Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Since people were asking about what to send to the state to request a forensic audit...

-- Here's what Tom sent to the state --

To the State Controllers Office

For the last two years the City Manager & the City Council of Pacifica Ca. have know that $4.8 million dollars of taxpayer money was moved from one City account to another and then lost track of. No records of how, or on what it was spent,  have been made public.  Repeated request for a forensic audit have been met with a "we believe the money was spent on public projects and not embezzled",  "trust us we know best". Trust and belief have a place in society  but not when it comes to large sums of the public's money disappearing 

Please help the citizen of Pacifica get to the bottom of this mess.

Thomas Clifford/former Planning Commissioner & Vietnam Veteran

Submitted by Tom Clifford


Anonymous said...

Tom what month and year did the money disappear?

Steve Sarkisian said...

And I got fired for having a couple too many drinks and cracking a few nasty jokes!