Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live feed internet The meeting begins at 7pm (but usually starts a few minutes late).
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One burnt turkey after another. |
Closed Session
1) Public employee appointment: City Attorney.
2) Labor negotiations Teamsters union locals Miscellaneous 856, Management 350, Waste Water 856.
Consent Calendar (pass through), pages 1-2.
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Street pavement rehabilitation Federal Aid project completion, resolution.
4. Adoption of wastewater and industrial wastes code amendment ordinance, chapter 13, title 6 (regulation of sewer laterals).
5. Beach Boulevard consultant services agreement with Leland Consulting Group, Phase 3, 1st amendment.
6. Senior bus replacement, purchase contract authorization: 80% cost reimbursed from C/CAG, City 20% from Fund 72 reserve.
Special Presentation - none
Public Hearing, page 2.
7. Appeal denial of outdoor uses permit at 800-1046 Palmetto Avenue (10/17/11 Planning Commission denial).
8. Adoption of Recology of the Coast rate increase from 1/1/12 through 12/31/12, 4.99%.
Consideration - none
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Where's the consultant's report on the sewer overhaul, where is the audit of Recology's "justification" of a 5% rate hike?
Nowhere to be found.
Potemkin Village aka Pathetica is here.
Prediction re those wielding the shears at Monday night's latest shearing of the sheep...they have no choice, and Mein Gott! we must remember Recology's good deeds in the community, and they are so very very sorry. Indeed, a sorrier bunch you could not find.
I'm down to a half bag of trash a week. We got our single stream recycle we've been bitchin about for years, we got our compost bins we've been bitchin about, the Beach Coalition gets its crap hauled for free, the city gets its garbage (well, most of it. Digre, Vreeland, and Dejarnutts still await composting) hauled at no charge, most of our garbage bills are lower, so exactly why are we bithin now!?
Whose bills are lower?
Those of us who have 20 gallon trash cans and recycle have lower trash rates, plus the system is more efficient and better for the earth. Having said that I've used the dump site 4 times this year, and hope to be their good customer in the future as well. This is one monthly bill I don't mind paying, and its small.
However, when the city takes a huge franchise fee override, and again "free rides" trash service cost, the rest of us pay the bill. This is another citizen "you pay" consequence of a city not developing a balanced economy. Again thank city council (4), 2002-10, 3 of whom are a quorum still sitting on city council (DeJarnatt, Vreeland, Digre).
My garbage bills ain't lower.
Nobdoy's bills are lower, and Kathy's a hypocrite.
1/2012, the 20 gallon trash can monthly rate is increasing from $21.86 to $22.96. My cost from the year prior is less, because I switched from the 32 gallon trash can to the NEW 20 gallon trash can.
In fact, many people made the same change, because of 1) the added recycling capacity (blue can), and 2) the new greenwaste service (green can). Hence, the total recycling/garbage efficiency is greater. The 32 gallon trash can monthly cost will be $35.95 (was $34.24), the 20 gallon trash can monthly savings is $12.99 with the 1/2012 4.99% 12 month rate increase. Got it?
Anon (816), here is the definition of hypocrite. Study it, learn, inappropriate, dissembled use of that pejorative word is bad karma for you.
If you're still using a 32 gallon container then you're part of the problem not part of the solution! How's that for some good ole fashioned hippy talk! And I can make that claim being a product of the 60's and a participant in the first earth day celebration. If you are still using the 32 gallon can you're not participating. Get on the program. And while I'm ranting, how come you all roll over to the citys franchise fee for comcast? Over six dollars a month! Oh, and the utility users tax. There's another gem. At least Recology picks up our garbage. These other "fees" are just hidden taxes.
The city should start giving big fines to those fisherman's that come to Pacifica to fish and at the same time they bring their huge plastic bags and throw it into the garbage cans around Beach Bld. They take all the parking lot. No one gives them a ticket. They could stay all day perhaps all night.I am sorry. Enough is Enough. We are not a wealthy town to pleased outsiders that come and destroyed our town. Who raised them their fees???? Instead homeowners keep having to pay extra "fees" for sewer, garbage, building permit and many more.
Enough is enough . There is no logical explanation. Also the city owns the parking lot
outside the old sewer treatment. Don't tell me the State owns it. I recalled a couple years ago it was brought up to council and they said that state owns the pier and that's why they could not charge for parking.
So why the city employees maintains the pier??????
In aggregate, the fees being paid by the citizens of Pacifica to our garbage collectors have gone up substantially since the city gave Recology a sweetheart deal rather than going out to bid.
A hypocrite is someone who blames the city council for everything from the Kennedy assassination to Demi and Ashton's breakup, but gives them a free pass whenever their friends Chris and Babs are involved in any way.
" aggregate..our garbage collectors have gone up substantially"
Anon (1017) compare to Atherton, similar situation, prior trash vendor failed financial contract. Atherton's rates went-up 88%. The article was re-post on THIS blog, 11/18/11.
It seems in Pacifica, the city was the cause of the 50 year trash vender financial service contract failure. Again, city council majority (2002-10) policy changes, enforced or advanced by their city attorney.
As for your selective, careless use of calling others (who are not Anonymous) "hypocrites", your reasoning is idiotic. Facts in context are reality, and no one gets a pass. Personally, I do value and appreciate the good people you mentioned, so when you think of them, please be so kind as to also think of me. Again, thank you for including me in that special, high achiever, pro-city group, Happy Holidays!
"..These other "fees" are just hidden taxes."
PG Anon(814), these hidden fees and taxes are just another make-up-the-difference, fake-it, or penalty for not developing a balanced city economy in Pacifica. BTW the Comcast Franchise Fee is $8.58 on my bill (plus PEG access .09, state sales tax .41, FCC .07 = total $9.16). Comcast Franchise Fees do in part fund our community Channel 26 TV station.
For some of us, the Comcast bill has increased rates to $160.14 monthly (+ or -), up to 4 TVs only. Know which vendor(s) has the best coverage and cost? Any other vendor carry Pacifica Community TV, channel 26? (Sure, I know channel 26 is available on the internet most of the time).
As for people who need more trash space, or extra greenwaste or recycling cart (can). All good, incentives to recycle exist. And, there is not much room for trash in the 20 gallon cart, which is adequate week-to-week for some of us, not for others.
I've heard that old contract with Coastside was a 20 year contract? 20 years. That was a sweetheart deal unlikely to ever be surpassed. We're still being fleeced but just a snip here and a snip there and a few good deeds tossed in so we don't protest too loudly.
Coastside didn't pay the city for 20 years also!
Anonymous (506), your off-the-wall comment about the city giving Coastside a "free ride" is both false and ridiculous. Didn't happen.
How long has the redevelopment of the quarry been stalled by the same people moaning about garbage fees?
Damn, we are maroons!
Maroons? We are maroons? Moe baby, I think you're looking for the Huffington Post. They're maroons, too.
Enough with the garbage. What does that first item under closed session mean? Are we hiring another city attorney already? What happened to our austerity plan? Or was that just code for getting rid of a problem? Oh, say it isn't so.
Rumor has it the Council is re-appointing Hal Bohner as city attorney. He made such a good case against the Hwy 1 fix!
"...Hal Bohner as city attorney..."
Perfect, the city will be building on no land, no highway improvement, and filing for bankruptcy soon.
As a citizen, Bohner participated in the Planning Commission Brown Act violation last month. And, when he was appointed city attorney many years ago there was something about a city law suit he lost.
And Kathy Jana is being appointed as the city's official science advisor.
Dinah Verbhy is in line for a post as Pacifica Economic Advisor. Sue Digre will push her mantra as mayor next year. Ecology is Good.
All will be well. We'll show those silly Meninites.
Maroons vs.'s a fight to the death...or a dictionary. Whichever comes first.
Fixpacifica is to be reprinted weekly as a replacement for staff reports and council agenda's... Whoa... that actually makes me queazy.
Oh, if only Fix Pacifica were that powerful!
Your assertion that garbage rates have gone down is only for a select few. Seniors' bills have all risen by double digits as that break no longer exists. And city staff reports indicate that 44% of ratepayers have gone down to 20-gallon cans, well, by gosh that leaves 56% who haven't!
So enjoy the rate hike, at this rate, it won't be long before 20-gallon can ratepayers pay as much as 32-gallon ratepayers were paying.
"..assertion that garbage rates have gone down.."
Lionel (859), I think you may be obsessing on the trash carrier change, and possibly there are "better dragons for you to slay". A city that has an inadequate commercial base is a hungry dragon, and for that more global solutions are needed.
The trash cart rates have stabilized into a 12 month rate adjustment cycle for 2012. And, what I said above (11/25, 10:57pm) is clear enough and irrefutable.
Your broad statistics are appreciated. 44% households have transitioned to the 20 gallon trash carts (good), whereas 56% have not. The 56% may include larger households, or businesses. Probably not many Seniors in the 56% category, so with the 20 gallon trash cart their rates may have increased about $5 monthly, (or $3 monthly if poverty rate).
If actual trash is not the throw-out issue, additional recycling or greenwaste carts are only $3.40 each monthly. Combine the additional cart(s) needed with the 20 gallon trash cart. That's a cost savings strategy, and its an easy phone call.
Forget it Lionel. Clearly this is a case of "love me, love my dragon."
Just curious if anyone knows how the city came to the agreement with Recology that they would be the exclusive provider of debris boxes in Pacifica. In other cities it it clearly written on the Recology website that this agreement exists (and explains that the rates were negotiated with the city) but for our Recology there is no mention of it nor any explanation of how the rates were decided upon. Seems like the negotiated prices really don't benefit Pacificans at all, a 14 sq yd box for $500 for 2 days or 578 for 4 is a bit outrageous. 20 = 640 for 2 days and 735 for 4, 30 for 957. Would seem to me that whoever negotiated on behalf of the citizens of Pacifica could have gotten a much fairer deal than this.
Many customers who were previously using a forty or forty-five gallon cart (or larger) have been able to reduce to a 32 so there are decreases across the board, not just to a select few and do you feel if someone turns 65 they should automatically get a discount? People who previously were not over 65 but had a finacial hardship had no recourse but now they do and seniors with a financial hardship also qualify but seniors who have the financial means to pay are no longer given this discount. Regarding debris box prices..this area ia part of the rate schedule so it includes the 11% franchise fee that the independents don't pay.
Oh thank you, I feel much better now. And, at those prices I guess I can rule out moving into a debris box when I'm taxed and gouged into poverty in Pathetica. Thanks, again.
No negotiations were involved in setting these rates. This was simply a gift from the City of Pacifica to Recology for bailing out the city from its mismanagement of its 20 year contract with Coastside. Is there a problem here?
One speaker tonight had a great idea that the city should add the protest forms to the notices it circulates before the required rate increase hearings. Also it is clear Recology feels it has bought and paid for it's fee increases by it's donations to local causes... according to the Chamber of Commerce at least... very laughable.
Who let Fred Howard out of the kloset so late last night?
Todd, if you feel so strongly why weren't you there to voice you opinions? anonymous who states no negotiations were involved with setting these rates. you know something I don't? The rates were set by the City after review by their consultants. The current contract was written by the City's consultant and again, for the last time, Recology did not bail out the former Company. This was a sale and all past due fees were paid to the City BY THE FORMER OWNER before the transfer took place. Why don't any of you come to Council and bring your thoughts forward so you can get the correct information. I guess it's just easier to go on and on with your misguided information. Oh, and another thing, the City of Pacifica receives an sudited financial statement on a yearly basis and any information given to them during a rate review process is checked by City staff and then by the consultants who require substancial backup to verify numbers. I am sorry you feel donations to City causes are laughable. I'll make sure to pass this information on to the Resource Center, Pacifica School District and other charities we assist. Todd, the lady you wrote about wanted to be able to vote yes or no on any increase. Guys, we have a contract that was discussed and passed in open Council session.
Happy Holidays to all of you.
Chris Porter Recology 1
Todd Bray 0
Chris, it's a sale with a municipal contract that guarantees a profit over cost. Part of the deal was that you kept your job. You are also the president of the Chamber of Commerce, which receives public funding from the city general fund. Rather than rant and point fingers at residents who are engaged in their community, for free, try being grateful, just a little.
I saw council meeting last night and heard vreeland say lionel emde caused the garbage rate to be increased another 2% over what recology asked for. Did anyone else hear this?
At city council last night (11/28), the city (Ann Ritzma) was quick to point-out the cost increase from 3.1% to 4.99% was all "Lionel's fault"-- the result of the lawsuit settlement 3 month rate adjustment delay, the cost of the lawsuit, and the 218 type advisement to citizens.
The consultant who reviewed the contract pointed-out the actual approximate "trash pick-up cost" in the San Mateo peninsula is about $33 monthly per household/business. (Because of the high franchise fee and "freebees" Pacifica may be higher than that).
From my view the city makes these Prop 218 notifications as complicated and void of information as possible. Efficiency and transparency would dictate 1) some kind of simplified accounting statement, including a projected trend (similar to other utilities), and 2) a postage paid protest envelope when Prop 218 provisions apply.
..."love me, love my dragon." , Anon 11/27, 11:27pm. Yes, it would be better to go after the hungry dragon, rather than a working lizard. The dragon is the city and its series of "no growth" consequences, rather than the lizard, a private business doing a good job providing an essential, contracted service.
Todd, nobody is going to be grateful to the NIMBYs for letting the city rot to hell.
Did anyone notice I was missing in action last night?
Hahaha, Steve, you need to visit Hyde and Turk to get some perspective.
@ IMWK... If Ann Ritzma really said that about Lionel during a public hearing I think she should be fired today. Lionel and the city had a difference of opinion. Lionel took the issue to court and the court agreed with Lionel. That means the city caused the extra 2% increase not Lionel. Boy I hope Ann gets the boot for this and Steve Rhodes for not admonishing her during the hearing. What utter stupidity. Our senior staff are employees not sovereign entities no matter how hard they try to act that way.
The staff report puts the blame on Lionel. Unbelievable. The city takes no responsibility for it's actions. I say this with a heavy fat encrusted heart... Steve and Ann really do need to resign.
Did anyone notice I grew a beard so no one spots me around town.
It is hard work dodging city council meetings!
Todd, Lionel did not have the court agree with him. The City settled to avoid more than the $100,000 and Lionel's attorney fees that they had to pay out of the City coffers.
Chris Porter 2
Todd Bray 0
Todd (127, 157), remembering some of this: The city shut Lionel out, which ultimately may have caused the lawsuit (he would know, and may not be able to disclose as part of the settlement). My opinion, the prior city attorney was good at shutting people-out and promoting lawsuits, and she is gone.
You seem to have a history of wanting to fire Steve Steve Rhodes, which may be the reason I'm a big fan of his. Within incalcitrant constraints of city policy, Rhodes seems to work at being fair, and trying to move this city council and city forward. NIMBY policy will not provide for the future, and does not pay existing city bills.
City council agenda, item 8, Recology rate adjustment review is posted in detail from page 59 to page 89 here. I believe Ann Ritzma read from pages 1 and 2 of that text.
Chris, whether or not the city settled to save face or money the result or outcome is the same. The city and Recology can no longer raise rates without a mailed notice to the public which was Lionel's main issue.
To then produce a staff report finger pointing to the concerned resident that no longer wanted your benefactors to indiscriminately do your bidding shows the underlying corruption of our senior staff regarding your company. Steve and Ann have earned your trust I'm sure. The relationship with Recology helps pay their salaries.
BTW I'm guessing you are on the clock when you are posting here calling residents and Recology customers names?
Rhodes has openly stated that the city needs development. That's why Todd doesn't like him.
Isn't this about donuts? How can you trust a guy who doesn't eat donuts?
Steve (Sinai) if it were that simple. I don't think our current city manager is a good fit for Pacifica. Forget the crash in moral of city employees due to his arrogance for a moment and focus on his lack of competence. That to me is the issue. I don't think he is doing a good job, nothing more and nothing less. Finger pointing blame at residents to avoid admitting responsibility for blunders isn't managing, it's scapegoating.
People like Lionel give the City fits because they know which questions to ask and they also know when the answers are full of half-truths and well-crafted deceptions. Listening to council and staff publicly attack a resident for exercising his legal rights shows that the arrogance of those who run this city knows no bounds. The courts, however, are all about boundaries.
Porter is on the clock. Todd is not. Chris and Todd hurl invectives like laser beams. Chris seems to have the advantage of a giant corporation behind her. Can the Toddster withstand these withering attacks!!??
Only a celebrity death match will settle this blood feud!
I'll promote, sell TV rights, and sell tickets. It'll be the bout of the century! Vegas! Miami! New York! Finally an answer. Who jabs the best!
Todd, unlike you, I happen to think Steve Rhodes is doing a good job.
Death match!! I'd buy a ticket to that one and a few other match-ups I can think of. Make it municipal and this dump would be out of the red in no time. Elections are so passe and the hiring process can be such a crap shoot. Oops, well you know what I mean. Anyway, let's make it edgy and relevant! In the quarry. How Roman.
McMann, what laser beams?? That's garbage they're hurling and Porter has a big advantage. Go Toddie, go!
Steve Rhodes is a good man doing a good job under constant threat of termination by an incompetent, egotistical and dishonest City Council (Nihart and Stone excluded).
"Regarding debris box prices..this area ia part of the rate schedule so it includes the 11% franchise fee that the independents don't pay."
That is laughable. San Bruno pays FAR less and you know as well as I that the 11 percent figure is no longer operative as a city commission as a result of my lawsuit. If you don't know that, you oughta ask the bosses who count the beans. They sure as hell know it, and are laughing all the way to the bank.
I'll bet Recology is kicking itself for not asking for a 10, or 15 or even 20 percent increase. The council would, if staff recommended it , sit there openmouthed and approved it in silence.
No, Lionel, they'd be really sorry and then they'd approve it. You know kind of like when you got a spanking as a child and your Mom or Dad said this hurts me more than it hurts you--you're the one who still got the spanking, didn't you?
Re Rhodes, conditions can't be too unbearable. The guy could retire now and collect Calpers and his Oregon Public Emps Pension and whatever else he's earned. He's alright but he's more of a project guy than an econ development driver. Guess that was the search criteria in that other world. At this stage senior staff and council are just pallbearers.
I have no reason to fight with Todd or Lionel. I just want the truth to get out and not their personal theories on everything. As far as Steve Rhodes and Ann Ritzma go, they are probably two of the hardest workers in senior staff that the City has ever had and I have been working with the City staff for almost thirty years. They have to make the unpopular decisions regarding City staff that no one in their right mind wants to make. It is public knowledge that Steve has cut his own salary and benefits numerous times. They both want this City to succeed and econmic development is part of this process. They both should be applauded for this instead of demeaned by you two. And for the 501st time, we have a contract with the City that governs the rate increases. Talk about bitter.....I have put more hours into trying to help out in this City on more committees then I can count and the majority of them have nothing to do with my businss so who is bitter here? I am signing off from blogging now but you guys have a nice holiday and try to find something positive to say about someone, anyone or something.
Oh and P.S. Do you get your digs in by using anonymous?
I was wondering, Chris Porter, is Recology paying you to monitor the fixpacifica blog during office hours? Are they even aware of it? One would think someone at your level in that corporation would have better things to do with their time. and if they didn't then the job probably can't be justified at your level. Just curious.
Also, I dig using anonymous.
The people anonymously attacking Chris must be lazy, unemployed hippies who soak taxpayers for hundreds of dollars a week in welfare payments, yet spew righteous indignation about having to pay a few extra dollars a month for garbage service.
I thought the city made a bad deal with Recology, but Chris isn't the one who sets the rates.
I doubt the management at Recology has a problem with Chris defending the company.
Don't bet on it. She means well but it's hardly good corporate PR.
Chris, I post as me.
Funny to hear "business" people defending the rate increase. Pacifica has the lowest amount of sales tax revenue in the county. Local business can ill-afford another increase, yet "business" interests support it. Pacifica businesses pay the highest rates in San Mateo County. Why bother being a chamber of commerce member when its interests appear to contradict a businesses' survival?
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