Thursday, April 30, 2015

CA to cut greenhouse gasses more than we think possible

San Francisco Chronicle/SF Gate/Staff Report, 4/29/15. "Jerry Brown orders big cut in greenhouse gasses by 2030."

Image result for Gov Brown greenhouse emissions news picture
1990 to 2030, 40% emissions reduction.
1990 to 2050, 80% emissions reduction.
"Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order Wednesday calling for a 40 percent cut in California’s greenhouse gas emissions over 1990 levels by the year 2030, describing it as “the most aggressive benchmark enacted by any government in North America.”  .... a standard set in the landmark AB32 legislation passed nine years ago. Brown said the new target was in line with a goal set in October by the European Union.

Image result for CA greenhouse emissions picture
80% possible, or too much
 "green" political smoke?
....  The steeper reductions “will make it possible to reach the ultimate goal of reducing emissions 80 percent under 1990 levels by 2050,” Brown said in his statement. “This is in line with the scientifically established levels needed in the U.S. to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius — the warming threshold at which scientists say there will likely be major climate disruptions such as super droughts and rising sea levels.”  Read article.

Related article - Los Angeles Times/PolitiCal/Chris Megerian and Michael Finnegan, Reporters, 4/29/15, "California's greenhouse gas emission targets are getting tougher." ...."More work on climate change is being done by lawmakers in California's Capitol. Legislation under consideration -- first suggested by Brown in his inaugural address in January -- would increase the use of renewable energy, boost energy efficiency in outdated buildings and reduce gasoline use on state roads. ....  a target originally set through executive order by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Wall Street Journal/Alejandro Lazo, 4/29/15, "California Gov. Brown orders major cut in greenhouse gas emissions." "Mr. Brown’s goals won praise from foreign dignitaries, including World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. “California’s announcement is a realization and a determination that will gladly resonate with other inspiring actions within the U.S. and around the globe,” Ms. Figueres said. “It is yet another reason for optimism in advance of the U.N. climate conference in Paris in December.”

Reference, California Assembly Bill, AB 32.  Global Warming Solutions Act,  Fact Sheets and FAQs.  Reference, Europa/European Union (EU) website,  EU Countries.

Note photographs:  Governor Jerry Brown and former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger by John Decker from  USC News,"climate change panel", 9/9/14. So. CA Edison carbon plant emissions by Josh Stephenson/Durango Herald from the Los Angeles Times, 10/25/14, "Despite CA climate law, carbon emissions may be a shell game."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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