County sales tax collection occurs from Monday, April 1, 2013, and that's no kidding.
Worse? April 1st could be your birthday |
The Daily Journal (San Mateo County), Heather Murtaugh, 3/30/13. "Sales tax rising on Monday: Half Moon Bay's rate is 9.5 percent, countywide rate is 9 percent and San Mateo is 9.25 percent."
.... "Voters passed two separate half-cent sales taxes last year, both
of which take effect April 1.
Nearly two-thirds of San Mateo County
voters approved Measure A, a half-cent sales tax measure aimed at
generating millions for a wide range of needs including seismic upgrades
at Daly City-based private Seton Medical Center which heavily
bankrolled its campaign. Measure J, a half-cent sales tax that will
raise about $870,000 annually over the next three years for Half Moon
Bay, also passed.
This will be the second spike in sales tax this year. On Jan. 1, a
quarter-cent hike went into effect as part of Gov. Jerry Brown’s
Proposition 30 tax package to support education. On Monday, two others
go into effect."
.... All the new tax rates have end dates. Proposition 30 is set to end in
The San Mateo County measure has a 10-year life. Half Moon Bay’s
higher tax rate will last for three years.
Read more.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Why does taxpayer money have to be used to fix the private Seton Hospital? Taxpayer money doesn't go to fix Sutter Hospitals or Kaiser Hospitals?
Seton is one of the most expensive private hospitals in the Bay Area. They should not get any taxpayer dollars.
Uh oh somebody got a bad tummy tuck.
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