The following meeting has been CANCELLED, city memo 3/12/13 (civic email broadcast received at 4:32 PM).
Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live internet feed, The meeting begins at 6 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City website.
Notice from Kathy O'Connell, City Clerk. "Notice is hereby given that a special meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13, at 6 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Presentation of possible options for development of five year financial plan.
2. Presentation of possible options for development of five year financial plan.
3. Response to questions on financial information.
4. Process of final plan development
5. Oral communications/public comment."
The PCT 26 Calendar indicates they are televising this City Council study session.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
2. Presentation of possible options for development of five year financial plan.
That's funny. We don't have five years.
This is like asking the guy in line behind you at the bank to help you balance your checkbook.
Or like saying, How can my account be overdrawn I have checks left.
This city has no clue.
How crazy are we to think that anyone enjoying a ride on the gravy train of municipal employment is going to be willing or able to stop the train? Spending the public's money is addictive, and, wow, what a sense of entitlement it gives the spender. Crash dead ahead?
well we hire consultants for everything else why not hire an accounting firm to see where we can cut fat. First cuts should be the city council then go after department heads.
This council will be the council that gets to vote for bankruptcy.
Well, that's fair. Other than the new kids, O'Neill and Ervin, the rest should be stuck with the shame of that vote. Let it follow them. They've failed to halt the disaster. Lot of whining, lot of political posturing and sneaking around, but little else. Worried about your image and political careers? You're from Pacifica. That says it all!
One of the towns biggest wind bags is also the cities biggest hyprocrite. He complains about high city salaries and x amount of employees making over 100k per year.
His wife is a city employee.
Pot kettle black
Any idea's why this study session was cancelled today?
" session was cancelled." Todd Bray, 5:56 PM
Don't know why the study session was cancelled, but thanks for your "heads up" comment, Todd. The cancellation is now posted to the article.
They wanted to watch the World Baseball Classic.
The bachelor finale
@335 windbag? concerned citizen?
anyhoo, i believe his very successful wife is prez and ceo of a non-profit museum in san jose. doubt that she's a city employee although i'm sure her museum includes the city in their endless fund-raising rounds. guess who the museum is honoring this year? barry and molly swenson! yes, that barry swenson.
They stole a boat and sailed far, far away.
Was that the Economic Development Committee Meeting? Of all the meetings to cancel...oh who are we kidding? Way too little and much too late.
I heard the meeting was cancelled because they don't have firm numbers about the amount of the state take-away. It's supposed to be much less than what was first announced.
That would be good news until the next shoe drops. Why must it always be financing-by-ambush in this town?
Talk to the state about that
What firm numbers? The numbers are all made up by Finance.
Maybe they can place "tip jars" out around town. Oh wait those are all being stolen.
Barry Swenson is still building a lot of San Jose's future, but that's not stopping History San Jose from honoring the developer and his wife, Molly Swenson, at its annual Valley of Hearts Delight dinner this summer.
The fundraising event at History Park, which is part of San Jose's Kelley Park, recognizes individuals or families that have had historic impact on the community, and the Swenson family has fit that description for generations.
"It is a particularly fitting choice since Molly Swenson was one of the original signers on the museum's Articles of Incorporation," said History San Jose CEO Alida Bray.
The chairs of the event are History San Jose board members Elizabeth Monley and Sean O'Kane, and the June 29 dinner will again follow last year's popular "movable feast" format, allowing people to roam the park and its exhibits instead of being tethered to tables.
Tickets are $150; more information is available by calling 408-918-1046 or visiting
853, what does San Jose Museum and Barry Swenson have to do with the cancelled budget session?
2:49 Its easy to connect the dots.
Bray, and his friends bankrupted the city and chased every revenue producing project developer out of town.
Bray, complains about high salaries at city hall. His wifes gig at the San Jose History Center is paid by the tax payers.
Pot kettle black? Hypocrite much?
We have other dots. History San Jose is a non-profit. The non-profits of the world know better than anyone that they are dependent on the generosity, social conscience and even the egos of the people who create profit. People like Barry Swenson, locally, and then the big fish like Packard, Haas, Buffett, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Bechtel, Kaiser, etc. No doubt there are conflicts of idealogy along the way between recipient and donor but those are usually eased by a healthy pragmatism and the desire to do the greater good for the greater number of people.
It all takes money. That's something this bonehead city has yet to learn.
What's ironic is that while his wife's organization is honoring Barry Swenson, Todd worked to keep Swenson out of Pacifica.
Yup, it's ironic. An apparent conflict of idealogy right here at Casa Bray.
Mizz Bray, whup that husband of yours upside the head! Time for him to get right.
Todd did them a favor. Huge.
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