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Empty land with an ocean view in Pacifica, build it |
Attend in person, 2212 Beach
Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live
internet feed, pct26.com. The meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City website, and Planning Commission archives.
Planning Commission Agenda, 9/16/13, pages 2.
"Extension of permits for construction of a nine (9) unit three-story condominum building with a subterranean garage at 1567 Beach Boulevard, Pacifica (APN 016-011-190. Proposed action, grant one (1) year extension."
Note: The above photograph and other photographs of the property are from Zillow.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Re: 1567 Beach Blvd: Interesting. There was previously an existing house there that was torn down ten or so years ago. Not certain of the reason, but seem to recall there was at least some erosion there or nearby. Now it's approved for 9 units PLUS underground parking. I'm not any expert or an engineer, but underground parking on a beachfront lot? Yikes !
Hasn't this been approved for years? One of many on the list of dormant projects? Being given an extension because the new Pacifica loves development and hope dies hard. I seem to remember problems with the original design and that underground parking when it went before the PC or the CCC or both, and when the required changes were made the developer was no longer interested. Before the recession, wasn't it? Of course, this scenario fits so many glorious Pacifica projects. I could have it confused with another. Or not.
This is at the north end of Beach Blvd. Google map it. The waves regularly overtop the seawall. Mother nature is trying hard to have high tide be where 9 houses and underground parking will be. Great planning.
Project was approved. Developer gave up and let the lender foreclose.
There is also a back story. An old lady owned the house with no family or heirs. A guy who took care of the old woman was left the house and the state and county came after him and took the property from him. Bizare.
It's the 3rd extension of the permit. Original Planning commish approval was in May 2007. That was appealed to the CCC and they approved it in 2010. Let me guess, a new buyer? We've seen this movie before.
At the July 22 City Council meeting, approval was given to abandon a portion of Pompeiian Way (2500 sq ft m/l) to an adjacent property owner at the end of Olympian Way.
Just noticed on ZILLOW that a vacnt lot at the end of Olympian Way was posted for sale 4 days ago for $585,000. Is this just a coincidence? OR Did we get bamboozled yet again?
Is this a great town, or what?
@102 Jeezlaweez fella, it's not like the City of Pacifica needs $585,000. The City has taxpayers!!
1126 Tax liens?? They've been known to follow the property right into the grave.
No tax lien. The old lady gave the house to the kid who took care of her. The county and state sued to take the property.
On what grounds?
Another project that was never meant to be built, just speculators looking for a greater fool. Have the taxes on the quarry ever been paid? Oh well the our local guppies will continue to approve the sharks, hoping for an occasional morsel.
On the grounds of
google it and learn the story
You brought it up. Thought you'd want to back it up.
The case that comes to mind was an elderly lady cheated out of more than half a million by a shady contractor who she had do some home repairs. Four or five years ago? She nearly lost her home before the scam was discovered. That creeper got out of the country real fast. There are probably others.
I am not going to do your homework for you.
Interesting role you've taken.
"..google it and learn the story" 714
Apparently you've got nothing to support your speculative comment, duh. Okay, waste of time.
Yes, it really did happen. Yes, it involved a local business. Yes, alot of things have gone on in Pacifica, that you may not know about.
Quit trying to be the resident know it all in Pacifica. Lord knows we already have too many of them.
Trash reply since you said at 7:14 AM yesterday you or anyone else could "google it". Okay so "google it", your comment, your accountability.
Today 7:45 AM deflective followup comments from you continue to take the conversation nowhere, double duh.
Your "know it all" comments directed at me, triple duh. We all live here.
Just for shit and giggles I Googled 1567 Beach Blvd. and found out that it sold on Jan. 25 2013 for $800,000
so someone has real interest in keeping the project alive.
I think it foreclosed back to the lender for $800,000.
That may be but someone had to ask for the extension. They do not happen automatically.
It foreclosed back in 09. It was sold to Pinkstone LLC with a Brisbane PO Box for $800k. It was bought out of foreclosure in 09 for over $1M.
Little difference whether the City gives an extension or not. I just read the appeal to the California Coastal Commission on the project back in 2007. While the CCC didn't rule against the ptoject, there are so many roadblocks that I would really be surprised if it ever gets built and if it does, at what astronomical cost? A chief concern seems to be mitigating any possible damage to the existing seawall.
Remember you heard it here first.
During the next big El Nino winter, Beach Blvd, a couple of the apartment buildings on Esplande, and Nicks Parking lot will all be lost to the ocean.
If you do not believe me, look at Colorado they just had a one in one thousand year storm.
I think the above name Inigo Montoya is a made up name.
No Inigo Montoya in Pacifica.
Wow real BIG prediction anon 210! The apts on Esplanade are ready to fall. We get 1000 year storms every year somewhere. Some fortune telling. You obviously weren't here in 82.
Inigo Montoya is a fictional character in William Goldman's 1973 novel The Princess Bride. In Rob Reiner's 1987 film adaptation he was portrayed by Mandy Patinkin.
If We Gonna Die things Anon 2:10's predictions are obvious, then we can agree that 1567 Beach Blvd is toast.
Mandy Patimkin!!!!
That property is destined to be on some lender's write-offs til it falls into the ocean. Maybe a succession of lenders. Hot potato!
That is a deep lot and is at no more of risk from strorms than the new project proposed for the old treatment plant. (Btw, when the new hotel goes in there, people will love the view of the crazy chicken property and the spray painted "KEEP OUT" signs on plywood on Montecito?)
If you don't think that lot is at more risk than the treatment plant site, you don't understand the wave action and shoreline there. The waves regularly overtop the seawall at the lot, and the proposed project and underground parking would be built right up to the edge, not at the back of the lot. Do waves ever overtop the treatment plant site? Answer: no
Oh Bones, let's just pray for the schmuck that bought 1567. As for the other "deep lot", nothing is going in there other than a library and even that may get mangled by the great CCC, but as a not-for-profit project on public owned property built by the Mother of all Pacifica Bonds, it may tolerate mangling better than something where every square foot impacts the developer's bottom line. A library and some nice paths and seating areas for the public so they may access that glorious beach. For free. Economic engine Pacifica-style. Maybe we'll get half the library fines? A hotdog cart?
Hotel? I guess to Council nothing says boutique hotel quite like "crazy chicken property" next door, abundant graffiti, and having a functioning and clearly audible sewage treatment plant pump in the basement. Renew your library cards. LMAO.
Bones, very soon that area of Pacifica will be synonymous with posh. Just you wait. Posh.
A library can be like a hotel. Visit the Main SF Library and you'll see a lot of homeless camping out. Full-on smell-o-rama experience. They shoo them out at closing. Nearly all of them.
I'm sure we can do the same in Pacifica. Of course the Council Chambers will be completely off-limits.
818 I don't know about that. Waves have overtopped Beach Blvd in several places just north of the OWWTP. Sea water in garages and yards and people even being knocked off their feet is not unheard of during winter storms. I don't think the OWWTP is immune. remember that giant sinkhole that opened up right in front of the pier?
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