Happy Thanksgiving to you too, enjoy the day!
The Sacramento Bee/Associated Press/Matthew Daly, 11/21/12. "Obama pardons Thanksgiving turkey."
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/11/21/5002620/obama-to-pardon-thanksgiving-turkey.html#storylink=cpy
Turkey pardoned by President Barack Obama |
Cobbler and Gobbler pardoned in 2012 |
"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama
pardoned two turkeys in an annual Thanksgiving rite on Wednesday,
saying he wanted to offer the birds a second chance."They say life is all abo ut second chances, and this November I
couldn't agree more with that sentiment," a smiling Obama said in one of
several lighthearted references to his re-election this month to a
second term.
Cobbler, the newly designated national turkey, and his alternate, Gobbler, received a reprieve. .... Obama
noted that Cobbler and Gobbler were selected by the American people,
who cast their votes for the national Thanksgiving turkey on the White
House Facebook page.
Turkey pardoned by President Bill Clinton |
Turkey pardoned by President Ronald Reagan |
.... "Congratulations, Cobbler. You're going to have a great life," Obama said. The
19-week-old , 40-pound turkeys are from Rockingham County, Va.
will live at George Washington's Mount Vernon estate, along with last
year's birds,
Liberty and Peace. Thanks to the American people,
"the only cobbler anyone's eating this Thanksgiving will come with a
side of ice cream," Obama said.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/11/21/5002620/obama-to-pardon-thanksgiving-turkey.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/11/21/5002620/obama-to-pardon-thanksgiving-turkey.html#storylink=cpy
President John F. Kennedy spared a Thanksgiving turkey in 1963, but the practice did not become a
formal White House tradition until President George H.W. Bush granted a
"presidential pardon" to a turkey in 1989." Read article.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
what does this have to do with Pacifica?
this is a national news story. read it on Fox.
how does this concern Pacifica?
how close is Mount Vernon to Pacifica? is this where the managed retreat will go??
Do we have turkeys in Pacifica?
oh yes, many many many turkeys
Are these comments yours Jim Alex, or are these comments from one of your friends?
Following the logic of the 11/22, 2:29 PM comment, Pacifica is on the map, no need to talk about Pacifica. Or try Thanksgiving didn't happen for you 11/22/12.
Does anybody understand what Kathy is saying?
Try turkeys are smarter than your gobbled serial 2:29, 2:29, 2:35, 2:36 one-liner comments. Then at 8:44 you asked a question, and may have answered it at 9:41.
I spammed your comments. Steve restored them, along with the 7:16 AM "hairball" comment.
Sorry you did not have a thoughtful, pleasant Thanksgiving day. I did. As for what I post as articles, there will be no change.
It's not a personal attack to ask something like, "What's this got to do with Pacifica?"
"...what's this got to do with Pacifica?" 2:29 PM. Or "how does this concern Pacifica? 2:35 PM
Steve (10:03 AM). These one-liner complaining comments are repeated and ongoing over several months from one anonymous bully. Yesterday there were several one-liner duh comments which occurred in series (that happened a few times during the day).
Generally such comments are narrow and offensive or irrelevant. "What does this have to do with Pacifica" is an ongoing standard. Such comments are probably from one of two disgruntled blog detractors, (and I do not mean NIMBIES).
Responding takes away from productive time. Not responding when such comments are posted is generally unacceptable to me.
This time, the bully could not leave alone attack and dull comments on a Thanksgiving Day article. That is very sad. I hope Anonymous will figure-out how to have a happier life.
The open invitation to submit articles is posted on this blog, upper left. Meantime, for a broader view, "think globally, act locally.
why don't the 2 of you take your fight off the blog? the blog is too important to be overrun with this petty squabbling.
I'm not any of the people who made any of the earlier comments, but here's another idea:
Try not posting so many articles that have nothing to do with Pacifica on a blog called "Fix Pacifica".
Just a thought...
Anonymous 3:01 PM, well who knows who you are. For your dream to come true, you'll need to submit more local articles. FMV "Fix Pacifica" is a more global, balanced economy concept, and not just about the homies.
Anonymous 2:02 PM. The squabble in question is not petty, its about drawing the line on comment predators and bullies. I agree the blog is important. Also, I don't like having such conversations public, but here we are.
I have always wondered why no one. A secret squirrel insider inside city hall, every drops a few bomb shells on the board.
City Hall has to have a lot of angry employees knowing that the city is headed toward bankruptcy.
If my pension was underfunded and in danger of being cut I would be dropping annon comments all the time.
city employees are too busy counting all the money they bathe in, and laughing at any who suggests they take a pay cut.
City employees bathing in money? Appalling to you and I but apparently of no concern to this council because the raises and improvements to benefits continue unabated. Ask the WWTP staff. Not to worry, we'll get the bill, presented by the latest miracle council,(all hail),sometime next year at the polls. Council will move with uncharacteristic speed and diligence to get it done before the 2014 election theatricals and the debut of the next miracle council. Oh, and city employees have nothing to worry about regarding an unfunded pension liability (find a new chant) because CalPers is insured by the state. Yeah, they'll bill us, and we'll pay. Pacifica never changes, much, How grand that we seem to have an inexhaustible supply of optimists.
"you'll need to submit more local articles"
Nobody is complaining about there being too few articles. On the contrary, they mainly complain about there being too many off-topic articles. They all come from the same source.
"off topic" vs. "on topic".
Yep, I get the "off topic" articles like Thanksgiving, you get to figure-out what you deem to be the "on topic" articles and post them, under a real name Anonymous 7:36 PM. Good luck!
Please, no one is asking for MORE extraneous articles in addition to all the ones you already provide, Kathy.
Have you ever considered that you might be a large part of the problem? Maybe you could take up another hobby and start knitting instead of stirring up all the wingnuts?
Oh swell, now I'm "stirring up all the wingnuts?" Your words Anonymous 9:09 PM. Would that include you???
Let's see those "on topic" articles from you. I can hardly wait.
Identify the issue. The remedy for "too many off-topic articles" is not to simply post more articles that are "on-topic". The remedy is to stop posting the "off-topic" articles. A decline in wing-nut posts on this blog will follow.
You've failed to identify your version of "on topic" or "off topic". Now you have transitioned your focus to "articles" rather than "comments". And you've moved off of "stirring up the wingnuts" (a loaded term to describe "the other") to a relational theory about their decline. Where do you go next?
Articles provide an "open forum", with many topics. And in that regard, you have managed to transition this Thanksgiving article into an ungrateful, disrespectful tirade.
You could say, with a decline in "off topic" anonymous comments, this blog will clean-up. That would be the most likely. But, if there are articles you want posted submit them. The invitation remains open.
More than one anonymous out here.
"More than one anonymous out here." Anonymous 12:29 AM.
Or is that just some camouflage you crawled into. You are who you claim to be: Anonymous. Any cross-identity mix-up, if that, is confusion you have caused directly by omission of your identity.
And when you cannot stand by your word, while at the same time making silly, irresponsible comments, who cares which Anonymous you claim to be. Credibility exists with identify, and making sense.
"Credibility exists with identify"
Credibility also exists with posting things that make sense.
"Credibility also exists with posting things that make sense."
Have you met that standard, Anonymous 9:13 AM?
If you're talking about articles I post, well they're mostly news, or civic meetings. If they don't make sense to you, the problem sounds personal, including your unhappy comment or comments on this "Happy Thanksgiving" article. And apparently you understood my prior comments, because you've been responding to them.
But, FMV the all time loser award for comments on this thread goes to Anonymous 11/23/12, 9:09 PM: Name calling, sexist, ageist-- all wrapped into one. Yet, his contribution to what he calls "extraneous articles" may have been the endless series of USA city bankruptcy articles.
Get real complainers. If you want what you consider "on topic" rather than "on topics" articles, submit them for posting.
"Name calling, sexist, ageist"
Huh? How so? I just asked you to back away from the keyboard a little and stop ruining this blog with all the noise. Any sexism or ageism was in your own head.
oh dear God, please send in the wingnuts now!
"Any sexism or ageism was in your own head." Jill Francis, 11:15 AM.
No, its in your head Fake Jill, 11:15 AM. That paragraph is directed at Anonymous 11/23/12, 9:09 PM. You must have read the paragraph since you partially quoted the contend: "FMV the all time loser award for comments on this thread goes to Anonymous 11/23/12, 9:09 PM: Name calling, sexist, ageist-- all wrapped into one."
"Noise"? FMV the slow moving election comments were "noise", part of a drawn out campaign. So be it.
FMV most of anonymous comments on this article celebrating a peaceful, traditional Thanksgiving are bankrupt, empty, soleless, fackless, "noise". But posting such comments are within your control, not mine.
If it's not in your head, please copy and paste the comments that you found ageist and/or sexist.
Fake Jill 1:44 PM, be a big boy and read the 11/12, 9:09 PM comment yourself. Take up a "hobby like knitting", "extraneous" articles (refers to news, meetings). Divisive "wingnut" comment. "..you might be a large part of the problem". Yep, no description, just name calling. Bingo, Anonymous loser award for this thread.
See? We all knew it was in your head.
Could someone translate that into English please?
Fake Jill 9:35 PM. The "in your head" comment is from you, big boy. This has nothing to do with me whatsoever. Its all about you.
Anonymous comments on this thread indicate some of you may be experiencing early holiday anxiety/depression syndrome, aka "the blues".
why does the blog allow anonymous comments, then trash people who choose to post anonymously? The way people get attacked here, I would never post my real name.
It's gobbledygook.
This site has turned into gobbledygook.
Tellingly, what is missing from this thread is anyone, anonymous or otherwise, agreeing with Kathy. Just because she has posted 12 times (so far) doesn't make hers a majority opinion. Please Kathy, for the sake of all of our sanity, stop! (this is my first post on this thread, honest!)
".. this is my first post on the threat, honest!" Anonymous 9:16 AM. (Sure it is "honest"! No, really honest. Honestly, really).
23 Anonymous anti-Thanksgiving, and negative comments sounds like a nasty intent campaign to me. A negative campaign with questionable outcome, on a traditional Thanksgiving Holiday, one of the most thoughtful days of the year. (Pretty crass and outrageous, FMV).
Negative, low level "pot shot" anonymous comments targeting individuals with real names tends to drive away better commentary and these named individuals.
Meantime, its doubtful that anti-Thanksgiving is a popular "majority opinion" (your words). And it follows "for the sake of all of our sanity, stop!" (Your words turned back on you).
And this is MY first post in this thread, honest injun. Let's keep this thread going for as long as possible to see if Kathy ever figures out that she's being trolled. It appears that she can never NOT respond to any post that's critical of her.
24th Anonymous, 12:37 PM, I agree anonymous commentary to nowhere should end. But the issue is about YOU, not about me.
You said of yourself, "this is my MY first post", but did you also say that the last time you posted a comment on this thread. True, false, who knows-- and who cares.
I could easily agree that trolling criticism from unhappy anonymous people belongs in spam.
Who in the world posts at 3:59?
You should be sleeping at that time.
Not even Denny's is open at that hour.
Only farmers and fishermen are up at that time.
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