Police station public parking, turn left |
According to the PCT 26 calendar these interviews are not televised. If you attend, be aware that parking is available in the small front parking lot or off the highway.
Pacifica Tribune, author unknown, 5/21/13. "Public meetings coming up."
week, City Council established new rules about city commissions that
requires all the standing members of the commission to reapply for their
Current Planning Commissioners Thomas Clifford,
Richard Campbell, Josh Gordon, Chuck Evans, Celeste Langille and Michael
Brown have all reapplied for their positions. Commissioner Leo Leon has
not reapplied for his position. They are being joined by
new applicants
Mary Brown, Lisa Villasenor, William Keaney, Allen Federman, Jeffrey
Cooper, Sue Vaterlaus, Connie Menefee, John Nibbelan, Victor Spano and
Mike Bell.
The City Council will be interviewing applicants for
the Planning Commission on Wednesday, May 29 at 6 p.m. at the Pacifica
Police Station EOC room, located at 2075 Coast Highway." Read more.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Mike Bell is probably the best choice. Tom Cliford is one of the more fair minded enviros. Connie Menefee and Victor Spano should round out the top 4.
DUMP Campbell, Langille, and Gordon. What wasteful Scootercon garbage they have been.
Definitely dump Campbell. We need an environmental lawyer on the commission as much as we needed one on council. The people were pretty clear about not wanting Campbell because of his strong enviro leanings.
I agree Victor Spano would make a fine appointment. Tom Cliford seems to be a fair man.
Hutch, Lives!
Lisa Villasenor would be a perfect fit. She's an attorney, but a real world one -- not some enviro-NIMBY.
I wish they'd go with an all-new commission but that may be too bold for this council. If they go with 4 in an effort to create balance, I like Spano, Villasenor, Vaterlaus, and Nibbelin. All are smart and tough enough to deal with any of the re-appointments from the current commission. Mary Brown would also do a great job.
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