Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sierra Club clarifies its position on Sharp Park

See the letter to the editor (attached link, posted 3/4 on Riptide) from Sierra Club, staking-out a halfway position on the recently-filed Sharp Park lawsuit, in which Sierra Club joined CBD and Mr. Plater's group, Wild Equity.  Per Sierra Club Assistant Executive Director, the Sierra Club wants to protect the frog/snake -- not necessarily to close the golf course

Submitted by Richard Harris


Anonymous said...

Harris tries to spin this his way, but since removal of the course is the only viable option to save these species that will (and is) the option supported by the Sierra Club as Hamilton makes clear, and why they joined the lawsuit. Harris and his ilk had a chance to accept the "nine-hole" golf option but his arrogance got in the way - now he's lost it all -- what a fool.

Markus said...

Anom @ 10:32. You are saying that removal of the course is the ONLY viable OPTION to save these species. Then you say Harris had a chance to accept the "nine-hole" OPTION. So now I am confused since you are saying that the only viable option was to remove the golf course. I guess the nine-hole option would not have helped the species. Why would the golf course supporters even consider the nine-hole option if the opposers wouldn't consider it as a viable alternative to save the species.
This is why this lawsuit has absolutely no chance of winning in a court of law. Argument is full of holes. The golf course along with the frogs and snakes is here to stay.

Steve Sinai said...

CBD and WE have made it clear that any kind of golf course at Sharp Park is not an option.

The only people who talked as if a 9-hole course was a possible compromise were a few local, dreamy-eyed supporters of CBD and WE. You never heard it from Jeff Miller or Brent Plater.

Markus said...

Actually, I ran across Brent Plater while walking the seawall a couple of months ago. He said he would consider a nine hole course on the eastern side of hwy. 1 as a possible option.
Whether he would ever admit it for the record, I am not sure. My wife was with me and can easily confirm this. Now to get back to the law suit filed by CBD & WEI against the city of S.F.
Whether they win or loose the case, the attorneys for CBD & WEI will get reimbursed for all fees and expenses related to this suit, by the Feds. So not only will the city of S.F. pay the tab for their defence of the suit, all American tax payers will pay the tab for attorney fees and related expenses incurred by the suing entities. Kind of like a one two punch to our guts. What a racket! It is simply amazing at some of the info you can dig up re law suits and especially environmentally related ones.

Paul Slavin said...

I understand that the extremists bringing the suit will consent to 3 or 4 pitch and putt holes east of the highway that will share land with the archery range. Golfers will wear yellow safety vests and keep to strictly controlled pathways

They Will Lie said...

As in Cuba,
Monday, March 7, 2011 at 11:34am.I received this from a friend, passing it along ~

This past July, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a refugee from Cuba . Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.

This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960s. His family was more fortunate than most as they were able to bring a suitcase and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary paradise.

Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon and fresh ears of sweet corn. This is a menu shared with family and friends nationwide, while celebrating the birth of our beloved America on the Fourth of July.

We began with a simple discussion about our country and the direction it has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington.

But then he said it. The sentence came naturally. I assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train. "You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist."The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean just like Barack Obama?"

He responded, "Yes, just like Barack Obama."

He continued, "We were all shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied."

"I remember my uncle saying after it started, 'Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries, he will never come and take our family hardware store. 'But that is exactly what happened, Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that nice, large four-bedroom home you own, it is now our property also, and you can move yourself and five children into two rooms of the house because others are moving in with you."

The lesson learned from this discussion is a lesson most Americans refuse to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office they can take totally unexpected turns.

They Will Lie said...

Cont. from above; If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a justice society would be evaporating just like it did in Castro's Cuba in the early 1960s.

But the news of injustice keeps increasing. Black Panthers are not charged with wrongdoing by the U.S. Department of Justice because their crimes are against whites. The bondholders of GM are stripped of their assets without due process by the government. Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight only to have all investigation of the crimes stifled by the Attorney General. The U.S. borders are overrun with crime and illegal activity and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the lawbreakers while the innocent are killed and overrun. When local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed and threatened as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration entrusted with enforcing the law.

Without the rule of law the U.S. Constitution is a sham. Without the rule of law our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well connected and politically powerful will be safe. A culture of corruption has replaced honest government.

The only way this problem will be fixed is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally must come together and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law end now. And yes, it can happen here.

Anonymous said...

Someone is off his med's

Markus said...

@ They Will Lie. Your comment is well written and certainly invites good discussion. In my opinion, most politicians on both sides of the isle, lie or at the least bend the truth. In most instances their agenda is largely dictated by the people or entities who helped them to get elected. But, what does your comment have to do with Sharp Park Golf course? I am guessing you meant it for a different post.

Markus said...

Very funny, Paul. I bet some of the enviro nazis reading your comment are thinking they can get behind this kind of arrangement.
It sure doesn't look like this issue will ever be resolved. Maybe they should pole the frogs and snakes to get their perspective. This will take some doing as the SF Garter snakes are not easily found. I've been playing the course for many years and only ran into a snake (not in a literal sense) once. For a fleeting moment I thought I heard the snake tell me my swing was out of whack. My gut feeling is the frogs and snakes love living there and probably would love to play the game if they could.

Steve Sinai said...

They Will Lie, please don't burden us with your irrelevant, anti-Obama obsession. You lazily copied a viral comment that's all over the web, which only confirms my opinion that wing-nuts don't think for themselves - they let others do the thinking for them.

Paul Slavin said...

Marcus, thanks, but I think it’s possible, even likely, the issue will be resolved, the reasonable and successful SF plan will be fully instituted, and the frogs, snakes and golfers will continue to co-exist as they have for so many years. Remember, Plater, Miler and their cohorts can make any preposterous, unfounded, “peer-reviewed” claim they want in these blogs, but in court they’ll have to back them up with verifiable facts. Under oath. A different matter entirely. As Ken Garcia pointed out, they’re giving ecology a bad name. So don’t get fitted for your yellow vest just yet.