Attend in person, 2212 Beach
Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live
internet feed, The meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City council updates and archives are available on the City website.
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Sure, we just love your anti-dog policies, GGNRA. Pitchforks left in a pile next to the dog rally. |
Closed session, 5:45 p.m.
1. CA government code 54957.6. Conference with labor
negotiator. Agency Negotiator: Glen Berkheimer. Firefighters Local 2400, Battalion Chiefs Local 856, Department Directors Local 350. Wastewater Treatment Plant
Employees Local 856. Miscellaneous Local 856. Managers Local 350.
Police Officers Association, Supervisors, Management Local
2. CA government code 54957(b)(1). Public employee performance evaluation, title City Attorney.
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.
Consent Calendar
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of disbursements, fiscal year 2013-14, 8/23/13-01/31/14.
2. Approval of Minutes 01/27/14.3. CA Department of Education/Child Care Division, general contract amendment, $255,546 increase, FY 2013-14.
4. CA Department of Education/Child Care Division, Pre-school contract amendment, $2,307 increase, FY 2013-14.
5. Collection System Rehabilitation and Replacement projects, Ranger Pipelines, Inc. change order, $269,551. Previously approved in the budget, FY 2013-14.
6. Notice: Climate Action Plan/Energy Services Design and Installation project completion/Aircon Energy, Inc. Replacement of heaters/lights in city building facilities and on city streets. Cost savings estimated at $781,307 over 10 years noted. Fiscal cost impact not noted. Staff report and Resolution.
7. Resolution to accept Warning Lights School Crosswalk Project grant funding (primarily warning lights on crosswalks adjacent for five public schools), $140,000.
8. Resolution to support and submit a SMCTA request for a Bike Racks Project, and a Rockaway Beach to Pacifica State Beach Trail Improvement Project. Measure A highway funding, City match 10% ( $3,600 and $6,240) from general Fund 22 (Capital Improvement).
9. Notice: Completion of Pacifica State Beach Parking Lots Slurry Seal and Striping Project. Fiscal cost impact not noted.
10. Resolution accepting the updated Office of Emergency Services Joint Powers Agreement. Fiscal impact, no change in the 1997 funding formula.
11. Authorization to advertise sealed construction bids for the Palmetto Avenue Streetscape Project. Grant funds will be used and are included in the budget.
12. Establish the position of Assistant City Manager, establish the salary range, and fill the vacancy. (Replacing the Administrative Services Director vacancy, which will remain unfilled). The increased monthly cost estimate is: $1,509-$1,643 salary, $200 retirement benefits.
13. Authorization to contract for Interim Police Chief Services. Police Chief Jim Tasa is scheduled to retire, 2/20/2014, but has offered to serve as Interim Police Chief from 2/24/14 to 10/31/14, or within that time period, until a new Chief of Police is hired.
Special presentations
A. Pacifica Gas and Electric - Kathy Lavezzo.
B. HOT Program - Brian Greenbert.
C. Smart Water use in City operations - Van Ocampo and Dave Gromm.
14. "July 4th Fireworks Activity and Issues Surrounding the Use of Fireworks in Pacifica," report from Police, Public Works, planning Department, Fire. The report is based upon alternative beach recommendations from the City Fireworks Task Force Committee.
15. Draft GGNRA Dog Management Plan/Supplement EIS letter to the GGNRA, adding on-leash modifications, and trail regulation zone signage. Draft Letter.
Note: "Save Off-Leash Dog Walking in the GGNRA" rally photograph by San Francisco District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener, from Marina Times, February, 2014 issue.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Tasa retiring already? Not in any way a personal criticism, but I wonder how much that promotion to chief added to his retirement? And how much interim service would add?
Wondering more about hiring an Assistant City Manager. Highly paid position. The city has cut staff over the years. Was an option to hire two staff to get work done considered?
I do not believe that the interim services add anything to his retirement. The item I find interesting is the creation of an assistant City Manager position.
727 When do we get a new HR Director and real Finance Director? The royal court has some empty chairs.
Hmmm, are you sure about that Tom? If his pension is based on his final year's earnings which would include payout of unused whatever time, then
that number could "spike" sharply if he also serves as interim chief and leaves late in 2014. That unused time payout can be hefty.
Oh my. Fireworks on this agenda. And dogs. Bumping up the payroll isn't nearly as entertaining.
The position I would like to see created is Director of Economic Development.
Tom, if this council really wanted one, they'd already have one. I doubt their commitment to revenue-producing development. Besides, a good EDD would shake things up and we can't have that.
Tom Clifford said...
The position I would like to see created is Director of Economic Development.
February 8, 2014 at 9:41 PM
My thoughts exactly!
So much for the big deal about goal setting.
One of these days, people will wake up and realize what a complete and utter failure our city councils past and present are.
6,000 Housing Units Under Construction In San Francisco, Another 44,000 Units In The Pipeline
While fewer than 2,000 new housing units and 140,000 square feet of commercial space in San Francisco was completed in 2013, there were roughly 6,000 housing units and 2.8 million square feet of commercial space under construction at the end of the year, units which will hit the market over the next year or two.
Permits for another 6,600 housing units to be built in San Francisco have either been approved or requested, units which should start hitting the market in two to four years along with another 4 million square feet of commercial space.
In addition to the nearly 12,600 housing units which are either under construction, ready to break ground or awaiting a permit, another 27,300 units have been approved to be built across the city. The approved projects, however, include 10,500 units by Candlestick, 7,800 units on Treasure Island and 5,680 units in Park-Merced, projects which still have overall timelines measured in decades, not years.
And with proposed plans for an additional 10,500 housing units under the Planning Department’s review, San Francisco's Housing Pipeline currently totals over 50,000 units. For context, a total of roughly 12,000 housing units have been built in San Francisco since 2007, a total of 26,000 new units since 2000.
With respect to commercial development in San Francisco, in addition to the nearly 6.6 million square feet under construction, ready to break ground or awaiting a permit, another 5.9 million square feet of commercial development has been approved and plans for an additional 3.5 million square feet are being reviewed.
A breakdown of the residential developments in the works across San Francisco by neighborhood, not including those at Candlestick, Park-Merced or Treasure Island (click the chart to enlarge):
And did you notice in the Trib last week City set prioreties and the new library is third on the list. Third! With all our problems they make spending 30 mill on a library the 3rd most important.
I can't wait to hear the sales pitch
from Council for that state-of-the-art library we just gotta have. In the time honored Pacifica tradition it will be an 'enjoy now and somebody else will pay later' deal. It's no accident that the new CM oversaw the fundraising and construction of a new library in Walnut Creek. Gee, can't our more ambitious councilmembers just put their names on a brick somewhere, take a photo, and call it progress? Remember folks, it's all about communication--another item on the CM's resume.
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