Thursday, May 28, 2015

Recent Chamber of Commerce advocacy for business and city progress

Pacifica Tribune/Courtney Conlon, CEO, 5/26/15. "Advocating and supporting local business and promoting Pacifica."

Image result for Pacifica, CA pictures
 Views, people, and the City with business
"Over this past month, your Chamber has been very active.  ....  Represented the Chamber at the April 2015 California Coastal Commission hearing regarding Sharp Park Golf Course.  Voiced the Chamber's support for the Harmony @ One project at April Planning Commission meeting.  Attended Joint Study Session with City Council and Planning Commission regarding updates to the General Plan.

.... Met with City Manager, Lorie Tinfow, (standing monthly lunch meeting), to discuss various issues affecting the business community including sign ordinance and code enforcement, congestion fees, fire inspection fees, and exploring locations for food trucks.

Arranged meeting with City of Pacifica's new Economic Development Manager, Anne Stedler, to provide an overview of what the Chamber's strategic focus is for economic development and marketing Pacifica as a tourist destination. .... Welcomed two new Board Members — Brad Wittke and Victor Spano. 

.... Contacted and organized Pacifica's restaurants and logistics in preparation for the Chamber's 13th Annual Taste of Pacifica, Saturday, June 6, 12 noon to 3 pm, Nick's Restaurant....  Read more. 

ReferencePacifica Chamber of Commerce.   Note photograph view from Zillow, view from 174 Beachview Avenue. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


chamber via the phone said...

Courtney conlon CEO of the chamber is selling her house in Pacifica and is going to run the chamber via phone from Sonoma.

How is this any better than Don the old member?

secret chamber handshake said...

Victor spano is on the chamber? Who taught him the secret handshake?

Anonymous said...

That's one organization making a difference? Lot's of meeting. Where's the beef?

Sharon said...

Really interesting list of the Chamber's activities, in just one month, to boost economic activity on behalf of it's members. I'm wondering if the Chamber, in turn, belongs to any groups that assists it's objective such as a CVB. Could Courtney comment on that?

Anonymous said...

Lol. At the harmony hearing -- someone form the chamber stood up and and spoke for about 60 seconds and, let's just say, what she had to say was not exactly profound. I don't recall any one from the chamber speaking at the joint session, which (if I am correct) means the chamber counts sitting in a seat munching of free cookies as being busy. As for the monthly lunch meetings, if they are as productive as the prior two examples, the tax payers shouldn't have to foot tinfrows lunch bill. I AM very concerned to hear that the chamber is being given the opportunity to shape the sign ordinance and possible changes to code enforcement well in advance of the public, whose interests are also affected by such things. I also did not like to read that the new ecominc developer -- whose hiring was not even announced until about a month into the job -- has been meeting with the chamber well before the people paying her salary were even aware of her existence. I had high hopes for her based on what seemed like her commitment to transparency on her last job, but this news bothers me. Under the chamber's watch, we have more dollar stores per capita than probably any city in SM county, Goodwill and other used-clothing stores are flagship stores in some of our strip malls, and the chamber's biggest accomplishment seems to be an amateurish promo video that looks like it was put together by a third grader and clearly has done nothing to fill vacant store fronts. Am truly hoping (praying) the new economic developer has a better vision for Pacifica than does the Chamber.

Anonymous said...

Transparency is just a word this council has picked up somewhere. They talk it, they don't walk it. That's why we still have no coherent explanation of where the 4 million went or the million plus in Frontierland Remediation money and who knows how much more. Stedler will be as transparent as those she works for, ie, not at all transparent. She's at career-end so if the
sleaze bothers her she can always retire and enjoy her pension.

Anonymous said...

1044 LMAO. It's a Chamber of Horrors. What's next? A chamber sponsored shopper van on a fixed route from Goodwill to the Discount Grocery-helloooo Pedro Point and then back to LM for the indoor swap meet in the old Denny's. Will that be on the amenity list for Harmony? Harmony, you ok up there? Van driver can point out the future site of the poop pit. And then there's Manor, our Northern Gateway, presented in authentic decayed and dilapidated 1950s-style. This is it, people. This is Pacifica!

Anonymous said...

Great list of action items in that puff piece, Courtney.

Now here's the list of things actually accomplished by the Chamber during that time period:

1) ...

Anonymous said...

Our business environment is swirling the toilet and the Chamber of Commerce is busying itself with the Harmony @ One homes and a printed phone book.

Great success, everyone. Time to organize another cocktail party!!!

Anonymous said...

Courtney forgot to include the Board of Directors Meltdown and her heading for the hills in the Trib article.

Anonymous said...

What do Sonoma and Pacifica have in common?

Absolutely nothing which is why Conlon is leaving Pacifica and moving there. And who can blame her? Wait, take me with you!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Chamber attackers are really lame.
Chamber's job is to support and promote business.
Lancelle, Digre, Vreeland and deJarnutt are the ones who killed business in Pacifica at the behest of their puppet masters Curtis, Hall, Loeb, Bray, etc.
If Measure L had passed, we would have something to be very proud of and generating revenue. Instead we have fields and fields full of dog shit, cliffs covered with junk cars and toxins, rusted out infrastructure, traffic jams, sewage everywhere and a missing $4,000,000.00
Thanks you bone heads.

Steve Sinai said...

I agree with 10:44. How dare the new economic director not meet with the "Gang of No" crowd before anyone else.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's funnier...the Chamber trying to be relevant and failing miserably or residents of Pedro Point wailing on social media, Starbucks, etc about the "no class" Grocery Outlet coming to their 'hood. It's "like a place for food stamps". Oh my! Now instead of using F&E as their landmark they'll have to tell visitors to just look for the Grocery Outlet sign. Life is hard, peeps. Even way up on Pedro Point. Interesting that neither the Chamber and it's rebel factions nor our Pedro Pointers have a clue about the town they live in.

Anonymous said...

I don't care who she meets with, but it is odd that this most eagerly awaited new hire was not carried through town by council in a sedan chair. Or at the very least, mentioned in a public meeting or in the newspaper. Is she a senior staff member? Afraid of riling the gang? Or afraid of being caught red-handed with their library and trail priorities? I really don't know, but "no news is good news" is never true in Pacifica.

Anonymous said...

141 Just 18 months til the next election. What you're selling should sell itself. And it might if it weren't attached to clueless candidates and their delusional handlers.

Anonymous said...

the chamber shopping list article contains no results. No new ideas. We had a meeting. Showing up does not constitute progress..or thinking. So while the article might suggest being busy I doubt it means being effective.

Chode Tanner said...

4:17 or anyone: What are the benchmarks for a Chamber of Commerce which would demonstrate to you that it was "being effective"?. Having been involved with the chamber, I can tell you that it's easy to confuse some functions of a chamber with a City owned and sponsored Economic Development effort, which a chamber is just a partner to. So to expand my question, what are the benchmarks for the new Economic Development Manager which would demonstrate to you "being effective"? One year from today, what should the Economic Manager have accomplished to make you a happy girl or boy?

Anonymous said...

Measures of effectiveness for economic development in Pacifica:
1. Vacant commercial spaces filled.
2. Increased sales tax revenues.
3. Increased hotel tax revenues.
4. New commercial development.

Anonymous said...

4:50, you again, huh? Just like the last time you asked, it's not on us to show you what a successful Chamber ought to be doing.

If Pacifica's Chamber is so great, this should be easy-peasy for you: Point to a single accomplishment of the Chamber during the last year which has resulted in the demonstrative improvement of our business community.

Come on, lay it on us or gtfo.

Anonymous said...

Sonoma has Sonoma Jack Cheese

Pacifica has decomposing whales.

Anonymous said...

542 Advocacy has its limits. Economic development requires political will. CofC is no more than an advocacy group and when it runs up against the lack of political will for development, it can do no more.

Anonymous said...

450PM is a chamber fool's errand. One article with a bunch of words and no deliverables does not make a plan. Your job is to convince me...What did you tell new econ develop manager? Have the chamber ceo debate openly on this blog. As a challenge, outline last 6 months of chamber's work plan at econ development committee with results. This is not a matter of a ribbon cutting which is merely a no-cost Tribune ad, and I don't patronize nails salons anyway..

Anonymous said...

It must really suck to be you, 622. Pacifica has a lot more than decomposing whales. Obviously, not everything we need, and there's more money to be made, but you're going to make yourself sick/er with the constant dirge.

Anonymous said...

Stop being such meanies towards the Chamber.

I once saw Conlon get up in front of Council and announce that the Chamber was hosting Santa Claus's appearance at Rockaway Beach. That brought droves of visitors from far and wide and Pacifica was a nationwide sensationahahahahahahahaha.... I can't keep this up.

The only thing the Chamber is showing progress on is its board members' progressively worsening alcoholism.

Anonymous said...


And the worst part about it? Cookies are for closers!

Anonymous said...

That the chamber of commerce pretends to have a c-level exec is hilarious on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

"Will that be on the amenity list for Harmony? Harmony, you ok up there?"

Oh relax, Harmony will be fine -- the Chamber's working on it. The shitty condition of our business districts? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please start blocking Todd Bray's constant trolling? You can tell its him by the rapid fire postings and his syntax. I'm over it, Todd grow up and move on. You wouldn't know economic development, nor what a Chamber of Commerce is supposed to do if it walked up and bit you on your sizable ass.

Anonymous said...

"CofC is no more than an advocacy group..."

As an advocacy group, you really really suck by any definition or measurement and would get better results by doing the exact opposite of whatever "advocacy" it is you're currently engaging in. What a clown show.

Pro-tip: Advocacy groups aren't very effective when they so reviled by the community at large that even their own membership questions the need for their continued existence.

Anonymous said...

"Pacifica has a lot more than decomposing whales."

Really? What else do we have that's decomposing? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

948 Well, you seem a little ripe.

Anonymous said...

733 And you wouldn't know Todd Bray if he walked up and bit you on your big old uh, eh,, the visual is just too disturbing. No.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone has an ax to grind with the Chamber.

winners circle said...


Coffee is for closers

Champagne is for champions.

Sharon said...

It's a shame so much nasty diatribe spewed out here. Although I am not a brainiac on the responsibilities of The Chamber I believe it is not in charge of getting more businesses into town. It's in charge of representing the businesses that are here, damn few, and pay membership fees for same to promote their products and services. Since Pacifica has such a a horrible reputation as far as businesses trying to open up and or developers attempting build anything around here, the Chamber income for advocacy and activities is pretty slim. Seems to me expecting miracles is unreasonable.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, seems to me you're right, but that won't stop the ax-grinder.

mike bell said...

Agreed whole heartedly.
Our dead business climate is the legacy of the anti-everything crowd in Pacifica and their puppets on Council over the last couple of decades.

Anonymous said...

Pacifica is the only beach town that does not take advantage of being a beach town.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we're missing out on all the spring-breakers. Do something!

Anonymous said...

928 So you say, but what kind of further advantage of our seaside location are we supposed to be taking? As a city of 40,000 scattered in neighborhoods along highway one we maintain beaches, oceanfront trails from the pier to Linda Mar, popular surf beach, surf schools, expensive ocean view homes are being built, business community offers restaurants, shops and hotels at Rockaway, SurfSpot, Puerto 26, Devil's Slide Tap Room, and Vallemar, we have a beautiful promenade and state-owned pier, a popular seaside golf course, maybe a shuttle to Devil's Slide, popular Fog Fest, and isn't the city trying to extend the trail system over Pedro Point to Devils Slide? What did you have in mind exactly? We seem to have the public initiatives covered. Are you talking about attracting businesses? What would you like to see?

Anonymous said...

Maybe 9:28 wants more fast food restaurants on the beach and a boardwalk with carnival rides. Corndogs? Cotton candy?

We already have paid parking at Linda Mar beach. Look at how well that's working out.

post to the financially inept said...


Revenue producing projects.

Anonymous said...

718 Fast food, boardwalk with rides? We may have to settle for a 7-11 with gas and lottery tickets where Dave and Lou's is. So festive, so beachy, and nothing gives an area that gritty, low-income edge like a 24 hour 7-11. Where are we headed? Let's see, LM has check cashing, used clothing, cigarette shop, empty stores, Pedro Point anchor is a grocery outlet. And let's not forget the poop pit. Oh, it's a pretty place, this Pacifica.

Anonymous said...

Yes, revenue producing projects at the beach. That's how a beach town takes advantage of being a beach town.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 1230, and what might those be? You know the actual beach is off limits and most of the prime ocean view real estate has already been taken, some of it for other revenue producing projects, some for housing, some for public use. So what are your revenue producing projects and where would they go? You don't have to be too specific. Just give us something with more substance than the ever-popular "revenue producing projects".

Anonymous said...


Did you eat lead based paint. Look at the following cities:

Half Moon Bay
Princeton BY THE Sea
Santa Cruz

Do you want me to continue my list up and down the State.

Kathy Meeh said...

114, and your suggestions, although you're probably not part of the City planning team? The City might have shelves of expensive professional consultant ideas. Were those paid for archives reviewed in consideration of the General Plan revision? Central to City commercial/retail/residential development is whatever might be developed at the quarry and Beach Blvd/Palmetto (pending any Coastal Commission, State and other regulations).
"Ever-popular 'revenue producing projects'" is the underlying, needed goal for this now 40% City. The City probably does not need another "free" trail, with a "free ride" out-of-town. As Anne Stedler, new City Economic Development Manager said, "we have to grow out tax base by 50 percent just to cover police and fire." This comment describes the serious economic deficiency of this City.

Just one revenue producing idea floated over several years has been the inclusion of a custom retail outlet store, probably in the quarry-- unless Beach Blvd/Palmetto, Manor or Pedro Point becomes improved visitor destination sites. Retail produces tax revenue.
As for housing, including affordable housing, this City may meet the State minimum, while at the same time ignoring the obvious population growth in the Bay Area.
And you? What thoughts do you have. Do tell us more, possibly "something with more substance".

Anonymous said...

Just because you can fantasize a custom retail outlet store in the quarry doesn't mean that there's anyone who wants to build one there.

poor steelhead trout said...


In under reported Pacifica news.

You missed the San Pedro Creek Fish Kill last week.

Anonymous said...

Kathy, I think when you read the word "trail" you're quick to stereotype. You're preaching to the choir on what Pacifica needs. Commercial development is the only way up. I'm a fan of Premium Retail Outlets in the quarry, a total knock down and re-do of Linda Mar Shopping Center, 100% commercial development of the OWWTP, more hotel rooms, more restaurants, affordable housing, city-sponsored financial incentives for new/improved businesses in Rockaway, ditto for the slumlord commercial landlords in Manor and Pedro Point, bring on the 7-11s. Stedler's message isn't new. We need revenue or we will be unable to function as a city. My point is the rhetoric, the easy use of "revenue producing projects" and the goop about "the only beach town" is ridiculous when it's repeated with the intelligence and depth of a robo-call. We all have our triggers. Big hug.

Anonymous said...

255 Amen. All we need is a blank slate. Now don't you cheat and say we have one.

Kathy Meeh said...

421, see how easy it was for you to define your own 114 inquiry? Good.

407, seriously. You want an article about "San Pedro Creek Fish Kill"? Send that, announcements, and more relevant fixing Pacifica articles to this blog. Instructions upper left.

Anonymous said...

444 Kathy, duh, I knew the lunkhead wasn't going to define anything. It did feel good.

Anonymous said...

407 oh, man, no more fish