WikiHow, "How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day."
From the article, the embedded "How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day like an Irishman" video is worth viewing, 2:46 minutes.
By now, you may have missed the "go to church" tip. And by the way, the Irish are not that fond of the color green. Read article.
Related - Top 10 Reviews/Taylor Thomas, "Top Ten St Patrick's Day Parades".1) New York City, NY,
2) Dublin, Ireland, 3) Chicago, IL, 4) Boston, MA, 5) Savannah, GA, 6)
Hot Springs, AR, 7) Holyoke, MA, 8) New Orleans, LA, 9) Scranton, PA,
10) Syracuse, NY. Reference -, St. Patrick, includes a series of six running St Patrick lore videos.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Not even a single place in Pacifica to have corned beef and cabbage. Maybe Denny's?
St Patrick wasn't Irish. He was Welch or Scotish
A place to have "corned beef and cabbage" Anonymous 12:11 PM
Kenny's Restaurant on Crespi Blvd has corned beef and cabbage today, and that may be take out if you prefer. BTW Corned beef and cabbage is an American St Patrick's Day main dish variation. Apparently the Irish eat lamb.
St. Patrick was born in Scotland
4th Century BC. Taken to Ireland as a slave from his home at age 16 by Irish raiders.
The place across from the school the chinese place has corned beef?
"He was Welch"
He was a grape?
That's correct, Anon 1:45 PM. Kenny's is a Chinese/American Restaurant. They have excellent Chinese food. Kenny's also serves American food, including holiday meals. And, the corn beef and cabbage should be quite good, I've heard that it is. But, I'm a vegetarian, so that's yours to discover.
Another alternative, you might want to call Sharp Park Golf Course, to see if they may be serving corn beef and cabbage today. Sometimes they plan special day meals. If anyone else has suggestions, let us know.
Anons 12:12, 1:12, 2:37, I've added a quick St Patrick biography link to the article. There is a running series of six St Patrick biographical videos in the link as well.
How bout making corned beef and cabbage at home?
Isn't that an option?
Or you could get a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's.
Born in Scotland, near Dumbarton in 387 AD. Scotland.
"They have excellent Chinese food."
good god someone has got to get out in this wide world a little more
Take it easy there 547, you worldly sophisticate. There's no need to be bashing a longtime local business enjoyed by many. They put out a more than adequate meal at a reasonable price with friendly service. Been doing it for quite some time, too.
"There's no need to be bashing a longtime local business enjoyed by many." Anonymous 7:07 PM
True, true. And maybe "worldly sophisticate" Anonymous 5:47 PM got out for one of those O'Sinead Shamrock Shakes suggested at by O'Sinai at 3:33 PM.
Meantime, I hear the corn beef and cabbage was good (no cooking, no dishes at home; leftovers for tomorrow), Anonymous 3:27 PM.
Also, the corned beef and cabbage burritos served up for St. Paddy's by Candy at La Playa were incredible, as always.
We had delish take-out from Kenny's while we watched The Quiet Man on TCM. Simple, multi-cultural pleasures.
A visit to the Quiet Man bridge near Galway should be on everyone's bucket list.
If council/CoC/Eco-NIMBYs/etc all had their s£^% together, they'd be fighting together to make people say things like that about the pier or Mori's Point or the Portola discovery site or something. Instead, they all point fingers at each other like two-year-olds.
Pro tip to the knuckle dragging mouthbreathers on the blog, if a chinese restaurant has hamburgers, hot dogs and grilled cheese on its menu, it doesn't take a worldly sophisticate to realize Houston, we have a problem.
At least you haven't shoveled too much hamburger helper into your gaping maw too realize you hold an overenthusiastic attitude towards a local eatery due primarily to its locale and are now walking it back with the thumping endorsement, 'more than adequate'
" walking it back with the thumping endorsement.." talking to hear your brain rattle, but you're lost Anonymous, 7:11 AM.
The initial question was which restaurants served corned beef and cabbage in Pacifica on St Patrick's Day. (see 3/17, 12:`11 PM). So far the answer is 1) Kenny's and 2) La Playa; maybe 3) Sharp Park golf course.
I stand by my statement that Kenny's has excellent Chinese food, (its country style). And, further, their restaurant service to the community has been consistently of good qualify and excellent given their product. (see Anonymous 3/17, 7:07 PM).
Note: there are no Irish "eateries" in Pacifica. And if there were, we would still be talking about corn beef and cabbage.
The bar on Palmetto was an Irish pub a while back 4 provencies? something like that.
I love Kenny's Cafe.
La Playa makes the best hamburgers in town. IMO.
Kenny's makes the best soups for head colds. Also, one day I was craving for a steak and ordered one and it was excellent along with the price.
I could go on and on, but that would take forever.
Kenny's is great for what it is and they do their thing very well without pretension; I suppose I would call "Chinese comfort food." I've also heard that they're very involved in local fundraising (as are Luigi's and The Surf Spot).
So let's go a little easy on them and simply enjoy our small-town, family-owned restaurant. Relax. It's okay to enjoy a restaurant that isn't The French Laundry once in a while.
I would have never known that Kenny's serves up corned beef and cabbage, so kudos to Kathy for her post. Hopefully I'll remember this fact a year from now.
711AM--how's that for karma? You
are a fool. Being able to enjoy something simply for what it is, is truly a gift in this life. Being able to enjoy another's happiness in something, is grace.
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