically "lite"' articles both have nothing to do with Pacifica and stir up lots of noisy right-wing trolls.
"'s just an amazing coincidence.." Twisted Anonymous 2:59 PM.
Its just an "amazing coincidence" that "noisy right-wing" comments from nowhere show up on ANY blog articles, not just this one. Guess you missed that.
FMV the right wing comments are less twisted a than your recent troll attacks on individuals who post blog comments. And your anonymous insistence that that ALL blog articles should be limited to Pacifica are just that: your comments, and limited. How dull! Articles have value, that's why we post them.
So there!
Please, Kathy. There at least a million non-Pacifica blogs out there that are more appropriate for your tired partisan copy and pasting. Why don't you please spare people who care about Pacifica from all your predictable tea party pot-stirring?
"There at least a million non-Pacifica blogs out there.." Anonymous 10:02 PM
Yep, go find one of those million blogs for yourself. From comments you have been posting here, clearly you're way more interested in twisted attacks than productive commentary.
The problem is that there aren't any decent blogs about Pacifica, but there are plenty for your political garbage. Since this passes as the best place to talk about Pacifica, why don't you show a little restraint with your partisan noise or else take it to one of those other places with more people of your kind?
"The problem is that there aren't any decent blogs about Pacifica.." Anonymous 11:07 PM
Oh well, only 2 blogs, 2 news organizations and 1 local television station, pitty.
But, oh wait, you want to restrain political city or national dialog, and embrace lopsided city or national political misinformation? There must be a blog for that somewhere. How about you go find it for yourself?
Anyhow thanks for the cheap anonymous political advice, and no thanks for the noise that came with it.
For Christ's sake Kathy, will you stop responding to every complaint about the blog? It's not realistic to expect everyone to love what you post or your opinions.
I hate it when people say, "Deal with it," but in this case, you have to learn to deal with it.
Butt out Steve. You allow selective anonymous hit/annoyance blog comments. Swell, I'm dealing with it. You don't like it, stop the nonsense hit/annoyance comments in advance, rather than the response.
What's twisted about this generalized repeated anonymous "political restriction" comments at the core is restriction of women's rights.
Women, Republican women and men better pay attention to what is being promoted by their political party, and what is included in the Republican platform, 2012. As women gain shared cultural power, economic clout; and as world population increases, the party is advocating against birth control. In this instance, the party is advocating that rape babies be brought to term without exception. Nice.
Meantime, Anonymous advocates for restricting the voice, rather than the alert. And that truly is noise according to his own definition.
Very unprofessional Steve
Kathy, on this blog people are allowed to disagree. You're falling into the trap of thinking that those who disagree with you are attacking you.
People have a very hard time recognizing their own biases, whch is one of the reasons I don't trust either of us to decide what political opinions belong on the blog or not. If we start blocking comments that we don't like, then this blog becomes an echo chamber where only one point of view is heard. That's what Riptide had become, and one of the reasons this blog got started in the first place.
Although I don't like seeing this sort of thing on the blog. I don't see that Kathy did anything out of line. If you don't like her comments well don't read them. As you said Steve "on this blog people are allowed to disagree" So let Kathy disagree.
You're only seeing the tip of the iceberg on this, Hutch. Kathy and I have had an ongoing argument about what gets posted and what doesn't.
As far as I'm concerned, it's anything goes unless it involves personal attacks or someone hijacks the blog.
I'm sure she'll correct me if she thinks I'm wrong, but Kathy wants much stricter controls on who can post, but from what I can tell, her criteria for blocking comments are basically if she disagrees strongly with it, she blocks it.
"Very unprofessional Steve"
Nobody's making money off this blog.
My main concern is balancing the ability to let people say what they want vs. allowing the blog to become a Crazy Train.
Let her post. She's a big girl. She runs the risk of losing all credibility and of becoming a novelty, someone we roll our eyes at and disregard outright, but that's her choice. Is it not?
I'm worried about the blog's credibility.
If the person who posts the most loses credibility, it reflects on the blog.
BTW - I've never removed anything Kathy's posted, other than a picture of someone who is outright banned here.
oooh who's banned? Give us initials. TB? PL?
Dish it.
"..anything goes unless it involves personal attacks or someone hijacks the blog." Steve Sinai 11:08 AM
You're right, we disagree. Personal attacks and abuse in multiple forms continue on this blog.
Disagreement among bloggers? As bloggers we have different view points. But FMV twisted information and language with obvious intent to confuse should be disallowed. (Bloggers do make an attempt to countering such nonsense, net result is often muddled).
As we've discussed, my views are conventional: "everything" should not be a go. This is a public forum, bloggers should be responsible both in comments and language.
BTW Anonymous 11:39 AM, don't worry about my credibility, that is not in question or at risk. Worry about your own credibility, more of a concern based upon your comment.
"I've never removed anything Kathy's posted, other than a picture of someone who is outright banned here."
Steve Sinai 12:25 pm
Ha, that is only in recent times. And I've removed several of my own comments as well. Sorry that picture was suppose to be a landscape, it flipped into a persons face.
Sinai has a point. I find I skip over Kathy's post more and more often. Just saying.
"oooh who's banned"
The guy who left for Texas, couldn't make a go of it there, and then went to Pennsylvania.
i'd just like to see pertinent pacifica topics remain at the top for longer. when other articles are immediately posted the pacifica article disappears down the line. if it happens on a slow day it may not get any "air time" and we may miss some good discussions. how about we leave pacifica hot topics up on top for longer than an hour or so. this is the most important election we have faced in over 25 years. we need informed commentary and comment pushing an economic and fiscally responsible candidate, or three.
All of these a "anonymous" comments are really annoying. At least require people to pick a memorable nick-name so an intelligable debate can follow.
Steve 1:15 PM, likely example of an attack comment I'd send to spam.
Jim 1:23 PM, "how about we leave Pacifica hot topics up on top for longer than an hour or so". I agree. And that is what happens most of the time, but not 1 hour, more likely 4 to 6 hours, or longer. Exceptions, coupled articles, and some general interest articles I post. Check it out. Otherwise, bloggers are pretty good at scrolling down the page.
Sinai is webmaster, so how about we follow his lead?
If we are going to debate issues running up to this City election, let's focus on those issues and can the side chatter and extraneous postings.
I for one would like to see nothing but council issue debate until November.
Isn't that blog life Jimbo. 15 minutes of fame and all. Keeps those candidates on their toes and
striving for those bigger and better headlines.
"..the side chatter and extraneous postings. I for one would like to see nothing but council issue debate until November." Anonymous 1:52 PM
Please post all these articles you wish. So far your score is 0. But, I'm quite sure you posted other anonymous comments in favor of restraining public dialog on this thread. Extending the same to the blog itself, what a concept.
Meantime, we'll continue with a broad and narrow perspective, your view of "the side chatter and extraneous postings".
I love public comment. I really enjoy many points of view on the issues. I actually appreciate the hopefully many readers who look but do not post.
Again, Mr Sinai is the webmaster. How about that fact be respected?
"If we are going to debate issues running up to this City election, let's focus on those issues and can the side chatter and extraneous postings"
Except for USC football scores.
USC scored?
"..Sinai is the webmaster. How about that fact be respected?" 2:35 PM
Steve is not limiting dialog, nor is he limiting conversation. And the free-for-all with few exceptions continues. Respect is a non-issue except as you manipulate the politics of the meaning.
Again there is nothing preventing you from submitting articles, except for your anonymous cover. Good luck!
"twisted information and language with obvious intent to confuse should be disallowed"
Kathy, don't you see that's exactly what you're doing? People are just asking you to lay off the national political stuff that brings in all the Agenda 21 wingnuts that start to make this blog intolerable. And then you start arguing with them which makes it even more intolerable.
You don't have to agree with it, but it's a valid request to ask that a blog called "Fix Pacifica" focus on just that. Hysterically proclaiming that people making that request are somehow violating your rights sounds like "language with obvious intent to confuse" to me.
Well you made the same comment or some variation on 8/21, 5:31 PM, 5:46 PM, 6:05 PM, 8/22, 7:50 AM, 2:59 PM, 8/22 12:35 PM, 10:02 PM, 8/23 11:29 AM, 1:52 PM, 2:35 PM, 2:40 PM. Now at 3:16 PM.
To which I replied to you in some variation on 8/22, 12:28 PM, 2:59 PM, 9:32 PM, 10:37 PM, 8/23, 12:38 AM, 9:23 AM, 3:11 PM. And now.
Your restrictive script doesn't appeal to me. By comparison, I prefer those you call "wingnuts", who are against such world science and regional innovations as Agenda 21. The negative comments on this thread are primarily coming from you, a person, not as you claim "people".
Again, here's how you can solve the problem you have with me. 1) Want different blog articles? No problem post them (under your real name). 2) Want better comments? No problem, post them, rather than whining about me and others. 3) Can't tolerate direct commentary that isn't twisted from others or myself? No problem, skip the text and move on, rather than dwelling on how "intolerable" it all is for you.
Once again, I agree with you that "twisted information and language with obvious intent to confuse should be disallowed", which is also once again exactly what you are doing.
"The negative comments on this thread are primarily coming from you"
- Ignoring the fact that you obviously cannot discern one anonymous from another, please refer to previous comments from Sinai and Jim Wagner (a couple of the very few people who identify themselves here, even though anyone could make up an identity), who have asked you to please focus on things related to Pacifica.
"Want different blog articles? No problem post them"
- Once again you are "twisting to confuse". No one is asking for different articles. They are asking people to stay on topic, and to not post unrelated articles over and over again. You are the only one who refuses to do so, thus ruining the experience for everyone else.
"Can't tolerate direct commentary that isn't twisted from others or myself?"
- You are the only one who keeps bringing up "twisting" and are most likely the only one who understands what that even means.
" are ruining the experience for everyone else." Anonymous 8:27 PM. Really?
No you are living in your own bubble. And the narrow, negative world is all yours.
The comment by Jim Wagner, 8/23, 1:23 PM was: " about we leave Pacifica hot topics up on top for longer than an hour or so." My reply to him: "I agree.. but not 1 hour, more likely 4 to 6 hours, or longer." (8/23, 1:52 PM).
Comments by Steve Sinai: 8/23, 10:33 AM, "I don't trust either of us (referring to me) to decide what political opinions belong on the blog or not." And 11:08 AM: "As far as I'm concerned, it's anything goes unless it involves personal attacks or someone hijacks the blog."
Got it yet? Personally I think you have made a series of personal attacks, and you have also hijacked the blog forcing an absurd commentary. I hope Steve will agree.
How ridiculous. Your last comment is basically "you disagree with me so your opinions are wrong".
Kathy is obviously against free discourse, so tea baggers please complain.
"Got it yet? Personally I think you have made a series of personal attacks, and you have also hijacked the blog forcing an absurd commentary. I hope Steve will agree."
I'm sorry, but I don't agree. Nobody's calling you names, Kathy. Disagreement is not the same thing as a personal attack.
If you want the "absurd" commentary to end, stop feeding it by always responding. That only prolongs it.
"..stop feeding it by always responding." Steve Sinai 11:28 PM.
Steve, look again. This series of nonsense comments coming from an anonymous person is not about rational disagreement. That was gone a long time ago. Its BS, and its abusive. Even the quotes he made back to you and Jim were wrong. So I'm requesting you end it.
OK people, move along. Nothing to see here.
As long as you're both here. Is there anything you can do to set the captia so it's easier to read? The last few weeks it seems harder to read. Or maybe I'm going blind.
I don't think there's a way to change the size of the captia, Hutch. I tried turning it off altogether a few days ago, and we immediately started getting hit with commercial spam.
It does seem like captia is getting more difficult to read.
Ok oh well. I know sometimes you can pick different formats but that's alright.
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