Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Measure H

The College District has grossly misspent previous bond money, using it for projects such as paying off CSM faculty housing debt ($48 million, building a private Athletic Club with bond money, and spending $90 million on the College Center at CSM. The cost to construct this building comes out to $650 per square foot!  And the "Yes" campaign is financed by companies that are being paid by bond and tax money.

Please visit www.votenoonmeasureh.wordpress.com for information about past spending as well as about projects the District plans to build if this newest bond measure passes (including $100,000,000 to replace the theater at Skyline and $30,000,000 to remodel and expand the four year-old building that houses the private SM Athletic Club). Neither project is mentioned in the intentionally vague language of the ballot argument.

Submitted by

Donna Bischoff, CSM and Canada student

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no more property taxes! I just got my 2014 tax bill, there is over $1300 of taxes related to school taxes. On top of that... most schools are developing their distant learning that allows students to weave learning into their day as many of them hold jobs to afford school. Additional building makes no sense.