Some fishy-looking signatures on the anti Highway 1 widening petitions. -
Remember when the "Gang of No" made a big deal about the number of signatures on their petitions opposing the Houmam project, and then many of the names turned out to be phony or from outside of the city?
Posted by Steve Sinai
Questioning the validity of these signatures is reasonable, but what is more impressive and sad is that the those who support highway one modernization are not out in force collecting signatures in Linda Mar themselves to present to the Council. I've got to hand it to the signal timers / walking bus riders who were clever enough to make a petition. This was not to have a ballot measure, like recall, term limits or disincorporation, so the signatures didn't need to be valid or real. They should have known better, though, that their petitions would be scrutinized by the likes of us. As this is the land of make believe, it works out quite nicely!
851, "... so the petition signatures didn't need to be valid or real." Say what? And not all Pacifican either?
Seriously 851, we're many years past the rallying for highway widening. The process has moved on. The current stage is design, then build. So don't be so "sad", you want to rally for or against highway modernization, go for it.
See, Obama was born in Kenya!!!
Hundreds of people sensitized to the widening issue - mission accomplished I'd say by the "Gang of voters"
25% to 50% of the people who signed this are outside Pacifica.
This isn't a contest to see who can get more signatures than who. This is about fixing the Highway and making it safe. Half Moon Bay did it, why not us. This highway affects more than just Pacifica. It's a regional arterial. Hell, it's Highway 1 for crying out loud. These are the same people that read 3 pages in the General Plan Draft EIR and screamed "this is horrible. Start over!" Yep, the same ones that screamed the loudest for a no-growth policy when the General Plan was being vetted. The General Plan is much more eco friendly than developer friendly. Go away!
2 of the 4 pages are the same page, 1 of the other 2 pages doesn't load and the other page has 12 of 15 signers from Pacifica. Before passing judgement, it would be informative to see many more pages from the large number that were turned in. One of the people who spoke at the council meeting said he got hundreds of signatures in Linda Mar.
I'm neither for or against widening the highway. However, does anyone believe that the widening will stop at Hwy 1 and Fassler? It's been quite a few years, but a landowner west of Hwy 1 just as you start down Hwy 1 toward Crespi, lost his land to Caltrans for possible future widening of that stretch of road. Although there is now a paved trail, etc. currently occupying that area, might it not be possible that at some far future date there will be a push to widen Hwy 1 to the Linda Mar light?
Peabody, some people just don't see it that way. They don't have to. and they don't have to go away. Is this great country or what?
The highway 1 money will go poof and go to a more deserving city. Peter Loeb and all his genius minions will all be dancing the we are a poor broke city dance.
1034 Exactly! And the more the better, the coast belongs to everyone.
1:03, who was the landowner?
And, what do you mean "he lost it"?
144 And just how does widening this short stretch of road make Pacifica richer? How does it solve our chronic budget woes?
Is that the entire petition? I see the Oakland pages. Hard to miss. I also see lots of local names I recognize, but are pages missing? It looks odd. Sorry, but this is such a volatile issue, you can't rule out over zealousness from any corner.
If we are really interested in valid results from what appears to be an opinion poll, we can question the names but we should also question the chain of evidence before it got to Sinai. We don't know where that petition has been. Other than possibly Oakland. Possibly.
103 Segmentation? You can bet on it. All the way to Pedro Point. Caltrans is about highways not towns. Pacifica is in their sights and Caltrans is a town-killer.
There are definitely pages missing from this petition. Handwritten ones from Linda Mar. Were they not given to Sinai, was there a computer glitch in loading, or were even lost by PH1BA? You see the flimsy nature of what we're analyzing here?
BTW, some people are funny about having their email addr/physical addr reposted by third parties. Unless that's part of the agenda here? Of course not. I know, I'll just take that jab on behalf of all anonymi out on the patio, please.
Meanwhile, now that we've all been distracted, the NOBIES are clearing a path for their buddy Plater to make another run at the taxpayers. What a brilliant scheme.
Say what? Plater is his very own plague.
1040 partial list pretty funky
LMAO, what a joke. No wonder the Nimby's aren't playing up this "petition",
This is about giving our city council second thoughts. I don't see it working. Len even said they are exaggerating facts at the last meeting. 20 people is about all the die hard support the anti widening people have. Actually less than 1% of the population.
Steve Patton signed twice. How many others? A lot of the hand writing looks the same. Many from out of town wont convince our council. Fail.
Bunch of ants fighting over a turd. Best description of Pacifica I ever heard.
The petitions are a public document. Contact the city clerk and request a copy. That's if you can dig up 25c a page to have them copied.
You can either verify the petitions yourself, or pool your money and get one copy and share, or shut up about some consipiracy to cover up the real petition.
Seems like the city should post it in its entirety. Redact whatever info they think best. The city isn't a blog. Posting the whole thing would be in the public's best interest so they can form their own conclusions. An edited version is, well, edited, for a purpose. It's obviously not the whole thing. Nothing nefarious is being alleged. No need for anyone to throw a hissy, declare their innocence, or take up a collection. It's like 100 pages or so. Even Pathetica s/b able to handle that with the public interest in mind. Maybe.
Peabody 1147, the 4 links on this article are the entire anti-highway 1 widening petition signature list. 1,322 signatures from all over the world: in CA, outside CA, even 1 overseas. But as you say, doubters should check-out the mirror-image petition "conspiracy" by paying 25c per page through the city clerk.
Petition signatures are as follows: Pacifica 63.09%, Oakland 18%, San Francisco 5.75% = 86.84%. Other San Mateo County 7.79%, Other CA Counties 4.77%, Out of State .60% = 13.17%. 86.84% + 13.16% = 100%.
Two months to gather 834 Pacifica signatures on a petition titled "Don't concrete our cost", priceless! Big thank you to the person who did pay 25c per sheet for all these signature pages.
228, remember at city council 4/28/14, the anti-highway widening group said there were 1,200 petition signatures, plus some were added. This is it: 1,322 total. But you should pay the 25c per page, and also do the analysis just to prove to yourself the obvious.
Well, Master Debater had this zinger at the debate with Peebles, "350 houses, 350 houses". In fact, that's all the Loeb said. He's so smart.
The leader of the band. I'm done listening to them. Fix the Highway!
Many current Pacificans probably are unaware that some 40 years ago, there were a number of houses at the far NORTH corner of Linda Mar Beach. By the time I arrived in town ('63 or '64), all the housse had either been moved or torn down. There was an old access road (part of the Ocean Shore rail bed, I believe) that paralleled the current Highway 1. The stone pillars that now grace the Crespi entrance to the beach used to be positioned at the start of the road which was to the right of the old Wander Inn bar. We used to drive down the road to park and surf at what some called Roundhouse, others just called it the Corner. Anyhow, at the far far end of that road was still a privately held piece of land that was graced with a fairly large cypress tree. The owner tried for years to build on that lot, but with no success. Who the owner was I have no idea and the property was "lost" to Caltrans probably sometime in the 1970's. By lost, I mean either bought by or sold to Caltrans; don't remember any mention of eminent domain. Probably a story about about this buried deep,deep in the archives of the Pacifica Tribune. Any history buff willing to dig for the article ? I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm not even certain just where the Tribune is printed these days. Perhaps Cal Hinton or Karl Baldwin might recollect some more details about this. Cal was the fire chief around that time, and Karl was the City Manager about the same period.
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