Friday, April 17, 2015

Pacifica Beach Coalition Earth Day, April 18, 2015

From Pacifica Beach Coalition, Earth Day of action and Ecofest.
Image result for Bee picture
"Bee the Change..", and attend the
fun Eco Fest following clean-up.

Image result for Beach Coalition clean up, Pacifica, CA picture
Beach clean-up, active teenager advantage.
"Each year in honor of Earth Day recognized worldwide on April 22, the Pacifica Beach Coalition mobilizes thousands of volunteers. We host this citywide day of action and education highlighting our coastal environment in partnership with the City of Pacifica.

....  Bee the Change, Bee an Earth Hero!  11th Annual Earth Day of Action &amp Eco Fest
Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9am-11:30am Cleanups @ Citywide Sites,
11:30am-3pm Eco Fest  @ Linda Mar Beach, Drum line performing at 11am for the opening!

VOLUNTEER or REGISTER YOUR GROUP & SITE,  Mark your calendars and start enlisting your team … the bees need our help! Who can participate? Adults, kids, families, seniors, students, groups, teams, businesses, volunteers, anyone!

Where will cleanups take place? At organized cleanup sites throughout Pacifica, and from Mussel Rock to Half Moon Bay. Sites include our monthly beach cleanup sites as well as spots in need in Pacifica and along the coastline. Find the map here. "

Note: photograph from Pacifica Beach Coalition/Teacher; graphic, "Cute little bee" by Ine (artists) from

Posted by Kathy Meeh