Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live feed internet The meeting begins at 7pm (but usually starts a few minutes late).

Agenda 11/14/11, pages 1-61.
Consent Calendar (pass through)
1. Approval of Disbursements2. Approval of Minutes
3. Continuation of Local Emergency proclamation.
4. Disposal of certain obsolete city documents and papers resolution.
5. Cancellation of the 12/26/11 city council meeting.
6. Mayor's letter to Congresswoman Jackie Speier supporting acquisition of Millwood Ranch by the GGNRA.
7. Replacement of 1,500 linear feet sewer system collection pipe at Bower Road in southwest Linda Mar area, $164,092.
8. Award lowest bid for Pacifica Dog Park fence to Bragato Paving Co., Inc., $134,258.
8a. Beautification Task Force, appoint John Meria.
Public Hearing (public discussion)
9. Ordinance amendment: require private property owners to replace their sewer laterals when they sell or remodel their homes.
Consideration (public discussion)
10. Current (7/2011) distribution of city council member packets 1 week in advance of meeting, discussion.11. Amendment to the City contract agreement with Steve A. Rhodes, General Manager. Vehicle allowance limited to mileage reimbursement at IRS rate. These reductions in benefits have been requested by General Manager Steve A. Rhodes, this is the 3rd reduction.
12. Approve and authorize Teamsters union local 350 management unit contract agreement, 2 years: No salary or merit increases, benefit reductions.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Re: Item 10 -- For years I suggested distributing the Agenda packets earlier. Most cities do. Doing so would give the Tribune time to publish the tentative agenda, and the public would have more opportunity to review the items which are of interest to them. The problem is teaching staff and council members to refrain from adding items after the deadlines. It was an exercise in futility, but with public discussion, it could actually happen.
I am concerned that the $50,000.00 remodeling trigger has no built in inflation adjustment. $50,000.00 may seem like a major remodel now but 10-20 years from now it could be a minor repair.
And by the way, currently the draft for the Climate Action Plan for Pacifica also includes a requirement for energy upgrades to be done at the Point of Sale and/or Transfer of title of property as well.
When this was pushed in the task force the quote was, "It's only going to be no more than 3/4 of 1 % of the value of the property. NO BIG DEAL!" Add that to the cost of replacing your sewer lateral and, yes, it does start to become a big deal.
So a little heads up about this.
It's always easy to tell others how to spend their money.
"8. Award lowest bid for Pacifica Dog Park fence to Bragato Paving Co., Inc., $134,258."
If this was a private landowner building a fence around his land, the cost would be about $3000.
Bloated, as you probably already know it's for more than a backyard fence..poorly described on the agenda.
Is Bragato Paving a local company? We have paving and fence companies in town that I would think would have some connections somehow with the dog park group.
Bragato is an 80 year old paving and construction company in San Carlos. In the 2nd round of bids they made the lowest bid @ 134,258
with the next closest @ 167 and the highest of 5 players @$290,000. Didn't recognize any Pacifica firms among the listed bidders but who knows? Very interesting that a 2nd round of bids was needed because the first round "far exceeded" the budget. So in a flash, DPW redesigned the project, this time leaving out the bio-filtration system, and voila! we have a winner!! Per the agenda materials the bio-filtration system will now be done in-house by DPW staff 'cause you know, they be workin' for free. Thus, the total project cost will look like $161,110 ($134,258 plus 20% for contingencies). The city will use $140,000 previously budgeted in PB&R Cap Improv Fund 26 and $25,000 from POOCH. Don't know what the contract includes and have no time to view it at the city engineering dept but this dogpark is solong overdue I don't care. Think positive. Think fully funded!
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