That single-use plastic bag ban worked. The city enacted the 10-cent charge and San Jose’s shoppers
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Cats oppose the 25 cent paper bag fee |
“The bag regulations have modified shoppers’ behaviors, as intended, resulting in a reduction in single-use plastic bag little in city creeks and streets, reducing waste and improving recycling operations,” Director of Environmental Services Kerrie Romanow writes in a memo. “Since the anticipated surge in demand for single-use paper bags did not materialize and observations indicate increasing use of reusable bags, staff believes the scheduled increase in the minimum charge for a recycled content paper bag is not necessary at this time to continue the positive trend away from single-use bags.”
Posted by Steve Sinai
I have a million safeway plastic bags I saved.
Plus,I won't shop anywhere that has banned bags and makes me pay for one. I buy groceries online and get big boxes and bags. I buy clothes online, shoes, gifts, everything. I will not spend in San Mateo County or San Francisco, unless it's alcohol and weed. This plastic ban does have it's repercussions. Oh, and weed comes in plastic baggies. Thank You Golden Gate Park.
So, there.
Some interesting behavior has developed. The occasional defiant shopper, so far they're all men, leaving the store with groceries unbagged and stacked head high, in their arms. Not even using a cart. Depending on many variables, this maneuver does not always end well, but it's kind of nice to see that world domination may not be such a snap.
1128 Geez, from the way you began your post I thought it was going to be about how you bought everything at a penny auction or the benefits of old sugar daddies.
Nearly missed that you're a rebel!
I use those bags to bring my lunch to work and my mother-in-law uses them for garbage bags. So we had our friends in Palm Springs bring us like 1000 of them.
I'm going to sell them in front of safeway for 5¢ each.
.25 cents a bag will be a budget buster!
I am going to vote agst the phone tax in part because of Pacifica City council nickel and diming us at every turn.
Nanny state behavior. Plastic and paper bags are fully recyclable. Putting a charge on previously free paper bags only lets Safeway make a fortune. I bet Safeway makes a higher percentage profit on bags than they do on food..
When you shop, just look at all the folks caught without a cloth sack. They find the bag charge a rip off.
I'm voting against the UUT because the unions are donating money to the Yes side. Cleared up any doubt I had concerning what this tax will be spent on.
City council will impose a 5 cent bag tax.
And make you join a union, Hutch.
Here's the math: plastic bags cost the retailer 1 or 2 cents each, and paper bags cost them about 17 cents each. With the ban in place grocers must use paper bags, so if they only charge 10 cents per bag, they are paying an extra 5 - 6 cents per bag. Of course, customers now use less bags, reducing the extra cost, but it is an extra cost. The California Grocer's Association supported the ban, but wouldn't be too happy to see it changed.
Anon said "I'm voting against the UUT because the unions are donating money to the Yes side."
Really?How do you know this? Proof please.
unions will finance city phone tax campaign because they expect a payday. Cops are on the phones pitching because normal civilians are not intersted in making phone call to con the voters. Union $$ will get dumped at last minute. They are smart enough to not broadcast what they are going to do. You get any pro tax mail, read the small print disclaimer on bottom of mailer-- it will say which union coughed up the $$
There are many union members who live in Pacifica and are your neighbors.
830 Yes and let's hope they really are good neighbors and vote no on this scam.
Anonymous 3:58 "I am going to vote agst the phone tax in part because of Pacifica City council nickel and diming us at every turn.
Nanny state behavior. Plastic and paper bags are fully recyclable. Putting a charge on previously free paper bags only lets Safeway make a fortune. I bet Safeway makes a higher percentage profit on bags than they do on food..
When you shop, just look at all the folks caught without a cloth sack. They find the bag charge a rip off.}
Actually, No, plastic bags have no recycled value and go to landfill. Unfortunately so does many other products that could be recycled but there is no market for them either. Reuseables worked well for so many years and continue to do so. Break the disposable habit and do something good for your kids and the planet, even yourself.
Anonymous 8:20am. I am a "normal citizen" and I have been on the phone calling in favor of Measure V and providing other public support. Police, union members and others in the community are part of the city. Many different types of people coming together for a needed revenue stream.
1027 You'll have to excuse the nasty comments. It's just hard for some of us to finally realize that we taxpayers are the only revenue stream this city has ever or will ever be able to tap into. Once V is in place everyone will forget til you all roll out the rest of the plan and come back for cable in a few years. You might want to give that line about how we're all members of the community a rest. We know why the unions, city workers, cops, fans of the new library, etc. are supporting this revenue stream. Let the politicians handle the stories.
let's translate: revenue stream, essential services= payday for city unions.
Wait for the pipe dream $35,000,000 library bond. The $50,000,000 state of the art poop plant repair bond.
Sewer tax bills will double.
Oh yes, the library. Pacifica's campaign cadre is just warming up on Measure V. Gotta stay sharp between campaigns for whatever scam they'll peddle next. This Council has approved a plan that allows the library part of the Beach Blvd charade to go ahead alone, without one inch of that prime parcel used to create revenue for this city. Putting a public library there "saves" a large part of that property from any commercial or residential development. Maybe all of it, if market conditions or the CCC interfere. Anyone surprised that this is still our direction in Pacifica? Whatever other qualities they might bring to the office, we continue to elect people who "save" prime real estate from development and prevent growth by parking public buildings or facilities on it or next to it. These "saves" don't involve the GGNRA, but they're the next best thing in the enviro handbook. Lancelle, Vreeland, DeJarnatt are gone, but their work continues and it doesn't matter if it's idealogy, stupidity, or political ego behind it. Are we still congratulating ourselves for having made a change?
city union payday machine is fired up! Police association has donated $1,5000 to the pro tax people. "essential city services" like their paychecks and pensions sure to benefit!
correction: $1,500
The no on UUT Tax group is a disorganized mess.
anon said "The no on UUT Tax group is a disorganized mess."
Really? Did we waste $55,000 and convinced practically no one? That $12,000 mailer wasn't even seen by anyone. Oh and the $20,000 phone poll, that was effective. Haha.
Just watch, we can spend less than $1000 and still beat this red herring.
852 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nihart and Stone made sure their little brainchild had everything--timing, secrecy, public money, motivated volunteers. But what are they going to do about the smell? That's not going away.
Hardly a news flash that unions donate to pass tax measures. Welcome to America kiddies!
215 Smell of success will cover some of it. Not all of it.
In other un-reported news of the day. Did anyone else see the article in the Tribune a couple weeks ago that Bray, appealed the expansion of the Hotel in Rockaway to the Coastal Commission.
Another obstructionist of the financial well being of Pacifica.
Anyone ask the REAL reason why they aren't increasing fees? After all, if 10 cents is good, isn't 25 cents better? How about $1? Oh, they claim that at 10 cents the thumb screws are tight enough on us. Gee, how humane of them! Yet they are contradicting themselves by keeping it at 10 cents.
The REAL reason is that they don't want to tick off the public and have the public revolt and actually push for a vote on this. They got away with pulling the wool over our eyes, and are happy now.
So there. Live with your 10 cent charge and denial of safe, clean, completely reusable plastic bags. Go ahead and spread the flu and waste water washing reusable bags. It doesn't seem to make sense or matter. The ONLY thing that makes sense is behavior control.
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