Monday, March 23, 2015

Reminder City Council meeting, today, Monday, March 23, 2015

Image result for National Puppy Day
National Puppy Day, founded 2006

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on  PCT 26 You Tube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City council updates and archives are available on the City website.  

City Council Meeting, 3/23/15, Fix Pacifica article.         City Council Agenda, 3/23/15 direct.

Note photograph from Life with Dogs/TV dog news,3/23/12, "National Puppy Day: a celebration of cuteness." "According to its founder, 'National Puppy Day is a special day, recognized on March 23rd annually, to celebrate the magic and unconditional love that puppies bring to our lives. But more importantly, it’s a day to help save orphaned puppies across the globe and educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills, as well as further the mission for a nation of puppy-free pet stores.' ”

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Rodger was at city council giving them a rash of shit about the tire shop once again!

Anonymous said...

Sly, Kathy, sly. 5 for 5? Cute dogs and
it is National Puppy Day and there are only 3 Stooges. Good choice!

When it comes down to it, I'm just a Troll said...

No one mentioned the outstanding oratory and leadership shown by Julie Lancelle regarding the permit for the golf course. I guess that was because there was neither great oratory or leadership from our former and soon to be re-elected council-woman?

Anonymous said...

759 That might happen. We're just lucky she didn't run instead of the kid last November. IMHO That was the slate voters were looking for. Mike O'Neill would have time for lots of golf.