Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring changes

 Pacifica Tribune/Letters to the Editor, 4/28/15.  Spring colors by Rev. Piers Lahey

Spanky's property cleaned-up
Image result for Spring picture
Spring new beginnings
"Editor: I have always loved the season of Spring, though with progressive global warming and radical climate change (e.g...California's four year drought) it's difficult to tell when one season changes to the next.

Spring often means a time for cleaning, garage sales, etc. For people of faith, Spring coincides with Easter and a new beginning to life. There are familiar Spring colors, lots of yellows and blues and reds and greens. 

Someone actually went over to Spanky's Restaurant on Oceana and put lovely blue wooden covers on the glass doors and windows, and put a wire mesh fence across the driveway (and got rid of the graffiti, at least for now). I am not sure who did this but, after so many long sad months of neglect for this long-time Pacifica business, somebody actually took the time to repair the damage. Thank you!!! Someone still has a caring heart!! I wonder what will happen next?"

Note photographs. Spring wild flowers face graphic to a Her campus/Brandeis article.  Dallas' Place - Spanky's Restaurant, 669 Oceana Boulevard from Alain Pinel Realtors, property offered at $900,000, SOLD. "Development Site consisting of 27,922 square foot lot with approx. 3,000 square foot free standing restaurant building. Restaurant/Beer & Wine Bar Included in sale. Same owner for over 20 years. Zoning is C-2, check with city of Pacifica - Planning Department." 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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