Thursday, April 2, 2015

Coastal Commission last stop to approve Golf Course renovation

Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 3/31/15. "Sharp Park Golf Course Improvements considered by Coastal Commission."

Image result for sharp Park Golf Course, Pacifica, CA pictures
Looks like we're going to save
the golf course, and frog habitat
"City Council agreed to move San Francisco's Sharp Park Golf Course renovation plans forward by sending a letter to the Coastal Commission in support. San Francisco plans to make infrastructure improvements on the course as well as establish habitat for endangered species, the California red-legged frog and the California garter snake.

The habitat restoration work would include dredging Horse Stable Pond and the connection channel and creating a new frog pond south of Horse Stable Pond, per a recommendation from U.S. Fish and Wildlife. This plan would also allow golfers to continue to use the golf course as a recreational opportunity."  Read article.
Recent related Fix Pacifica blog articles - "SFPGA PRESS RELEASE: Ninth Circuit Court hears appeal"/Richard Harris/Bo Links, 3/15/15.  "To be moot or not to be moot. That is the Sharp Park lawsuit question"/Mike Wallach/FP Foreign Correspondent, 3/13/15.  "Dispatch from the EssEff Golf War"/Mike Wallach/FP Foreign Correspondent, 3/9/15.  For more articles, "search this blog": Sharp Park. 

Note:  photograph by Jason Henry, Wall Street Journal 5/19/12, from an article by Bobby White, "Big Wedge over Sharp Park's future. Rundown public golf course in limbo as environmentalists and San Francisco County battle over what to do with it."  Photograph caption:  "San Mateo Assistant County Manager David Holland checks out a flooded cart path on the 17th hole at Sharp Park Golf Course in Pacifica."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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