Attend in person, 2212 Beach
Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live
internet feed, The meeting begins at 7pm, or shortly there following. City council updates and archives are available on the City website.
City Council Agenda, 9/9/13. Items listed may include embedded pdf documents, illustration and photographs of interest. The information below is restated or summarized from the city agenda documents. Additional links or comments may be added.
City Council Agenda, 9/9/13. Items listed may include embedded pdf documents, illustration and photographs of interest. The information below is restated or summarized from the city agenda documents. Additional links or comments may be added.
Closed session, 6:15 p.m.
![]() |
New City Manager Lorie Tinfow |
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.
Consent calendar
1. Approval of cash disbursements.
2. Approval of Minutes of August 12, 2013.
3. Ongoing proclamation confirming a local emergency, cliff erosion, revetment supporting City storm drain at 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue (since 4/12/10).
3. Ongoing proclamation confirming a local emergency, cliff erosion, revetment supporting City storm drain at 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue (since 4/12/10).
4. Transfer State child preschool grant development funding to the general center child care grant contract funding, $13,000, no fiscal impact. (PB&R)
5. $15,000 increase in the State's child care funding contract, FY 2012-13. (PB&R)
6. Approval of child care service contracts with the San Mateo Office of Education, FY 2012-13. (PB&R).
7. Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Wastewater Force Main Condition Assessment Project. Staff Report, and RFP_Force Main Condition Assessment.
8. Resolution of the City to appoint Lorie Tinfow City Manager. Staff Summary, Resume of Lorie Tinfow, Employment Agreement.
9. Appointment nice (0) citizen applicants to the Open Space and Parkland Advisory Committee (OSPAC). List of applicants.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Council may have found their dream hire for city mgr. Stanford and Harvard educated, fresh from her role as Assistant City Mgr/Admin Servs Director for the City of Walnut Creek. A resume full of all the stuff this council adores--- workshops, studies, plans, stories, new 40 million dollar library, etc. Also has the expected collective bargaining experience, implementation of two-tier retirement systems, and she hired a "seasoned and resourceful Economic Development Manager" for Walnut Creek. We should live so long and be so lucky. She also did an internship years ago with the California Coastal Commission. Probably mid-40's, might stick around for 3 to 5 and move up again. No surprise money-wise. Salary $180K plus $5K city paid deferred comp per year plus magnificent benefits and a relo allowance of $12K.
Do you smell a library? I think this Council really believes it's just the thing to revitalize Pacifica and make us all feel better. Yup.
Looks like our new city manager had a dust up over in Walnut Creek.
Mayor and City Council Respond to Internal Investigation Report
Mayor feels the report erred in its conclusions regarding senior staff.
Posted by Jim Caroompas (Editor) , July 12, 2013 at 12:08 PM
Mayor Cindy Silva and members of the City Council responded to the release of the internal report on Wednesday regarding city staff's response to sexual allegations against a part-time Lesher Center employee, Jason Pedroza.
Walnut Creek Patch requested statements from each member of the council prior to the release of the report, and received a response only from councilwoman Loella Haskew. However, the council did release statements to the Contra Costa Times.
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Mayor Cindy Silva said the report largely vindicates four of the city staff who were suspended with pay earlier this year after allegations surfaced that they knew of Pedroza's actions and did not notify Walnut Creek police right away. As to City Manager Ken Nordhoff, Assistant City Manager Lorie Tinfow, and Human Resources Director Sally Rice, the report concluded they were evasive and even not honest in their answers to the internal investigator. Silva said she believes the report "makes broad and poorly substantiated conclusions regarding (city staff's) level of knowledge about or involvement in the handling of the allegation involving the part-time employee. From Scott Denison to Ken Nordhoff, nothing in the report changes my opinion of their integrity or character."
Mayor Pro Tem Kristina Lawson said it was "obvious from the report that we have room for improvement," and she called for City Manager Ken Nordhoff to "promptly implement any and all organizational changes necessary to ensure the City organization is functioning at the highest and best level."
Councilwoman Haskew said that she feels the Pedroza matter was handled well by staff.
"It was handled appropriately and correctly. I'm not sure how this got into this big giant issue," she said. "My experience is in private sector public accounting. I come from the perspective that is this what a reasonable person would do under the circumstances. Without equivocation, I can say it was handled reasonably. And everything else that followed was just unreasonable."
a. Credibility Determination
Tinfow did not present as a witness who was attempting to tell the whole truth to assist with this investigation. She was not overtly evasive, bugt did compel the Investigator to continually press her to recall details.
Of the little Tinfow did recall of the relevant events, her explanations were implausible or contradicted. She recalled Rice, her direct subordinate and good friend, telling her about a temporary employee at LCA sending inappropriate texts, but could not recall that Rice's description included other salient facts -- like the recipient of those texts was a teenage girl or that the police had been contacted. While she also could not recall discussing the situation with Nordhoff, Tinfow allwoed that it could have happened.
The Investigator did take into account Tinfow's busy job, and multitude of responsibilities, as when evaluating her inability to recall relevant events. Overall, the Investigator was left with the impression Tinfow's inability to recall was more likely an effort to protect herself, Rice and Nordhoff.
b. Findings
The Investigator FINDS the following relevant facts regarding Lorie Tinfow:
Sometime in November 2012, Rice met with Tinfow, during a one-on-one meeting in Tinfow's office, and told Tinfow that a temporary employee of LCA had been reported for either sendign inapprorpriate or questionable text messages, and was discharged (Ex. 5)
Sometime in November 2012, Tinfow and Rice met with Nordhoff in his office to inform him of some inapprorpriate texting by an employee at th LCA to a minor. (Ex. 10)
Up Next...City hires Godby to do Library phone poll
Unbelievable. Has this council really hired someone who was suspended and in the ensuing investigation found to be "evasive and even not honest in their answers to the internal investigator."? And this was an issue that required police involvement. Gee, she must have applied for this job before the investigation concluded. Full disclosure, I hope. On the other hand, she'll fit right in and should be an extremely grateful employee. It never ends.
First question on that Godbe poll. Have you ever read a book?
Godbe report to Council: They read books.
Godbe advice: Proceed to float that bond.
Council to the community: You read, therefore you want a new library. And BTW, a couple of us really want our names on the cornerstone.
Oh I cannot wait to vote no.
That offer should be withdrawn. The conclusion of the investigation is pretty damning. She needs to work it off in Walnut Creek, not here where she will work under a real cloud. This is council's idea of a good hire? Scary, for a lot of reasons.
epurshGlowing resume for Ms Tinfow; she apparently possesses the ability to walk on water. As this is Pacifica, hope she has the ability to swim in an ocean of sharks.
Up Next...City hires Godby to do Library phone poll
This has already happened. The city paid Godbe $10,000 in February for Library polling.
I think it's a match made in heaven. Can't wait for the superlatives, the warm embraces (figurative, of course), life stories, it's all going to be so therapeutically cheerful and hopeful. We'll be a phoenix rising from the dank, smelly pit of the OWWTP. Be still my heart.
I saw that story about Lorie Tinfow a week ago. She wasn't found guilty of any wrong doing. Don't really think it's a big deal.
"• The Tami Erin Scandal: XXX Movies in Walnut Creek?"
This is what I'm interested in.
Read it again Hutch. She wasn't being charged with anything. She was part of an investigation concerning the way a serious employee issue was handled by her and others. It's pretty clear she was found to have been less than honest and forthcoming with the investigator. Then the spin begins. However, that finding is hardly a glowing recommendation for one's character. We all see things on her resume we like--economic development, collective bargaining, even a library. Pretty clear why council wants that blemish on her record overlooked.
No big deal. So an internal investigation found that she'd developed probable selective amnesia and vagueness when questioned about the events, her role and the roles of others. Wouldn't you do that for your boss? Your friend? I mean you've got to keep your priorities straight. She's super well-qualified.
It is a big deal when several of a city's senior executives are suspended pending an investigation.
Suspended with pay because that's how it's done, but a big deal, nonetheless. Think about it. That can be the catalyst for a job change even before the findings are in and even when the results of the investigation are benign. The results concerning Ms. Tinfow were not benign. Nice resume, particularly for the library crowd, but is it smart to hire someone with this baggage? Maybe so.
Fogel, why is that not a surprise? Consent calendar or another one of those under the radar purchases?
Sounds like Penn State.
Now George, that's a tad extreme. It's not like Penn State. It's just maybe not the smartest hire for a council that really struggles with it's image for transparency and honest government. Not to mention smart decision-making. Why go there? Is this another of those "we gotta trust them, give them the tools" tests"? Why?
So since when is selective amnesia and vagueness or SUSPECTED of being "less than honest and forthcoming" against the law? There was no trial, not even charges. She was at most an unwitting witness to some stupidity. Like I said seems to be no big deal.
Fogel, why is that not a surprise? Consent calendar or another one of those under the radar purchases?
Approval wasn't on any agenda, though the check (#21305) appears within the disbursements of the April 22 meeting. I also had the amount wrong; it was for $12,000.
Because it's an expenditure under $25,000, it doesn't require Council approval.
Council has taken the position that they don't want to disclose expenditures like this so that they don't "spoil" the poll samples ahead of time. I understand this point of view, but disagree with it.
I feel that council, as the elected representatives of the people in this town, has a duty to inform and answer to their constituents which supercedes some obligation to a polling company to obtain "clean" poll results.
Hutch, You've got to be kidding. With full respect, I don't think you know what you're talking about on this. Dig up the full investigative report and don't rely on newspaper articles. Poor judgment and intentional evasiveness during an investigation do not always rise to the level of a criminal complaint. Wouldn't that make life easier if they did? Here, they're just a big yellow flashing light. This being pacifica, we'll probably speed up.
Haha, I'm with you on all that Fogel, but we're not politicians.
They sure have a peculiar way of winning the people's trust. I think it's a blind spot developed after they take office.
Sinai@807 yeah, well, Walnut Creek may have had more risqué theatre than it needed or wanted. Red faces in City Hall.
I agree Chris. I thought we were supposed to have more transparency? I don't see it. Outsourcing, UUT, Library. Batting 300.
Transparency? Ha. You ain't seen nothing yet. Council has done all the advance work and apparently some marketing to bring on board a city manager who badly flubbed her recent on the job chance to be transparent during an internal investigation of Walnut Creek's botched handling of a serious employee issue.
According to the outside investigator's findings (available on the WC website) she chose instead to protect herself, her boss and her subordinate with statements that were implausible and not credible. Is it over? Well, you know how lawyers are.
So why hire this person and their baggage? She fits the image I think this council prefers for Pacifica, certainly, but best of all, she builds libraries. Two of them, Walnut Creek and Saratoga, in close collaboration with their Library Foundations.
Pacifica, transparency is a myth here. Just bend over. And stay that way.
Batting 300? In the Transparency league? That's a ticket to Cooperstown. Try 31 lifetime, on PEDS, and you're playing under the dome at Beach Blvd.
This new city manager issue should be a huge issue. Yet, no one is really commenting on it.
Has anyone emailed this information to City Council or our City Attorney?
The Texan's attempt to stir up outrage in Pacifica tain't working.
1224 Oh, please, they knew from the start. From the city to city grapevine as well as the headhunter they hired. They're probably hoping they can just ride it out because they really really want this library, I mean, candidate. Of course, they can always bail, but to advance her this far shows careful, thoughtful determination. For those of us unimpressed with her library-building powers, well, did you read the part about her hiring a seasoned, effective Economic Development Manager for Walnut Creek? There's something for everybody although not all dreams can be realized. Hey, it's kind of like the sales pitch for the UUT.
Anyhow, this was never the kind of thing that Walnut Creek could hide. Big investigation, uproar started last November, 4 high-level city execs suspended for months with pay (not Ms. Tinfow) pending the internal investigation. And of course the event that started the ball rolling was an attention-grabber...a 30 year old male city employee at the Lesher Arts/Theater Center was fired when the parents of a 13 year old girl involved in a theater production with him complained that the employee was sending nasty text messages, etc. to their daughter. Guy fired, cops called, guy arrested on felony charges. More teenage girls. A second city's PD involved. Cover-up allegations, city attorney orders internal investigation by an outside investigator of the way Walnut Creek handled the event. That's where Ms. Tinfow comes in. The investigator's findings released in mid-July were not very flattering to her. You've really got to read the report for yourself.
The City Manager,City attorney and City Council are aware of this issue
and have factored it into their decision making process. News stories do not always get the facts right. I am willing to give Ms. Tinfow the benefit of the doubt and see what kind of job She does.
Oh no, The Texan. Don't need no Texan to read the report. Make up your own mind. You may decide, like Council, that this applicant and her experience are too good a fit with your goals to pass up. The investigator's report uses words like implausible and not credible to refer to Ms. Tinfow's statements. Is it that Council knows better or has no problem with those words?
@ 1:42 Why don't you link to the report if it is so awful bad against Mrs Tinfow?
Answer: Because it's nothing
The link was posted above.
I will post it again.
I read all 40 pages of the report yesterday, then went back and re-read some sections. IMO it is clear that the outside investigator
retained at the request of the Walnut Creek City Attorney, did find that Ms. Tinfow was evasive, implausible, etc. in her responses to his questions. He also found she probably did this to protect herself, her boss the CM, and her friend and subordinate, the HR Director. She was not the only one he criticized. So, she's a loyal team player. Maybe a little foolish given the police involvement in the initial event, but, so what?? We're dreaming if we think people in these jobs don't daily engage in evasion, omission, implausibility, or, take even worse liberties with the truth. Even then they're paragons of virtue compared to most politicians. The employment of Ms. Tinfow in Pacifica will neither plunge us into darkness nor mark the dawn of a new era of transparent and open government.
Hiring her will almost certainly bring about a new library. Not a fan of the idea. But maybe someone with her experience and ambition, unlike Council, will see the absurdity in a state-of-the-art library and some new street lamps in a dying, dump of a town. It's a ludicrous idea without the balance of real economic development. One without the other hilites our on-going municipal incompetence. Her hiring seems a done deal and for once the consultants may have earned their fee. She may be our last, best hope not just for survival but real economic growth.
I've been cynical and pragmatic in all this, but if she can keep the clown car on the road and be a development warrior, then she's a hero! Based on that report, however, I'd draw the line if she or a smitten council tries to bring aboard her old pal the HR Director. Hold your nose if that one turns up on the doorstep.
Fingers crossed.
Best wishes to Lorie Tinfow in her tenure as General Manager in Pacifica. We hope her intelligence, education and experienced will bring-in prospects of a better balanced economy through much needed economic development.
619, I'm not sure what you were reading in the City of Walnut Creek Investigative Report, but the analysis (pages 38,39) indicates the error in not reporting the inappropriate employee behavior of a "temporary employee" was that of the General Manager-- not Lorie Tinfow or others.
Also see the comprehensive article from Pacifica Patch 9/5/13. Note: "Four of her colleagues were suspended over the suspected reporting failures, but a new report concluded that THEY ACTED APPROPRIATELY to protect minors by firing the employee with sexual allegations against him, according a Mercury News article. TINFOW WAS ALSO EXONERATED FROM THE CASE as the report revealed it was the city manager and human resources director who impeded the internal investigation by evading questions. In fact, IT WAS TINFOW WHO INFORMED THE CITY MANAGER about the inappropriate texting by an employee to a minor, the report says."
a. Credibility Determination
Tinfow did not present as a witness who was attempting to tell the whole truth to assist with this investigation. She was not overtly evasive, bugt did compel the Investigator to continually press her to recall details.
Of the little Tinfow did recall of the relevant events, her explanations were implausible or contradicted. She recalled Rice, her direct subordinate and good friend, telling her about a temporary employee at LCA sending inappropriate texts, but could not recall that Rice's description included other salient facts -- like the recipient of those texts was a teenage girl or that the police had been contacted. While she also could not recall discussing the situation with Nordhoff, Tinfow allwoed that it could have happened.
The Investigator did take into account Tinfow's busy job, and multitude of responsibilities, as when evaluating her inability to recall relevant events. Overall, the Investigator was left with the impression Tinfow's inability to recall was more likely an effort to protect herself, Rice and Nordhoff.
It sounds just like Penn State, who knew what, when and how much will probably never be known.
The bottom line was this pervert was texting underage girls and this Walnut Creek Assistant City Manager tried to cover the whole thing up.
It shows a lack of character, ethics and morals.
See the comments from Walnut Creek city employees on Patch.
Here is want the independent law firm from San Francisco that was hired to conduct an internal investigation said: "Tinfow did not present as a witness who was attempting to tell the whole truth to assist with this investigation. Of the little Tinfow did recall of relevant events, her explanations were implausible or contradicted. Overall, the Investigator was left with the impression Tinfow's inability to recall was more likely an effort to protect herself, Rice and Nordhoff".
917, 856 duh, I only know what I read from the official investigative report analysis. Anonymous witch hunt opinion comments here and on Patch are of no interests to me.
857 the accountability was with the General Manager. Tinfow and others did report what they knew in November, 2012. Their job was done. The General Manager did not report their findings. The investigation began in March, 2013.
FMV, the anonymous witch hunt opinion comments here and on Patch may be more of a story.
9:17, I'd like to point you to a youtube featuring Socks, the former mascot:
Sure there were shenanigans at the Lesher Theater production of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. You CANNOT make stuff up like this. But perhaps Mrs Tinfows interview performance with the internal investigator was imbued by genuine nervousness and the gravity of the situation? It was her turn to be on the hot seat. As Kathy rightly states, she was not convicted of anything and found to have acted appropriately. She got through that and is done and now would appreciate a change in her own personal scenery. Does she yearn to go through that again? I doubt it. So she helps her freinds. Isnt that what freinds are for? So she tried to politic for the City Manager job in Walnut Creek? Sometimes that works out, sometimes not, I've heard of such things happening once or twice. People often act out of necessity, and sometimes the necessity doesnt look pretty, or gets dirt under the fingernails. You elected your council to make these big decisions, such as hiring the city manager, on your behalf, if you do not like Lorie Tinfow, go talk to your council-person or come on down to the Council meeting on Monday and ask them not to approve her contract, instead of blowing spitballs on Fixpacifica. I think she has a lot to offer, she will be bright eyed and bushy tailed wanting to reach out to us and be pleasing and make Pacifica *Sparkle*. The Walnut Creek employee comments are to be expected, and being the target of employee angst is what earns those in the city management profession the big dollars that they recieve.
So, like the 1-800-Bar-None commercial says, everybody deserves a second chance, as she comes to Pacifica to accept her crown and thank the academy, let's give her a warm Pacifica welcome and a round of applause.
Investigative report page 35, "c" analysis. The email discovery apparently occurred in early November, the temporary employee in question was terminated 11/8/12. Such action would have been discussed among those managers, supervisors, employees concerned (those you may be referring to as "friends" 1041). Also see page 37, the General Manager did not advise to take action further, (and there may have been some communication errors). Report completed, done. Continuing anonymous speculation further is baseless brain fuzz.
1041, that's a really annoying commercial.
"Hiring her will almost certainly bring about a new library."
No it won't.
Why are you so obsessed about a new library?
The reference library I've amassed over the years for design concept work has become nice decoration for our living since I've figured out how to use Google.
Libraries were once notched stones in fields, who knows what libraries will soon be? Certainly not a traditional brick and mortar storage facility.
Perhaps our new library can be free internet access for all parcel numbers in town?
I don't think I've looked at my encyclopedias in ten years. They're just taking up space on the lowest shelf of my bookcase.
Congratulations to Ms Tinfow and welcome to Pacifica. Please ignore the obstructionists. They really do hate progress, even though they consider themselves "progressives" If they had real jobs they would know that sometimes scandals are nothing more than a lot of drama with no real story line created by people who want your job, and dreams of controlling the world. Watch your back.
Comcast can't even get the internet to work right, in certain areas.
$35,000,000 million dollars for a 35,000 square foot library. Too much money. We have lots of empty commercial space around town.
Comcast and ATT also give cheaper internet to low income families. This will be much cheaper then a library that only helps out 1/3rd of the town.
The library in Linda Mar was in Linda Mar Shopping Center at one time. So was the Post Office.
we need a new group, Pacificans Against A 35M Library
I've heard Lenny n Mary Ann's reasoning behind a new library and it doesn't fly. And we dont need new council chambers built on prime real estate. Let them use the community center or another existing building. I do like the convention center idea though.
Does this bond have to go up for a vote or can council just say ok like they did with the 20M Calpers bond?
Hey, nobody's perfect, and if they were, would they be working here?
There was a problem, an oh shit! moment, and it all may not have been handled just perfectly. So what! It happens. It was properly investigated and things will most likely be handled differently by all parties in the future. That's what counts. Spinning it this way and that could make your brain fly right outta your head.
This one episode does not in any way negate her impressive credentials and accomplishments. She brings a lot of what we desperately need to the table.
She has some great experience. Something for everyone. That's a good thing. You want an Economic Development Manager? Well she actually hired a good one for Walnut Creek--a real town with a real economy. Are you a realist, tired of turmoil, and want Council to have the person they want in the job? She speaks the language this Council aspires to speak, and teach. You want a library? She happens to have "built" two, the one in WC on time and under budget. You think that item didn't score points with Council? Really? It's right there on the traveling roadshow of city projects. They'd be fools to leave that off their list of desired expertise in their new CM. Hate the library thought? Well, the voters will have a chance to weigh in on the library bond, as they will on these council members. Council will weigh in on Ms. Tinfow. That's how it's supposed to work.
Let her get to work on this mess. She may be our best hope.
I find Kathy to be intentionally evasive and implausible and cite (this time) her non-response to the issue raised by 856, etc. as proof. Kathy must never be allowed to be city manager.
She's going to love it here. Love love love. How many times do you think she's been called 'tinfoil'??
For more on this story check out Pacifica Patch.
Fire sale in Walnut Creek? Per Patch over there, since that report
was published in July, the HRDirector, City Attny and Asst City Attny have left city employ. Plus our new CM. See anybody else you like, Council?
Ha! Yeah 215, but without qualification for the city manager job the cost is less. And let me be exceedingly vague about that.
254, here's the link to the Pacifica Patch article again, (also above at 7:45 AM). As you indicate, the article is worth reading.
Why aren't the salary police outraged?
If the Pacifica council votes to approve her appointment and the final agreement between the City of Pacifica and Tinfow is signed by Mayor Len Stone, offering to pay her a salary of $180K with a monthly vehicle allowance in the amount of $553, benefits and a relocation allowance of $12K, Tinfow would begin her new position in October.
Tinfow is receiving a good old fashioned Pacifica welcome. After 15 years in the biz in the Bay Area she knew what to expect. And, I'm sure she got a heads up from council. At her level, the epidermis is pretty much buffalo hide. Politicians can be more thin-skinned. Let's hope this bunch stays the course. Her baggage is out in the open. I think we have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain with her here.
"Why aren't the salary police outraged?"
I believe $180K is less then Rhodes was making, and is rather low for cities on the Peninsula.
She could be making $20K and people would be whining about it.
333 Oh, Bray's probably sticking pins in a Caltrans doll and Hutch has apparently heard the calling to become a champion for Ms. Tinfow. Go figure. Her salary is on the low-end for that position in SMC. Just like the rest of our city salaries. It may not even be much if any of a raise for her. Better title in a much smaller city.
Cause these guys think they know but they don't.
The don't understand economics and that a city must have revenue in order to pay expeneses.
Now our new city manager will sit up there and blame all the problems on you you you people.
I wonder if Mary Ann & Len let her take a look at the books before she thought about taking the Pacifica gig. Probably not.
One 180,000 salary does not break the bank.
80 100,000+ salaries now that's something
The poor woman really must be desperate. She's leaving a very nice city with such a healthy retail tax base that they don't need a UUT or any other inflated taxes and fees to grow and maintain their beautiful city. Population about 68,000. Major employers like Kaiser, Safeway, Sutter Health. Sure, part of it's geography, but most of it was/is good land use decisions and smart city management. She's entering the wasteland. Let's hope the shock isn't too much.
If she can convince the City Council that we need to hire a full time economic Development Manager (Not some part-time economic Development coordinator). She will be worth every penny.
We have to stop taking baby steps and bring real revenue to our fair City.
Raising Fees and taxing everything in sight is a recipe for disaster.
Vote No On Measure V
1026 Convince Council? You think they don't know? Coming from the candy store that is Walnut Creek, she may soon decide there isn't enough real potential here to justify another $200K salary. A PT paper shuffling coordinator should suffice for any city projects that might happen to come along. I doubt hiring an ED Director is much of a priority for her or Council.
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