Monday, January 30, 2012

Perfect vector control storm - warmer weather, new regulations

From Oakland Tribune/Malthias Gafni, 1/20/12, "Mosquito fogging in jeopardy after new environmental regulations."

Lots of open space here "-- be aware!"
"As fears grow that an unseasonably warm winter could lead to a severe West Nile virus season in the Bay Area, statewide vector control agencies may lose their chief weapon in fighting the mosquito-borne illness. Mosquitoes already have awakened from their hibernation, and a late rain could create the perfect breeding ground for West Nile, just as a federal court ruling imposes strict regulations on the use of mosquito-abatement pesticides. The ruling, which took effect last fall, requires that pesticide use adhere to the Clean Water Act, meaning seasonal fogging may cease in parts of the Bay Area, increasing the chances humans will get infected by the potentially fatal virus, experts say. A bill that would free vector control agencies from the rules is stuck in Congress.

In addition to the regulatory and biological perfect storm, an Asian tiger mosquito infestation in Southern California threatens the rest of the state with the dangerous species, which carries not only West Nile but also dengue fever, known as "break-bone fever" because of the accompanying joint and muscle pains. This mosquito was found in Santa Clara County six years ago but was quarantined before it could spread.

Most people bitten by a mosquito carrying West Nile experience no symptoms; however, 20 to 30 percent will contract West Nile fever and flu-like symptoms, including possible paralysis, and less than 1 percent will get a brain-inflammation illness, according to the Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District. Since 1999, California has had more than 30,000 reported human cases, with 1,228 deaths.

On Monday and Tuesday, scientists from the state's 65 vector control agencies will meet at their annual conference in Burlingame to discuss two of the biggest issues to hit them in decades. "This is not the time to not allow us to control the mosquitoes," said Deborah Bass, spokeswoman for Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control. "We could definitely see an increase in the number of human cases of West Nile virus," said Dr. Steve Schutz, scientific program manager for the Concord-based agency. Read more.

Submitted by Jim Alex

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

And of course John Curtis is on this

Anonymous said...

Vreeland must be our patient zero.
Bit by a scout mosquito or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the hamburgler Curtis bit Vreeland and gave him rabies?

Lisa Earls said...

I really hate mosquitoes. They carries viruses and other germs. As much as possible I see to it that my kid avoid being bitten by mosquito. pretty scared!

Deep Throat said...

This just in. Remember John Curtis was arrested a few months ago.


Anonymous said...

At Pack N Save in SSF.

Why not Curtis, has been stealing from the taxpayers his whole life. They probably booted him out of every store in Pacifica for doing the same.

He has cost the city of Pacifica countless millions of dollars in lost revenue from the blockage of development at the Quarry twice, Fish Bowl, Old Waste Water Treatment Plant.

I heard a developer bought him some McDonalds and gave him some shush $$ to keep quiet about a big development around town.

Anonymous said...

Damn the Mosquito's. I fear having my hands and or feet anywhere around the Hamburgler Curtis when he is eating at McDonalds.

The only person in town who makes the billions served change sign change solo!!