Pacifica Tribune, 7/16/12. "San Mateo Police Chief and Pacifica resident Susan Manheimer guest speaker at Democrats' meeting."
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San Mateo Police Chief Susan E. Manheimer |
The presentation, which will run from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., will be held in the rear Banquet Room of the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant, Sharp Park Blvd. and Highway 1." Read article.
Related - Meet the Police Chief, Susan E. Manheimer, City of San Mateo. San Mateo Police Chief Susan Manheimer You Tube, 4:48 minutes. Note: Photograph from California Police Officers Association.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
She will pitch the utility tax. She will paint a picture of thousands of released prisoners, bikers, deranged cowboys and Huns all moving to pacifica and kicking down your front door and grabbing your elderly cat.
Pay the tax or else!
[she is on the secret utility tax committee since January]
Ha yeah funny the cops we have now can do nothing to combat the rampant meth dealing going on all over town. They ARE good at launching a major investigation into who vandalized some cars in Park Pacifica though. Outsource now!
I don't see rampant meth dealing going on all over town.
@1001 you mean like the message she delivered at the recent council meeting. she was one of that group who spoke in favor of the UUT. will she be in uniform for this one? it makes it so much more dramatic and official.
As the Chief of Police for the city of San Mateo she earns $218,000 a year, $70,500 in benefits and $8,700 in deferred payments. Almost $300,000 a year.
Pacifica has a payroll problem, not a revenue problem.
I don't actually see the dealing, but I sure do see lots of tweakers.
are you qualified to be police chief. why don't you sign up and join the force and deal with the lowlife scum they deal with on a daily basis.
put up or stfu
obviously you do not read the police beat or get out much.
METH is in Pacifica!!
We've had a meth dealing house down the block for many many years. Police say they don't have the resources to do anything even though most of our neighbors have complained of a constant stream of cars coming and going. I know other people with the same things in their neighborhoods.
An anonymous comment from someone who hasn't lived in Pacifica for four years; suspecting a neighbor of dealing meth without any hard evidence; and hearsay about neighbors' complaints, aren't enough to indicate meth is a rampant problem in Pacifica.
Is there a chance the cops may know more than the neighbors? Hard to believe they'd knowingly and publicly ignore a danger to the public for so long. Do you suspect a meth lab as well as sales? Even greater danger to the neighbors. Keep complaining, take it to council (no addr or names in public)until you get what you want.
Take it to council if the police aren't doing their job.
If you know where meth is being manufactured or sold in Pacifica, please publish the address.
We need to get this stuff out of our town. Prolonged use makes people very paranoid and usually leads to psychological breaks with tragic results. I personally had a friend who got strung out on meth and committed suicide by stabbing his self multiple times in the stomach.
There are many instances of gruesome murders and terrible crimes committed by people strung out on this drug.
This is no laughing matter. The Pacifica police department must be pressured into removing this danger from our community.
If they know where this activity is taking place and not doing anything about it then they are complicit.
Anyone who reads it knows the police beat is filled with vandalism to vehicles, petty theft, the occasional burglary, shoplifting, trash dumping, pitbull sightings, drunken fights, and oddball stuff. Pretty tame.
What are you talking about Steve, I've lived here continuously since 79. Myself and our neighbors are in the process of demanding PD do something about the house. You're getting me confused with your friend in Texas.
Ask Mannheimer about meth houses and how to proceed. Find out what the cops need to move it along. A simple question shouldn't interrupt her shilling for the UUT too much.
Not in the Tribune, the real police bulletin that is published every day.
All the calls.
I find it strange you posted at 4:20.
Anyway, when you where asked and called out earlier this week, you refused to put money where your mouth is.
Are you up for a money challange this time?
$100.00. $1,000.00, $10,000, $100,000.
You can ask anyone who is on any of the beaches at night, it's not the fisherman or lovers out on the beach watching the sunset causing the problems.
The Pacifica Democrats is a scary bunch!!
"I personally had a friend who got strung out on meth and committed suicide by stabbing his self multiple times in the stomach."
That's why he is called Drama.
Hutch, how do you know these people are dealing meth? Just because lots of people go in and out of the house?
Oh, the real police log. With the real crime wave sweeping Pacifica.
Will that log be part of the UUT campaign? Seems like a perfect match.
5:52, why do you need money to prove me wrong?
Steve The PD even say they know it is a meth house. They know all the players because they've arrested them before. Every single neighbor has seen cars pull up and things exchanged for about 10 years. One of my neighbors an x undercover cop even video taped them. We just don't have the resources to do an extensive under cover investigation. I don't want to give out too much information here but we are about ready to demand they do something.
What I was told was we don't have a jail and the arresting officer would have to transport the offender(s) to RWC. I don't understand that logic except for "We don't care, it's not your neighborhood."
I could and have seen that attitude in Pacifica. Go before Council and make the problem public and make it theirs. Leave the suspect's names out, but other facts, history, police response and comments--all should be presented in public and in writing to the Pacifica City Council. Give them a shove! Let them know you want something done and if they can't handle it you'll take it to the county. If numerous crack and meth houses can be cleaned up in EPA it should be easy in Pacifica.
Anyone who doesn't notice the tweakers driving 100 mph in their beat up '88 Pontiac Fiero (or something similar) at odd times of the day is not paying attention.
Pacifica PD transports arrested people to the South San Francisco jail behind the County Courthouse. Only when that jail is full they go to Redwood City.
Maybe a ride along, or a trip down to the police department can clear arguably for you.
I think your held at south San Francisco to sober up and booked. If it's serious the move you to Redwood City.
Ask someone who got pinched.
"Not in the Tribune, the real police bulletin that is published every day."
And where is this police bulletin published pray tell?
I am not Drama from Texas telling you about a friend who commited suicide by repeatedly stabbing himself in the stomach.
Dismissing the danger to the community that meth and crack pose is as fool-headed as thinking that what motivates the NOBIES is concern about our environment.
This is serious stuff. Speak about it at the podium. Hold Council and Police accountable. Publish addresses.
How about this:
For every Meth related Police call people have to donate 100 bucks to resource center. I will match your 100 dollar donation for every call.
Signs and Symptoms of Methamphetamine Use
Methamphetamine is not the number one drug that is abused in most countries, but it is one of the most addictive and one of the most destructive. It's important that parents and other family members are able to tell when someone they care about is abusing methamphetamine.
Appearance of Drug and Methods of Use
Meth is most often a white to light brown crystalline powder. It may also be found in clear chunky crystals that resemble broken pieces of ice or shards of glass. Methamphetamine can be found in liquid form as well.
Methamphetamine can be swallowed, snorted, injected or smoked. If you are looking for traces of meth use, therefore, you may find small bags of white powder or crystals or syringes. Other items that could be left behind after meth abuse are small pieces of crumpled aluminum foil, soda cans with a hole in the side or the shafts of inexpensive ball-point pens that might be used to snort the drug.
Some meth users abuse the drug over and over, a form of binging known as a "run." They may inject the drug every few hours until they run out of supplies or become too incapacitated to continue.
What Happens When People Abuse the Drug?
Methamphetamine is a very strong stimulant. With some methods of administration, there is a fast "rush" of euphoria followed by a long period of less intense euphoria. When meth is ingested, there is no rush but the high may last for as long as ten hours.
The user feels more energetic, does not sleep for long periods, usually several days, and loses his or her appetite. It is common for meth addicts to lose large amounts of weight and look gaunt, thin and undernourished. He or she will probably appear unusually active but may also act nervous and anxious.
Some of the signs of meth use
The user is likely to get overheated and may appear sweaty without it being hot or his being involved in physical exertion. His pupils will be dilated. His blood pressure will also increase. He or she may become sexually excited.
Adverse Effects of Meth Use
In its manufacture, methamphetamine is processed using harsh, caustic chemicals. As a result, heavy use of this drug is very hard on the user. Additionally, the lifestyle of a methamphetamine user usually creates further damage. All in all, it is one of the most damaging drugs on the illicit market.
Repeated use can show up in an irregular heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, mood disturbances, violent, aggressive, paranoid behavior, confusion and insomnia. There may be a rapid deterioration of the person's behavior or appearance if he or she is a heavy user.
Related article and video: Meth Effects
Serious Results of Heavy Methamphetamine Use
Heavy users tend to experience hallucinations and delusions. Some users develop sores on their face or body when they have been picking at their skin, thinking that there are bugs crawling under their skin that they can't see.
Because of the caustic nature of the chemicals and the fact that the drug dries up the flow of saliva, a meth addicts teeth may get rotten and brown. This is referred to as "meth mouth."
And where is this police bulletin published pray tell?
"For every Meth related Police call people have to donate 100 bucks to resource center. I will match your 100 dollar donation for every call."
I'm supposed to do a deal with someone named Anonymous?
excuses excuses that is all I hear is excuses.
Thanks for putting this information right in the front of your page.
Even though it is on the City of Paciifca PD website, people are too lazy to look.
BTW - I went through the police bulletins between June 17 - July 17, and not one mention of meth. (Other than in the word "soMETHing.")
"I am not Drama from Texas..." Yes you are. You're the same nyuk nyuk/Keri Santos/Big Banker, et al., who said someone planted a cross and American flag in your yard to send a message to Don Peebles, and you're the same person who said you knew people who died in the San Bruno explosion. You have a habit of getting carried away with your statements.
Why should we take someone who calls himself "nyuk nyuk" seriously in the first place?
"Even though it is on the City of Paciifca PD website, people are too lazy to look."
I looked for 10 minutes and could not find it. That website is poorly organized and the search function is useless.
Thanks for posting that Chris. I wish there was more detail on each incident.
Steve the fact that we have a big meth problem in Pacifica and there was no mention of "meth" in the police logs is not a good thing.
Nyuk Nyuk is NOT Drama from Texas.
I live right here in Pacifica and am a big 3 Stooges fan.
Hutch, it's more likely that there aren't calls about meth in the police logs because there's not a big meth problem in town.
"Nyuk Nyuk is NOT Drama from Texas.
I live right here in Pacifica and am a big 3 Stooges fan."
I'm not seeing Nyuk Nyuk in the white pages.
Is this What's My Line? Nostalgic moment. My parents loved that show.
I think Nyuk Nyuk is local. The others Mr. Sinai mentioned, Big Banker and Keri Santos, do seem to be sharing a brain. A crowded, chaotic brain.
Steve, you overestimate how many posts come from Texas.
You also underestimate the meth problem in this town. I see freakish tweakers all the time -- way more than when I lived in the city about 12 years ago.
Hutch, for what it's worth, from casual conversation with friends at the sheriff's dept, they are unaware of any serious meth problem in Pacifica. That is not the same as saying it doesn't exist.
If we have only one hypothetical meth house/whore house/crack house and it's next door to you, then it's a big problem for you. We pay taxes for people to handle those big problems. Take it up with the Chief and if that fails, then speak to someone like Mike O'Neill for advice. He won't shine you on or trivialize your concerns.
All of California has had a bigger meth problem than most other States for over 25 years. Pacifica is not immune.
6:24, if anything, I'm underestimating the amount of comments that come from the guy who moved to Texas four years ago.
thankfully those meth heads sem to be keeping to themselves because Pacifica is #90 on the safest cities in America list.
todd bray @7:12p.m. mentioned the difficulty that arresting officers face with having to transport offenders to the RWC jail. Seems that problem could be solved by "outsourcing" our PD to the Sheriff's Dept. which is domiciled in RWC. I' surprised that our new police station doesn't have a "holding" cell' or maybe it does. If not, converting the building to a Sheriff's substation might allow a holding station to be built. Perhaps just place a shipping container with barred windows in the PD parking lot with a view of Hwy1 and the smell of the WWTP. Or would that constitute cruel and unusual punishment?
hmm Res, 90 out of 100 rating sponsored by a Real Estate website who's purpose is to get you to click on their ads. It doesn't look like they include drug arrests.
According to this other website our crime rate is higher than Half Moon Bay so why didn't they make the 100 safest cities map? Hmm.
HMB probably didn't make the population cut-off. Who knows? Wasn't this the report the PD was waving around at some Council meeting with back slapping and congrats all around? Yeah. Always a good idea to ask who paid for a report, and why, before you give it any weight at all. This report is basically propaganda. Lot of that going around. I sure hope we didn't have to pay for this one.
Well if you get them kicked add more homeless people to the city. Why dont you just mind your own buisness. Oh and another thing the meth is garbage its not even meth. If it is its probaly 1% pure. So no one is going into phsycosis or whatever u said murdering people. You also dont see alot of tweakers around here, you see people, human beings. Its not meth that is plaguing this town its heroine.
Wrong Reggie!
It's an illegitimate council and their commie backers who are plaguing this town.
How about the smack down that went on over on Nextdoor.
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