Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Devil's Slide trail to opens March, 2014, volunteer guides will be interviewed and trained

Half Moon Bay Review/Julia Reis, 9/19/13. "Supervisors approve grant for Devil's Slide trail ambassadors.  Plan calls for volunteers to monitor recreation area."

Devil's Slide trail looking north
"The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will accept a $15,000 grant from the California
Here's a map, stay away from the cliff, don't worry about bears
Coastal Conservancy for the Devil’s Slide trail ambassadors program if the conservancy board approves the expenditure at its meeting next month.  ....  More than half of the Coastal Conservancy grant would go toward two radios for volunteers so that they can communicate with park rangers.  The rest of the grant covers various types of equipment, such as vests, backpacks, first aid kits and brochures for volunteers to pass out.

....  The county will foot the bill for the recruitment and interview process of potential volunteers, as well as training about county parks and the Devil’s Slide site in particular. The grant will cover first aid and CPR training for 20 volunteers.

....   The Board of Supervisors approved nearly $2 million toward converting the highway into a public trail as part of the county’s 2012-13 budget."   Read article.  

Related article Coast View Magazine/Joe Devlin, 10/2012 edition, "The Devil's Slide California Coastal Trail." "The new leg of the California Coastal Trail is scheduled to occupy the 1.3 miles of Route 1 that will be closed to cars once the Devil’s Slide Tunnel opens. Caltrans promises to construct parking spaces, provide pedestrian and bike signals, and install trash cans, entry gates, water hookups, and a 4-foot-tall stainless steel cable fence on the cliff side of the trail to keep people on the trail without obstructing too much of the view. The California State Coastal Conservancy has pledged $500,000 to purchase and install bathrooms and other support facilities at the two ends of the tunnel. Once this work is done, ownership passes to the County of San Mateo Department of Parks, which has pledged another $2 million toward finalizing the park and hiring rangers to staff it.

Reference County of  San Mateo, Department of Parks, "Wild Places & Friendly Spaces."  That location news from  Devil's Slide coastal trail concept plan.  "Special Meeting to Consider Devil’s Slide Trail 90% Project Plans." " On August 29th, 2013, the San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Commission held a Special Meeting to consider the 90% project plans for the Devil’s Slide Trail Project."  The article includes the site concept  and presentation. Devil's Slide Coast Organization, includes an interactive area map.

Note  Photographs - Arial view of Devil's Slide from Caltrans,  KQED/Science, "The rocks of Devil's Slide."  Trail guide from Anthony's Audio Journal. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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