A group of local and regional leaders
gathered Tuesday morning, November 13th, to meet and speak
with our new Assemblyman Kevin Mullin. The event was graciously
hosted by Nick’s Restaurant and sponsored by Recology of the Coast.
The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce thanks both for their unending
Kevin took the opportunity to speak to
the coming year and the challenges that face California and the local
communities. He anticipates much will be accomplished with the new
legislature being seated. Kevin sees opportunities to move forward in
a bi-partisan goal to put California back on solid fiscal ground.
The Chamber of Commerce looks forward
to more opportunities to invite Kevin to visit Pacifica and work with
the Chamber on strengthening our business community.
Jim Wagner
Government Affairs Committee
Pacifica Chamber of Commerce
From left to right: Karen Ervin, City
Council elect; Kevin Mullin, State Assemblyman elect; Len Stone,
Mayor Pro Tem.
From left to right: Len Stone, Mayor
Pro Tem; Don Horsley, County Supervisor 3rd District; Mike
O’Neill, City Council elect; Keith Irish, Associate Superintendent
of Education/Jefferson Union High School District; Frank Vella,
Commercial Realtor; Karen Ervin, City Council elect; Courtney Conlon,
CEO Pacifica Chamber of Commerce; Michele Velez, Government Affairs
Chairperson/California Association of Mortgage Professionals; Mike
Ervin, Senior Mortgage Banker.
From left to right: James Keller,
Interim President/Canada College; Kevin Mullin, State Assemblyman
elect; Wendy Tukloff, Pacifica School District; Bill Meyerhoff, Vice
President/Pacifica Chamber of Commerce; Susan Vaterlaus, Past
President San Mateo County Association of Realtors; Len Stone, Mayor
Pro Tem.
From left to right: Frank Vella,
Commercial Realtor; Karen Ervin, City Council elect; Michelle Velez,
Government Affairs Chairperson/California Association of Mortgage
Professionals; Courtney Conlon, CEO Pacifica Chamber Commerce;
Christine Stahl, Realtor; Mike Ervin, Senior Mortgage Banker; Chris
Porter, General Manager/Recology of the Coast; Richard Harris, SF
Golf Alliance; Eric Ruchames, Library Foundation.
Wouldn't have been wise to put a notice about this on here before the event?
I know its Pacifica, and Ross Dress For Less is the only place in town you can buy a suit.
But for the of god and country can you people please go see George Zimmer at the Men's Warehouse.
Very nice to see the Chamber step up to both help new council members get elected and also reach out to area members of the Legislature. I was particularly impressed with the series of Chamber political action ads in the Tribune advocating that local elected officials have to help the local economy and make better, timely decisions.
The positive community debate the Chamber is supporting with the election ads and these events will make Pacifica a better place. The business and community leaders pictured here are to be commended for putting their time, effort and donation money into an effort as opposed to the anon "yawn" poster who is dismissive and was not invited to attend.
I think the Chamber was trying to invite you anon, but couldn't get an address!!!
I think you should hold a meet and greet, have refreshments, and post the time and date here so all your anon friends can go. You can feed em.
I count 12 people in the photos. Plus not all of the council was there. Only Karen and Len.
Double yawn and a zzzz. Btw we have a chamber?
Notice Sue Digre not in the room. Probably not invited. Assume this elevated the policy discussion in the room....
No Pete either.
Was Mary Ann there?
No Name said...
I think the Chamber was trying to invite you anon, but couldn't get an address!!!
I think you should hold a meet and greet, have refreshments, and post the time and date here so all your anon friends can go. You can feed em.
November 29, 2012 10:03 AM
The real no name is on 105.3.
Sure I can invite them all, then when they walk in looking for food and refreshments lock the door.
No one gets out till they Fix Pacifica!
Digre! Now that's precious. Sue has done nothing for this town except embarass it. This sure looked like some heavey hitters from the county and 2 of our council and council-to-be members. Only intelligent conversation allowed, I'm sure.
I'm amazed the chamber was able to put all those people in the same room at the same time. These are busy people. It's to see the chamber take a proactive response to reaching out to influential people from around the county. I hope to seem more of these types of events. Show people that this town is eager to move forward.
Did anyone else notice how all the chamber members turned out to support Chris' latest rate increase to council? Sometimes they're as annoying and anti-Pacifica as the NIMBYs.
I'd congratulate the Chamber but they already took care of that.
Hey, Paisan, you wanna sleep with the fishes?
In that last group photo they all look like they just got pink slips.
Ya know, a lot of people have already figured out that the chamber board is rapidly becoming the object of scorn in the business community. They eagerly support the highest garbage collection rates in the county, and Recology's manager sits on the board. Fancy that.
Anti-business, pro-politics. Useless.
"..people have already figured out that the chamber board is rapidly becoming the object of scorn.." Anonymous 7:24 PM
People? So says scornful you and your shadow under a weak anonymous name? What's a matter, can't say dirt under your own name?
The Chamber of Commerce is a true asset to this City, so is Recology. So is Chris Porter. So are other Chamber board members, and members. They do a lot of good for this city.
BTW, garbage rates increased 1.42% this year and you're bitching about that, and the high rates? Maybe get a smaller trash cart, recycle more.
After the previous chamber maid did nothing to bring business into Pacifica, this chamber has to really prove they are doing something. Other then peddle a couple canidates for city council.
Tourism is the next pipe dream. Tourism is the next big thing. The Horizons building is still standing and the owners of the hotel next door purchased it to add on to their busines.
I have seen nothing done but a notice on the front door.
One of the city council members our next mayor promised to speed up the approval process.
Campaign promises, smoke and mirrors and false problems.
This is how Pacifica lives.
Politics, baby, politics. Even promising, smart, well-intentioned elected officials are quickly transformed by the sleazier aspects of the "business". They quickly become more concerned with protecting and polishing their image than getting the job done. Disappointing.
Once they got rid of the bizarre environmental members, I've been a big supporter of this Chamber as a buffer against all the NIMBYism. However, their recent cronyism is extremely disappointing.
Kathy, can you see why someone would find it hypocritical of you to whine about everything the city does, except when the results of their profligate spending end up in the pockets of your friend Chris?
Tourism? What tourist would intentionally come to Pacifica? To see what? Palmetto? They drive by the beaches on their way to somewhere else. Somewhere prettier, better maintained, and with the amenities to spend their money on. Hint, those aren't Taco Bell and a bunch of shabby shopping areas. Rockaway has always been our best chance but even that area has stalled and slipped badly. How long can our biggest drawing card be Nick's crab sandwich? And what could we accomplish if we had someone like Nick Gust on council again?
I count 12 people. Most of the same 12 people who always show up for free food.
".. hypocritical of you to whine about everything the city does.." Anonymous RS, 9:30 AM.
Fake Robert Sanders, 9:30 AM, again you begin with a disadvantage calling other people "hypocritical". Think about it.
Chris Porter is part of the solution, as is THIS Chamber of Commerce.
The city has a structural economic problem. I'm interested in solutions to make that deficit go away, as well as advancement of city progress. I'm less interested in the nickels and dimes to get there.
I understand a city with self-inflicted 60% "open space" is at a disadvantage.
You begin with a disadvantage calling other people "fake". Think about it.
Also, a city that continually increases the amount of money it takes out of its citizens' pockets (making their garbage rates even FURTHER out of wack with the rest of the region) is at a disadvantage when it comes to time to ask for new taxes.
For the last 10 years, a business-hostile majority on City Council was the main impediment to Pacifica's economic development. The CoC was right in focusing on that problem first.
I wish someone would have told me there was free food at the meet & greet.
What problem are they solving by having all of their members show up at council to support Recology's rate increase?
@1126 not a real smart PR move, funny how they miss that part
"..show up at council to support Recology's.." Anonymous 11:26 AM
You can show up at city council too. The rate increase for Recology is audited annually, and could have been 1.8+%. Recology saved you more than 0.4%. Count that!
Why are you not more concerned about rate increases from other city franchises or excises? Or better, how about supporting development of this city for greater prosperity? Just got a "thing" about trash? Okay, but some complaints are not worth consideration or the time to respond.
I wish someone would have told me there was free food at the meet & greet.
November 30, 2012 11:08 AM
Did you ever consider being a real estate agent. They have access to free food on open house tour. Plus the coffee is almost always on at every office.
Gee, does a chamber of commerce usually show public support for a particular business policy like a
price increase? Or is this just a Pacifica quirk? They could be pro-business without getting their hands dirty, couldn't they? Be more effective? The bigger picture and all that.
Damn! What a great way to get a bigger turn out at council performances...free food and coffee. So simple. Actually, popcorn and soda would be more appropo. Jujubees and Junior Mints! Ushers with flashlights.
The rate increase could have also been 0% for once, or perhaps even a decrease. Count that!
Supporting development has absolutely zero to do with being against Recology constantly gouging Pacificans when they already pay by far the highest rates in the region.
Prime rib and beer and spirits will really get the nobees out to council meetings.
Maybe we can hire a sous chef!
Knowing some of the people in the CoC, the coffee was probably Irish coffee.
Irish coffee would explain that slightly glazed look in the photos.
@1258 yup and the Chamber should stop shilling for Recology and endorsing these increases. Yes, I know, they do soooo much for the town. BFD, it's a business and good deeds are good business strategy.
Lionel...going under anonymous now?
Oh, and by the way, can you take down your sign and I'll call Ken Miles to take down his.
who is between Chris Porter and Richard Harris in that gawdawful hawaiin shirt??
Lionel isn't the only one fed up with Recology's constant rate increases, Chris.
Chris, How nice to hear from you!
No, 2:22 wasn't me, even though he or she speaks the truth.
You know, you should sit back and relax and enjoy the fact that for the present, you have the Chamber board and the council in your corner - they couldn't care less that Pacificans are being taken to the cleaners by the worst garbage collection contract in San Mateo County.
Sweet dreams, and have a great weekend!
Oh, you two are just so damn cute. I feel like a, you know, like a matchmaker. Yeah, a demented matchmaker.
I would love to get you two on my show.
I like my garbage service and the garbage men who pick it up. No complaints here. It's a dirty job and someone has to rifle through all that crap to make the wacko enviro's happy.
Yeah 1104, freakin' wacky enviros. Remember the good old days when you coulc just throw your garbage in the yard for the pigs? Hippies ruined everything!
I look forward to the next Chamber meeting with significant elected officals. Having a reasoned conversation about public policy and the future of this town is the only way to make progress.
Given the off-topic snarky chatter on this blog for past several comments, I do hope these chamber meetings remain invitation only.
"Given the off-topic snarky chatter on this blog for past several comments, I do hope these chamber meetings remain invitation only."
will the pro economy blog masters be invited?
Oh yes, that was a real gathering of eagles. Better find a new secret clubhouse and bolt the door.
Before I call this a great success please consider only 12 people where in attendance
Twelve? How many were invited? That would be very interesting to know. Interesting in so very many ways, no matter what the answer. Were a lot at the dentist, or, is the real story the selection process? Hardly enough voters in the room for the politicians.
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