Monday, January 2, 2012

Environmentalists hope to turn the tide against use of sea walls

The longtime practice of dumping huge rocks and chunks of concrete along the coastline to stop erosion is coming under fire from those who favor letting the shoreline retreat naturally. San Francisco's efforts to protect Ocean Beach is the latest battleground.


For years, San Francisco's Ocean Beach has been under assault by such powerful surf that a fierce winter storm can scour away 25 feet of bluff in just days.

The startling pace of the erosion near the San Francisco Zoo has compelled the city to spend $5 million to shore up the crumbling bluffs. The strategy has been simple: drop huge rocks and mounds of sand to protect the nearby Great Highway and the sewer pipes underneath from being destroyed by the crashing waves.

But as the enormous rocks have piled up, adding to a jumble of concrete — chunks of curb and bits and pieces of gutters — from parking lots that have tumbled onto the shore, so too have the demands that the city get rid of it all and let the coastline retreat naturally.

Now, San Francisco finds itself under fire from environmentalists, who call the rock and rubble unsightly and harmful to the beach, and the California Coastal Commission, which regulates development along the state's 1,100-mile coastline but has refused to sign off on the fortifications, some of which have sat on the shore for 15 years without its permission.




Posted by Steve Sinai


Kathy Meeh said...

What are the "best practice" science solutions for coastal cities? "Managed Retreat" through our neighborhoods does not seem to be an adequate option.

The full article is worth reading, Pacifica's crumbling cliffs are mentioned. Basic Modern Sea Walls.

Anonymous said...

"Managed retreat"

Could there be a two-word phrase that better sums up NIMBYism?

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog said...

"Managed retreat"?

I thought that was the punchline to "How would you best describe the French Army?"