"Thanks to a very generous donation from the Pacifica Lions Club, the Pacifica Historical Society is able to complete the restoration of the Little Brown Church as a History Museum and Event Center.
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Volunteers for the Little Brown Church, Pacifica Museum Center (archived photograph from the Pacifica Historical Society website) |
"It has been a financial struggle for eight years," said Shirlee Gibbs, Restoration Chair of the Little Brown Church. "That's a long time to spend on a project." But Gibbs, who is also the President of the Pacifica Lions Club, has a miracle to report. Recently the local Lions Club received an estate settlement from a Pacifican, and on the 11th of January, at a reception with the historical society at the Little Brown Church, 2 to 4 p.m., the Lions Club is giving the church $200,000.
"When the historical society
started the project to save the church, we started with so little, and
we have done so much," Gibbs said. "But with this $200,000, we can
finally complete the restoration of our Little Brown Church, home to the
Pacifica Museum and Event Center. I am just so happy." Pacifica Tribune/Jean Bartlett, Correspondent, 12/31/13. "The Little Brown Church - Miracle on Francisco Boulevard." Read article.
Note: the photograph is an archive from the Pacifica Historical Society. For more than a decade, people shown in this photograph and many others have donated a whole lot of work, materials and money to advance the Little Brown Church museum.
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Posted by Kathy Meeh
This is great for the little brown church. Notice the picture over on the Patch, Mary Ann manages once again to get her mug where it doesn't belong.
843, interesting that you don't object to the other "mugs" in the Patch photograph, such as David Canepa, Mayor of Daly City. At least Mary Ann Nihart has been Mayor of this city a few times.
Of course, since the Little Brown Church will be our city museum, you might think the city might have found a way to pay for the restoration.
Lets see:
We should also save the little brown police station and everything else in town that doesn't bring in any revenue.
In a city with the sewer plant needing another 50 million, the city sewer system needs to be upgraded.
City Hall and our mayor is worried about the little brown church being the Pacifica Museum.
Maybe they can put in a chapter talking about how these nuckleheads bankrupted the city.
734, It's important to preserve historic buildings. Once they're gone they are gone. I don't believe the city has spent any taxpayer money on this. If the Lions Club and other volunteers want to donate time and money that's great.
This is absolutely great news for the Historical Society, the men and woman who have thanklessly worked for years to restore the Church to function as our City Museum. I know we have removed lots of junk people have dumped off in their parking lot for no other reason then they could. Jerry Crow, Clarinda Campagna and my friend Shirlee Gibbs are names that immediately come to mind as working long hours for this cause. Shirlee's presidency in the Lion's Club certainly helped sway their support behind this City project. Well done to all of you. I am so impressed with your never say die attitude.
Congrats to the PHS and thank you to the Lions Club. You did it! That archival photo has the important people. Camera hog politicians don't belong in the Patch article or the photo and they should know that!
Not sure what the first commentor is talking about. Mary Ann is the current Mayor, she worked on the Save the Little Brown Church Campaign, member of the Historical Society I think, and I know has been a big donor of her own money so why shouldn't she have a picture that the Patch editor picked up from her personal Facebook page. Mary Ann gave all the credit to Shirlee and the Historical Society in her speech. How is she responsible for what Patch puts up? Congrats to PHS!
Wow how old is that picture? Frank Winston has been dead for years
@ 548 Mary Ann is the Oprah of Pacifica. "Look what I did"
There are 100's of people who gave to the little brown church and are members of the historical society. Why is her mug in the picture on the Patch? Because she tries to use every opportunity to get exposure.
How about the $1000 she gave to measure V? I don't see her bragin about that?
It all seems to have a political motivations. Not sure if she has designs on bigger things, but she should concentrate on digging Pacifica out of its hole without sockin it to the citizens like she has been by pushing more taxes. Forget the Photo ops and represent the citizens.
I agree. The city doesn’t need it if it doesn’t bring in money. The Little Brown Church would be great location for another cigarette for less store……
Check the reporting forms @8:02 once more. I don't see Nihart giving $1000 to V once the big error in reporting was corrected, not even close and according to Kathleen Manning she has given way more than a thousand to the LBC. I know she has given several thousand to PEF and Youth Health and she is always giving credit to others. And nurses are not Oprah by a long shot! At some point the put downs begin to sound ridiculous. I say thank you Mary Anne . Some of us are grateful.
Mary Ann is Vreeland 2.0
She brought him to the lab and rebuilt him.
Now we know why she wanted Vreeland, off city council. So she can take over the city!
Ok Mary Ann Nihart gave $500 and Marilyn Nihart gave $1000 http://www.pacificaindex.com/uut/460-yes.pdf
The point is, what business did she have being in a picture HOLDING a $200,000 check from the Lions to the PHS? Did she give the check? No. Did she receive the check? No. Is she president or an officer of the historic soc? No. Is she an attention w____? Yes.
I agree with you.
Mary Ann, is just for Mary Ann.
Too bad she is teaching this to Karen and Lennie.
The Mayor represents the city in an official capacity. Most Pacificans would want representation to acknowledge this special gift to our community.
In the Patch photograph, I think Pacifica Mayor MaryAnn Nihart is holding one side of that poster, and Daly City Mayor David Canepa is holding the other side. Rather than follow the money and the fame, in this case follow the hands and the arms to the enlarged, replicated $200,000 check poster.
Isn't the case that the City of Pacifica owns the land the Little Brown Church sits on? The city may also own the building itself. In total the city may own the entire property, (any corrections are welcome). Thus, I continue to think the city should have restored this building 10 years ago. (After all, its the cost of a few studies to be shelved, a few consultants to keep citizens busy; the cost to promote a new city tax, to support an almost empty shuttle; the average cost of one city council member over 10 years).
BTW, thanks for showing us the PAC contributions to support the defeated Measure V city phone tax, Hutch 822! Surprise, those outside city (county, statewide, even national) contributions to tax our local Pacificans are also really special (not). Such outside vested interest makes the case, and may be all the more reason to be done with taxing our citizens locally.
That's right. It's is shameful how the city ignored that church for over a decade. They could have given the funds.
@949 a Pacifica council person in it for themselves. What are you thinking? What do they become aged exhausted and belittle by anons. Look how good Pete looks now that he is off and Julie too.. Not a dream job to me Not much in for them. Sad
You've got 3 of a kind in that Patch photo. Three fiercely ambitious politicians who never miss an opportunity for good press. It's what they do. You're not going to see them peering out from a pothole or chatting up a homeless dude on Crespi or lunching with a real developer. Let's not be naïve. Any number of councilmembers past and present supported the LBC and the PHS. The Lions invited these 3 current
office-holders or they invited themselves for an apolitical, safe, feel-good photo. Shocking!
828 Brilliant! Leave office and look 10 years younger. Any takers? C'mon, ya know ya wanna.
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