The Daily Journal (San Mateo County), Samantha Weigel, 10/2/15. "Highway 101 projects get OK: San Mateo County Transportation Authority allocates $108 M in local sales tax money."
Traffic congestion Highway 101 SMCTA funded to get fixed |
"... The San Mateo County Transportation Authority is
allocating $108 million in local sales tax dollars toward projects aimed
at alleviating commuters’ woes. The authority is responsible for overseeing revenue from Measure
A, the voter-approved half-cent sales tax originally passed in 1988 and
reaffirmed in 2004; now it has about $125 million to improve conditions
near Highway 101.
The transportation tax brings in about $75 million a year, of which
27.5 percent or nearly $20 million is allocated toward highway projects,
said April Chan, chief officer of planning and grants with the TA. For
the first time in three years, the TA’s Board of Directors selected
Thursday night projects sponsored by various cities and agencies to
receive much-needed support. While the $108 million is a substantial commitment,
infrastructure projects are costly and there’s a significant need
throughout the county — the TA’s 10-year Capital Improvement Program
dedicated solely to highways outlines $1.2 billion in projects, Chan
.... “[Measure A] doesn’t provide sufficient funding. We generate
about $75 million a year, so we work very closely with the cities and
the county and the [Metropolitan Transportation Commission] to see how
we can leverage our Measure A funding so we can do a lot more. Because
highway projects are not cheap, so you have to work closely with
others,” Chan said. 'And there’s so many areas where we need to make
improvements both for congestion relief and safety improvements.' ”
Read article.
Traffic congestion Highway 1 plagued by lawsuits not to fix |
Related article -
Daily Journal (San Mateo County), Samantha Weigel, 3/7/15. "Caltrans and San Mateo address dangerous merge: State Route 92 and El Camino Real interchange project moves ahead." "The current full cloverleaf layout was
designed more than 50 years ago
and provides short weaving distances where drivers must compete to exit
and enter the freeway. The configuration also forces drivers to merge
onto El Camino Real with wait times frequently causing cars to back up
the length of the ramp and spill over onto State Route 92. ....“
Our overall project goal is to reduce traffic congestion and to improve
bicyclist and pedestrian travel,” Navarro wrote. “The commitment and
interest of Caltrans and the local agencies are to improve the
performance at the on- and off-ramps that is creating deficiencies at
the [State Route] 92 mainline.”
The Daily Journal (San Mateo County), Samantha Weigel, 5/9/15, "Is metering helping?: San Mateo's Poplar, 101 intersection remains problematic." "As traffic congestion becomes an increasing headache for anyone driving
on Highway 101 during rush hour,
Caltrans has implemented metering
lights at all San Mateo County southbound ramps north of State Route 92
in an attempt to ease flow and promote safer merging.
Yet the lights, which took effect this week, are doing little to
improve San Mateo’s already problematic intersection at Poplar Avenue
and the freeway — a long-standing trouble spot that’s slated for
improvements next year. In fact, some fear the new lights are making the intersection worse."
Related government agency -
San Mateo County Transportation Authority. Note: list of "
Current Projects" includes Route 1 Calera Parkway: "The purpose of the proposed project is to reduce congestion on a segment of Route 1 in Pacifica."
Note photographs. Highway 101 southbound intersection north of Route 92 by Nick Rose from the related Daily Journal 5/9/15 article (above). Pacifica Highway 1 traffic congestion by Brendan P. Bartholomew from San Francisco Examiner, 5/11/14.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
And to date Loeb and his goons are blocking Highway 1 improvements. Are you convinced who runs Pacifica from behind the curtain.
John Curtis and his trusty servant, the Ghost of Vreeland, who else?
Uh, excuse me oh obsessed one or two, but Vreeland was for the highway widening. And, anyhow, don't you have a council majority? How's that working out for ya? Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters!
Vreeland, Lancelle and deJarnutt were all for highway widening.
Being the stellar panderers that they all were, I'm sure if they were still in office, they would have changed their minds many times over depending on which room they were in and who they were in front of.
Spineless jellyfish with no ethics what-so-ever.
Well, ok, 851, but they were openly and consistently for highway widening, here, there and everywhere. Doesn't that erase all those other sins? Isn't that like automatic absolution? Not in your world, huh? Don't look now, but your council majority is looking a little floppy on the highway thing. 13 months til the next election. Playing kick the can, again?
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