Monday, July 12, 2010

City Manager Steve Rhodes and Vice Mayor Mary Ann Nihart Discuss Five-Year Plan to Reduce Pacifica's Budget Deficit at Upcoming Pacifica Democrat's July 17th Meeting

It has recently been reported in the local newspapers that Pacifica has been running out of places to look for money. Apparently, the city has been balancing its budget this past year by borrowing heavily from its reserves, which have dwindled to $1.7 million from $7 million two years ago. Pacifica now faces a $15 million structural deficit over the next five years. The proposed TOT (hotel tax) increase (to be voted on in November) would, reportedly, add an additional $640,000 to the city's General Fund in that time. It has also been announced that officials intend to stop the bleeding over the next five years with $8.5 million in salary freezes and negotiated pension contribution freezes, along with a series of strategies they hope will generate an additional $6.6 million in revenues...but, will that be enough in order for the city to erase its structural deficit and once again begin to build a reserve? 
The City's Financial Services Task Force, in an attempt to answer that question over the course of the past one and 1/2 years, has come up with a Five-Year Plan that recommends three options to resolve this financial challenge.
On Saturday morning, July 17th, guest speakers, City Manager Steve Rhodes and Vice Mayor Mary Ann Nihart, will jointly present the City of Pacifica's Five-Year Plan, and the details of its various options, to fix Pacifica's multi-million dollar budget deficit, at the upcoming Pacifica Democrat's monthly breakfast meeting, which is scheduled to be held between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in the rear banquet room of the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant (Sharp Park and Francisco Blvds) in Pacifica.

Also scheduled for the July 17th meeting will be the City Manager officiating at the  installation of the Pacifica Democrat's newly elected Executive Board officers, who were elected at its June 19th meeting. The club officers for the 2010-2011 year are: President- Barbara Arietta; Vice President-Jack Waldbewohner; Treasurer- Suzan Getchell-Wallace and Secretary - Mari Brumm Merrill.
The Pacifica Democrats extend an invitation to the general public to come join them on the 17th of July, as they listen to both City Manager Steve Rhodes and Vice Mayor Mary Ann Nihart discuss these very important municipal issues. All Pacifica Democrat meetings are open to the public. It is neither necessary to be a club member, nor even a Democrat to attend the meeting. Doors open at 9am and seating is between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. A full breakfast is available for $12; continental for $6; coffee only $3. RSVPS, though not mandatory, are appreciated. For further information or to RSVP, please contact Barbara Arietta, President, at 415-246-0775 or email

Barbara Arietta
President - Pacifica Democrats


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