City Council memo to it citizen Economic Development Committee: The City has created more space for Economic Development Plans. Our program: "Do nothing big", continue to procure grants, cut staff. |
Economic Development Committee, Tuesday, March 11, 2014, 6 p.m.
Police Department Conference Room, 2075 Coast Highway
Economic Development Committee Agenda, 3/11/14.
Last visible minutes: August 13, 2013, Economic Development, See Item 4. After this report was sent to City Council, where did it go? Was it taken seriously, or was it another no action report, not taken seriously, that was shelved?
"The Economic Development
Committee exists to support the development of current local businesses
and their interface with the City of Pacifica, improve aging business
districts, and bring new businesses to Pacifica.
The objectives of the committee are to:
The objectives of the committee are to:
1. Work with the City Manager to review and develop plans to
improve customer service in departments interfacing with current and
potential Pacifica businesses;
2. Facilitate owners/operators in existing business districts to
organize, develop and implement plans for improvement and business
development; and
3. Devise and implement a plan for outreach and marketing of Pacifica to encourage business growth."
Note photograph: empty shelf from Annandale,VA blog.
At city council, tonight and for several months, during citizen communications, Tod Schlesinger has challenged this city council to "do something big", and move forward with needed economic development.
Late Summer/early Fall, the Economic Development Committee did send an important report to city council that was accepted, ignored (NO ACTION), and shelved along with so many other paid by citizens reports. Yes, in addition to city staff time, there was a paid consultant who offered the usual good research and advisement to this city. But, again NO ACTION.
Tonight during city council communications, Mayor Nihart again mentioned that our council members sitting on county committees was paying off. Namely, that Linda Mar Boulevard would be paved through a county transportation grant. Well, we've driven this broken road for a few years, and the worst of it will be paved to Adobe Drive, halfway only back into the valley.
Aren't YOU tired of this neglected city with its minimalist economy by now? The Mayor mentioned city staff had been cut by 20% last year. Is our city economic plan really maneuvering for handouts at county level, and continuing to cut city employees, while at the same time neglecting reasonable expectations of city services?
There was the announcement of the city communications plan tonight at city council with the caveat, "we don't have the staff to implement it fully." Whereas, the preliminary conversation and goal of a communications plan has been going on for more than one year. Notwithstanding, who cares about a communications plan when the #1 ACTION PLAN goal in this city should be: real, substantial economic development.
Lipstick on a pig.
Otherwise our council is saying shut up we are working hard just keeping the city out of bankruptcy.
We are paving half of Linda Mar Blvd. from Highway 1 to Adobe Drive. From Adobe to Oddstad it is even worse and city crews dumped a few buckets of tar and patched up the cracks and potholes.
You can see where the pavement is just falling apart.
$1 million dollars a year should have been used for city road maintence and that money was moved into the general fund to pay bills.
The downward spiral continues. Meanwhile, council stays busy, hires consultants, and communicates. Should we expect a daily journal of their sad activities soon?
What would an economic development DIRECTOR-level person cost this city? You want to be a hero, Ms. Nihart? Hire one. Roll the dice.
Well here's an idea council is trying to push through. A 30 million dollar boondoggle. Let's go into further debt so council will have proper chambers and we'll have a library which nobody uses anymore. And let's build it on a prime piece of oceanfront property so no developer will touch it. That's the ticket.
14 staff members at the city council meeting
Only 8 citizens at the meeting.
People are not attending city council meetings nor are they watching on TV.
I guess everyone was too busy watching Juan Pablo last night.
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