Friday, March 28, 2014

Climate Change Committee gone nuclear

Pacifica Tribune Letters to the Editor, 3/25/14.  "Self-directed Armageddon" by Jim Wagner
Self-directed citywide financial Armageddon,
you mean this "good stuff" costs us money?

Editor:  The Climate Action Plan committee and the city council held a study session Wednesday March 5. The draft plan is loaded with little mandates to lower Pacifica's carbon footprint. It has lots of charts and makes a lot of claims about the dire straights we are in due to global warming.

Whether you are in the climate change camp or are still undecided, this "plan" will cripple Pacifica's economy even further. There are residential retrofits, commercial retrofits, garbage police, school start changes, school districts forced to buy buses, and much more.  Pacifica is staggering under an anemic economy now, this wish list will bring Pacifica to her knees.

It appears this report was written with no thought what so ever to the costs involved for the people being forced to comply. When asked by council how much this stuff would cost the committee had no numbers. Pacifica deserves to have a full economic impact report done on the cost per component so that a cost/benefit analysis can be conducted. This is overkill citywide. These mandates go far beyond what is mandated by the state. Pacifica can not afford this and the vast majority of people in this town do not want this.

Note:  graphic from  NABNYC blog.

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Climate action actually CREATES jobs and bolsters the economy. Here's a report:

of course a report will only set off climate change deniers like Wagner into a fit of anti-science apoplexy because anything that stands in the way of him and a dull penny either makes no sense (to him) or can't be trusted. It's is really unfortunate that he can't test his suspicions that global warming isn't in blissful isolation - with a bottle of sun screen.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect with the likes of Celeste Langille and Cynthia Kaufman? They never saw a tax or fee they didn't like.

Anonymous said...

The Climate Action Committee needs to be dissolved. This is more about communism and bankrupting the little guy and gal, nothing to do with climate. I am serious. Dissolve this Committee. Demand it.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Jim deny climate change 1253. I did see him question over zealot do-gooders who would impose great financial burden above and beyond the norm on citizens and businesses of Pacifica.

We don't need Celeste Langille (who is a tax queen) who was recalled from city council, or Cynthia Kaufman (who is suing the city) on any more of these committees.

Anonymous said...

1253 That report has nothing to do with what they were trying to do here in Pacifica. Yeah sure burdening home owners and businesses is really going to create many jobs here in Pacifica. Oh wait, maybe the environment finally IS our economy. Hahaha

Kathy Meeh said...

1253 that's nice, a 33 page report from Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. (a government electrical power consultant) that proves spending money creates jobs. Perfect, "spending money creates jobs", which again proves that smart economic development is needed in this city. More jobs, more spending creates more tax revenue to pay climate change improvements. Win, win.

As Jim Wagner said, the City Climate Committee did not do the math. The issue is math, not science. As for your flip comment, well "not to be trusted".

Anonymous said...

"Celeste Langille ... who was recalled from city council." LOL. If that's the quality of (mis)information your'e operating on, it's no wonder you're confused.

Anonymous said...

Seems like being booted off the Planning Commission really stings. Grudges carried for years. But, hey, the activist road is littered with bruised egos and outraged sensibilities.

Anonymous said...

We don't need Celeste Langille (who is a tax queen) who was recalled from city council, or Cynthia Kaufman (who is suing the city) on any more of these committees.

March 28, 2014 at 2:38 PM

She was never on City Council, she was not selected to remain on the Planning Department.

You know when Mary Ann, did her little Vreeland stunt, and put her own yes people on the Planning Commission. Not that Pacifica needs a Planning Commission, being we have zero Planning.

Anonymous said...

Celeste and Cynthia are both suing Pacifica and Caltrans.

Anonymous said...

Hey 756 Madame Mayor gave you the freaking planning commission you wanted. Is it her fault it turned out to be a meaningless gesture?

Anonymous said...

Though the climate plan task force disbanded in 2012, I'm glad you didn't let the facts ruin a perfectly good paranoid rant.

Anonymous said...

Say what?