Thursday, January 9, 2014

Millbrae city council mayor rotation occurs by popular citizen vote, sort of

Logic is universal, human, cat, city government.
What is the formula for determining who is our Pacifica mayor?
The Daily Journal (San Mateo), 1/9/14. "Government Watch."

"City government.  As part of the Millbrae City Council reorganization, Robert Gottschalk was named vice mayor.

The council broke protocol in that it normally selects the vice mayor based on who garnered the most votes in the previous election, in this case Marge Colapietro. The city did this in order to rotate the mayor position to another person since vice mayor becomes mayor after the next election and Colapietro has already served as mayor, said Mayor Wayne Lee."  Read more.

Note:  graphic from We know memes/cat logic.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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