personally want to set the record straight about a politically
motivated letter last week that claimed I was affiliated with one of the
many blogs in town. These types of last minute unfounded charges are
routine in political campaigns, as voters can see throughout California
and the nation.
I am not affiliated with any blog. I only seek to make Pacifica a better community for our families."
Oh yeah, more bad politics from the Gang of NO, Riptide follow-up is fair (not), and is true (not) |
Reference, Fix Pacifica newspaper reprint article -
Pacifica Tribune, Letters to the Editor, 10/22/14, "Don't fix Pacifica" by BJ Nathanson. "Editor: Victor
Spano's slogan is "Fix Pacifica." It's on his signs and his website. He
was even handing out water bottles that said "Fix Pacifica" on them at
the Fog Fest. ....
It is one
thing to be endorsed BY Fix Pacifica, but Victor's campaign appears to
be an endorsement OF Fix Pacifica. He will not be getting my vote."
Related, Fix Pacifica comment -
Bob Hutchinson, 10/29/14, 9:43 PM, from "More NIMBY tricks: Riptide smear attempt strikes at mainstream candidates." "Another example of socialist type censorship over on
I made 3
comments about Ian's statement about Victor being untrue and John didn't
post one of them. The last one didn't even mention Ian. I said, 'For the 3rd time, it is not true that Victor threatened to sue BJ for slander.'
I guess they're not big on truth.
Hmmm didn't Castro, Lennon and Stalin behave like this? Can
we do a story on this?
I have dozens of comments that John never posted.
He doesn't want me over there fine. He'll lose half his 45 posters. GO GIANTS!!!!"
Someone also once said. I will not belong to any club, or organization that would let me join.
Are you people serious? No one cares whether Spano actually uttered the words "I will sue you for slander." Quit playing with your smelly red herrings. The stink sticks to you and your candidate. The intent of the call is perfectly clear with the mention of "lawyer" to anyone who hears it. Could you be any clumsier in your attempts to dissemble and divert? You are on Spano's side, right? Right?
I only asked Steve Sinai if I could use the name of his blog as my campaign slogan, made several posts about the connection between my campaign and the blog to my Facebook page, made several posts to the blog itself, and named Kathy Meeh, one of the two moderators of Fix Pacifica as an endorsement on my official campaign literature, BUT OTHER THAN THAT, no affiliation to that blog.
Nope, none whatsoever!
Actually it was "PLEASE ACCEPT MY RESIGNATION. I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB THAT WILL ACCEPT PEOPLE LIKE ME AS A MEMBER". - Groucho Marx. Not to be confused with the other Marx whom they would love to have as a member.
Hmmm didn't Castro, Lennon and Stalin behave like this?
Didn't you mean Ringo?
824, I'm listed as an endorser on both Spano and O'Neill flyers, along with a long list of other Pacificans.
And 824, on which Gang of NO flyers under your own name are you listed as an endorser? Your little anti-progress campaign is really sounding stupid. And 735, what?
735 Doesn't change the fact that Ian Butler outright lied. Victor never said what Ian quoted him as saying. Not even close. That IS slander, and an attack on Victors reputation.I actually hope Victor does sue Butler, take him down a few pegs. One day Ian is going to really piss off the wrong person.
Ian went after Tod S and another x resident of Pacifica.
He smelled some possible cash from the Chang family and latched on to them.
Now he tries this stuff with Spano.
You go to the well once too many times and the well turns up dry.
Every now and again you make sense.
945 Yeah, Castro, Lenin and Stalin also wanted to silence their critics, but they didn't use an answering machine to deliver the message.
Butler better hope Spano wins. That's his only chance. But if he loses he can blame Ian and sue for everything he would have gotten from the council position. About $60K for 4 years plus the damage to his reputation you caused by falsely quoting him. You got that stashed away Butler? It's alright they'll attach your wages, I will personally contribute to Victors legal fund.
In other unreported Pacifica News:
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Chris Fogel
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1225 yeah, they used a letter to the editor, and a Rip blog.
Kathy, your time for those high RPM spins is behind you. I tell you not as a friend but as a tortured reader.
Meeh, your 320 is goofy even for you. Has it occurred to you or Hutch and your anon-alter egos that you've done more damage on here to Spano than little old Riptide could ever do? Probably not. Which one advised him to make that call? The leaving the message part was all Spano, right?
1:18 that's the stupidest thing I've yet to read on this blog. good luck with your legal theory.
Nobody goes there, noticed or cares anymore Fogel
Kathy your 320 is desperate and offensive. Lenin, Stalin and Castro killed millions. For Hutch to blithely compare a blog's editorial policy to these monsters is not surprising. Not sure what you're stretching to compare, but this one's beneath you. It really is.
Wow, hard to believe but this post has set a new low for blatantly untrue BS on this site:
"Ian went after Tod S and another x resident of Pacifica."
Wrong. Tod S went after Ian first and he's continued his verbal attacks in person at every chance encounter. The x resident of Pacifica was another unhinged individual, who to my knowledge has been banned from posting here for quite some time because of his ranting, bitter, hateful posts that got more and more frequent and deranged after his move to Texas.
"He smelled some possible cash from the Chang family and latched on to them."
This is a truly despicable claim. Ian and his wife reached out to the Chang family as caring fellow human beings, to offer comfort and support. He felt honored to be able to help, through his t.v. show, to provide a clearer look at Errol's story. Money? WTF.
"Now he tries this stuff with Spano."
Spano did what he did on his own. Why is this conversation even about Ian? Why isn't it about what it's really about, which is that Victor made some poor choices, then overreacted to a letter to the Editor, then made more poor choices.
This has almost nothing to do with Spano, it's not what the backlash on here is about at all. This is a reaction to Kathy Meeh being specifically named and Fix being called out, as a venomous cesspool of illogical rubbish and mean spirited posts and comments.
"You go to the well once too many times and the well turns up dry."
What does that even mean?
Here's a few things you should know about Ian. He's a funny, kind, caring, intelligent, honest man, has a lot of common sense and uses logic and reason daily. He knows how to work together with a group of diverse people towards a shared goal to get things done.
For many years now Ian has said yes wherever possible to requests of his time and talents for countless different events around town. Everything he does, announcing the Fog Fest parade, playing music at the Pier party or wherever, running the sound for the Earth Day celebration or Mildred Owen Hall events, picking up litter here there and everywhere, volunteering with the Beach coalition or Environmental family, hosting Wavelength on PCT etc. etc. - all of this is done for free. He contributes to the community that he cares about. Actions, not just words.
Nasty posts and comments on this website are never going to result in any positive results or changes. What are you folks contributing?
Sue for loss of council salary and benefits? He'd have to lose and prove he lost due to BJ's letter. Impossible to prove. Damage to his reputation? He's the idiot who made the call and, in an unbelievably stupid move, left a voice mail with an implied threat of his own legal action. No one was under any obligation to keep it a secret.
603 He would be suing Ian Butler, not BJ. Pretty easy to prove Ian lied, misquoted Victor and damaged his reputation. It's all in writing and the convo is recorded.
401, spin, spin, spin. "Little old Riptide" has been busy, busy, busy doing whatever damage it can to candidates who will bring improvement to this city, and promoting those city council candidates that will not. Yet what viable economic and highway solutions for this city do you offer? Still waiting....
Clearly from the twisted comments here yesterday, some of you got lost on the way to "little old Riptide". So when you complain about Fix Pacifica's comments, really you're just complaining about your own "desperate and offensive" comments, right 511?
345, 401, yes you're no friend, but try to say what you mean, rather than attack. That could be helpful.
502, I care about the interruption or lost of Chris Fogel's Pacifica Index website. And so should you. The city should hire him to index city information. That would be a good use of city money.
5:53 nice post Ian or Avril
Old man Maybury needs a vacation every year after election time. 2 if his buddies don't win.
Keener the Greener had Noel Bancoe out passing out fliers for him. It was a hot day and the poor old guy was exhausted. He could barely make it walking up and down the hills. Why didn't Kenner the Greener, walk around and put out fliers. I know he did it once.
Greener has also been making some pretty pompous and idiotic comments about sitting council and people running for office. You would think someone who claims to be a phd would have more common sense.
In other unreported Pacifica news:
The castle house on Clarendon, that Barry Zito, falsely reported purchased, is in foreclosure.
A Mil 7 owing on this property.
Some appraiser did the drive by appraisal by not even driving by.
749 Common sense is not so common, you being a perfect example. Respect for our elders pretty scarce, too. Noel Blincoe has handed out flyers and organized teams to do so for his candidates for decades. He's elderly, had a stroke last year, but he he's going to support what he believes in as best he can.
Hutch, unless Spano again follows real bad advice, he won't be suing Ian or BJ. He has no case. Ian drew a reasonable, logical conclusion from the clear implied threat made by Spano on the tape. But, hey, maybe the judicial system would like a whack at a candidate for public office who tries to stifle a member of the public. There's a shyster for every case. Go for it!
Clarendon? I thought Barry was leading the rush of buyers at Harmony. BTW, Harmony is now being marketed in Beijing. Other places as well, but a targeted effort underway in Beijing.
Guess again.
553, guess that's your view of the "alternative" world of make-believe in this city. We'll see how all this NIMBY nastiness works out. The comments about Tod S. are irrelevant, but Ian certainly went out of his way to torture Tod S.
Ian gets credit for his positive civic volunteerism, but that does not excuse his reprehensible involvement in unfairly attacking the blog, in attacking me, and especially in attacking the campaign of an odds-on-favorite pro-economic development city council candidate (Victor Spano).
The economic imbalance in this city is/will be 50-60% permanent open space vs. 4-5% retail/commerce; the one highway through this city is out-of-date and overloaded with traffic. The city is functionally inadequate, and needs to improve, rather than remain stalled in dysfunction. Yet that's what these artificial political dust-ups and fuss are all about: NIMBIES creating chaos to protect the diminishing status quo. No honor in that.
What Kathy said.
And in 4 days it will be what Pacifica said.
Odds on favorite? Wildly optimistic.
Julie Jim and Pete put Ian up to it. They wanted Tod S silence and tried to get a restraining order on him. Jim also wanted Tod arrested for trying to talk to him at the general plan meeting. He also wanted a restraining order because he was worried about his family.
Ian puts his beak into other peoples business way too much.
This latest episode of how Pacifica turns is another drama creating BS thanks to Ian & Company.
If he ever was an odds on favorite, Spano may have now snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. It happens all the time.
ABC's wide world of sports
The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.
The ski jumper is the city of pacifica going down the ramp and crashing.
Wishful thinking Todd 451. You couldn't be more wrong. Your little group thinks they know what voters want but only know what bark eating hippies want which is nothing to change. When you all lose you'll blame it on right wing tricks or some such nonsense.You'll never admit that your thinking is abnormal or even radically wrong.
This blog was created to bring some progressive candidates forward and remove a candidate who was running for reelection who is no longer with us.
We had about five or six people initially involved with the founding of Fix Pacifica, and everyone had their own reasons for wanting to start it.
From my perspective, the blog was created because Riptide was altering and/or not printing comments that advocated keeping Shark Park Golf Course open. John at Riptide wanted the golf course shut down and turned into a frog and snake preserve.
The people who started Fix Pacifica also recognized that the "Gang of No" council eventually needed to be replaced, but that was a secondary concern at the beginning.
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