"Editor: I
read with great concern T. Giusto's letter "Last reply on Pits." Our
family has such a friendly little chihuahua mix, and based on his
letter, the chihuahua is listed as the number two top aggressive dog
breed! So off I went to research this.
Cinco de Mayo anyone ? |
I like Spike ! |
Although Giusto refers to
both aggressive dogs and dangerous dogs, he only put the top 10 dogs
listed as aggressive. Yet when I researched the top aggressive dogs,
number one was Mastiffs, followed by Terriers (including the Pit Bull
Terrier), Bulldogs, German Shepherds and Wolfdogs. Giusto did not list
dangerous dogs, which I feel though similar, is still different from
aggressive, and of even more importance. The top ten dangerous dog
breeds based on bite fatalities lists the Pit Bull first, stating that
it is far ahead of all the other breeds. The remaining dangerous breeds
were Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Husky, Wolf-Dog Hybrid, Malamute,
Doberman, Chow-Chow, Great Dane and St. Bernard.
I also learned
that owning certain breeds require the owners to carry extra insurance.
The breeds requiring extra insurance are Rottweiler, Pit Bull, Akia,
Siberian Husky, Wolf Hybrid, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
certainly feel better knowing that I can continue walking Spike with
confidence that he is not on the aggressive or dangerous dog list. He
does bark, but when it comes to dogs, the bite is worse than the bark."
Related conspiracy - less than scientific evidence. Hub Pages, # 2 Chihuahuas.
Pet watchman,"of 33 dogs surveyed" (what kind of sampling is that), #2 most aggressive dog is the Chihuahua.
Spot on Lists, #9 Chihuahua.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
bite fatalities tell the story
Yesterday was a beautiful warm to hot day at LM beach. Couldn't help but notice all the sunbathers with their small children running around. Also couldn't help but notice at least three or four people who felt compelled to bring their pit bulls to the beach. A potentially bad situation that one of these days will no doubt prove to be more than just a potentially bad situation.
If they're on leash they're legal on the beach. Can't wait to see what our new beach rangers do about the off-leash dog crowd on LM Beach. It was a low-priority with council and the cops. Let's see if that changes for council and the rangers.
Of course being on a leash is legal. However, as a breed, pit bulls are notoriously unpredictable. So the dog is on a leash and bites a child. Yes, the dog was legally on a restraint, but the child was still bitten. Has that happened ? Probably not yet, but it could. I'll avoid going off on my own personal tangent about pit bull owners being supermacho, sub-intellectual, or oblivious of others.
The city may have liability exposure if the beach is clearly posted on-leash and the experience is flagrantly otherwise. Of course the dog owner is liable for injuries and damages, no matter what the breed.
I see those Chiwawas are always shaking with aggression.
Chiwahwahs are the official Pacifica dog.
Pit bull is the offical Pacifica dog.
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