In a widely-panned public appearance, NRA leader Wayne LaPierre blamed gun violence on everything from video games to the media, and advocated placing an armed officer in every school in America. Responses ranged from disgust to disbelief.
The conservative New York Post, which called LaPierre a "gun nut" and "NRA loon" on its Saturday cover, may be taking its cues from its owner, Rupert Murdoch. In the wake of the shooting, Murdoch spoke out about the need for stricter gun control.
Huffington Post/Media/Melissa Jeltsen. "New York Post, New York Daily News slam NRA's Wayne LaPierre." Read article. Note: New York Post and Daily News front page reproductions are from this article.

"Andrei Nikitchyuk (father of an 8 year old who survived the Sandy Hook massacre) criticized the NRA proposal. "Do you really want to have a shootout like in O.K. Corral in our schools?" he told CBS News. "Where will you find the money in the budget for the additional policemen? Where will you find money in the budget for bullet-proof windows and doors? Do we want a prison system in place of our schools? They will be locked in, right, just like that, and everyone will be afraid of everyone.
Why are we doing that? "What we are being told is, to stay safe I actually need to buy a gun. Why? If nobody has guns, no one needs guns. But when people shoot at you, supposedly you will be safer by owning a gun? It's total nonsense." (page 2). (Andrei Nikitchyuk immigrated from Russia 22 years ago. He was "a former Soviet military officer who was trained to fire the Russian-made AK-47 machine gun (sold in U.S. under the trade name Saiga). CBS News has reported that Adam Lanza had a Saiga shotgun in the trunk of the car he drove to the school - the only one of four guns he possessed that he did not bring inside," (page 1).
CBS News/Phil Hirschkorn, 12/22/12. "Newtown parents reject NRA plan." Read Article. The article includes several embedded videos, including Mark Glaze, Director of Mayors against Illegal Guns, 3:19 minutes; "Mental illness and the gun control debate", 4:06 minutes; "A 'good guy with a gun' in every school?", 1.37 minutes.
Related Fix Pacifica articles - Senseless shooting 12/14/12. And Stricter Laws LTE, 12/18/12, by Bob Hutchinson, 12/18/12.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Our own Senator Boxer has a wonderful idea to put National Guard soldiers in every school. She has introduced a bill in the Senate that addresses that.
Barbie's your kinda girl huh Rambo? Guess she and Jackie Speier and DiFi are not on the same page on this one. You think a couple of them might have some particular personal insight into the gun problem in this country?
What the media and local politicians will not tell you is that some schools are so dangerous they already have members of faculty with concealed carry. In San Francisco , during the 70's, Galileo High School had the worst problem with the Chinese Gangs regularly shooting up the place. So, what did they do, well the most logical; Full time SFPD presence. Oh, there were still fights, but no more gun battles on campus. Wake Up!
Where was the outrage when those two teen girls were gunned down in Oakland? 40 shots fired by a machine gun into their bodies. Where is the outrage? Oh, yeah. Democrats only care if it is a white mother with legally owned firearms. Not no ugly gangbanger.
Wake Up , Fools.
Yeah, hey kids, let's turn every school into an armed military camp.
Use the Galileo model all over the country...rural, urban, ghetto. It won't stop these freaks. We are being torn apart by home grown terror. Get ahead of it. Get these mass-kill guns off the streets, tighten gun laws and penalties, and use the Patriot Act to identify and disarm the haters, the insane, the dangerous. Take the legal handcuffs off the psychiatrists and psychologists and the families. These killers leave plenty of tracks and their profile is amazingly similar.
well, anon 159AM, the Germans used this model. Favored by dictators worldwide. Let's respect constitutional protections for everyone and stop making extremist posts in jest or just in bad judgement....
Police resource officers are in both Pacifica high schools now part time. Were full time but as we know city is broke..so we probably need to appeal to feds to bail us out Re increased student protection.
"Where was the outrage when those two teen girls were gunned down in Oakland? 40 shots fired by a machine gun into their bodies."
This is one of the reasons I think the NRA's proposal to put guards into all schools is a useless fantasy. Each year, hundreds of kids are shot outside of school.
Reducing the number of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in circulation is the only reasonable way of reducing these shootings. The NRA has done a great job flooding the country with guns, but refuses to accept any responsibility when many of those guns leak into the wrong hands.
Do you understand Oakland isn't Pacifica. That you can be shot for wearing the wrong color or going into the wrong neighbhorhood?
Oakland has been out of control since San Mateo stepped in and cleaned up East Palo Alto and sent all the undesirables to Oakland and other cities.
You never answered the questions by Hutch and the simple questions that if you where a gun owner?
"Do you understand Oakland isn't Pacifica"
This is a national issue, not a local issue. And I was responding to someone else who brought up Oakland.
"You never answered the questions by Hutch and the simple questions that if you where a gun owner?"
What questions by Hutch? I'm still waiting for him to tell me why people need assault weapons, and whether he considers guns with 20 or 30 round clips to be assault weapons.
Whether I own a gun or not is irrelevant, but perhaps if you identify yourself, where you live, whether you own a gun, and I believe you - I might do the same.
Yes. Ban assault weapons from legal, responsible owners and just let the gangs have them. The police love fighting gangs with assault weapons. Our own president makes it easy for them to have. Fast n Furious was really sucessful.
Adam Lanza's mother was a legal, responsible owner. Yet her legal, responsible assault weapons were used to kill 26 people.
With fewer of these types of weapons floating around, the less chance they'll be available for gang shootouts and mass murder.
Steve Sinai said...
Adam Lanza's mother was a legal, responsible owner. Yet her legal, responsible assault weapons were used to kill 26 people.
With fewer of these types of weapons floating around, the less chance they'll be available for gang shootouts and mass murder.
She also had wepaons in the house with a deeply disturbed son. The guys should have never been in the house at all.
The son was had problems for years.
That is not a responsible gun owner.
Woulda coulda shoulda.
While the mother recognized her son was mentally disturbed, she obviously didn't think he was dangerous. Otherwise she wouldn't have kept assault weapons in the house.
What was it that was supposed to have tipped her off that he was liable to shoot people? That he played violent video games?
Anyone with assault weapons is an irresponsible gun owner. Hutch refuses to name one, but can anyone else come up with a use for them?
And we only know what the media has told us.
quitting acting like your privy to the information
You're trying to run away from the discussion. Why?
It only takes two signatures to have some committed in the state of california.
If you're talking about involuntary commitment, that's incorrect.
Home grown terror and it's not going away. It's a national problem and it's going to require federal legislation to fix it and the use of existing laws and yeah probably the Patriot Act. Too much government oversight for ya? Well look around. This country has changed, the threats have changed, the tools have changed, the weapons have changed. It's not 1776with the Brits on the doorstep and the Tories among us, it's not the Old West, it sure isn't Nazi Germany. That's the kneejerk rhetoric the fearful, greedy and irresponsible hide behind. This is our own national nightmare, a real threat to our security and safety, and we better wake up soon and face it.
Hutch and like-thinkers are reluctant to answer Sinai's question. Why is that?
To answer Sinai, we only know what the media is putting out there. But, this much we know; press release of school superindendent states that; "Adam Lanza was never a threat, never spoke, was super shy, was vulnerable and clearly needed someone to look out for him and this supe made sure the school looked out for him. He was so shy he never ever spoke and there is no record of adam ever being bullied by anyone"
But, somehow, according to media, they reported the following; he went to the sandyhook school and had a argument with a school personnel the day before, he was jealous of the kindergartens where his mother volunteered her time, he was burning himself with a lighter, he watched violent video games, mother was ready to commit him and he found out, he shot down school door to enter. Media reports that he found out his mother was going to commit him and that is why he killed.
Fact; A teacher said Adam knocked on the bathroom door and said, "let me in" quote unquote, she had locked herself in the bathroom. Nancy Lanza felt comfortable enough to leave adam alone so she could take a few days of vacation.
NONE OF THIS ADDS UP. Why would adam ask to be let in? According to media he shot down the front door of the school. If he was so violent and hurting himself with fire,why would his mother go on vacation for a few days? Everyone who was interviewed said adam was shy, but never violent. All of a sudden media has all of this information that he was a violent person. But, people who actually interacted with him said he was not, nor ever a violent person.
Hutch did answer Steve's question more than once Anon 406b (Steve). But Steve doesn't listen. Hutch said these sporting rifles are used for hunting, target practice, collecting and home defense.
Stuff your wacky conspiracy theories in a sack.
"Wacky Conspiracy Theories" I just posted what was reported. I do realize that most people , in california, have been brainwashed to think only one way. It is called "mind control" How to know if you are a victim of mind control? Here is a test for you;
You are in a store. A armed robber comes in to hold up the store and threatens to kill you. The store manager pulls out a bigger gun and shoots at armed robber and saves your life. Upon police investigation interview of your eye witness account of the incident , this is what you tell police, A)'I want the store/manager arrested, for he put me in danger and he should not be allowed to have a gun' or B) I just want to thank that store manager for arming himself ,cause at the same time he saved my life'
Which is it? A or B? If A, please committ yourself right away. You are in grave danger of committing the same act as adam lanza. If B, you are normal and there is no need for you to get help.
"Adam Lanza was never a threat, never spoke, was super shy..." Anonymous 9:51 AM
A similar shy and polite profile teenager shot our favorite High School Coach. To protect us, the police directed the student body to the school auditorium for safe lockdown. Ultimately the coach lived, disabled and with complications, including without one leg. The teenager was found and taken into custody, from there I don't know. Fortunately at that time, what that teenagers had access to was not a mult-round assault weapon.
"...sporting rifles are used for hunting, target practice, collecting and home defense." Anonymous 10:49 AM, quoting Hutch. True, but these rifles and guns are also assault weapons used to kill people. So everything that can be thrown at reasonable gun control regulation should happen.
As Steve said (12/25, 8:52 PM), "Reducing the number of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in circulation is the only reasonable way of reducing these shootings." (To that I would add the entire range of "loophole proof" regulations).
Anonymous 11:08 AM, following your logic, the entire society should be armed and ready to fire. Guess we'll just have to open up the boarders and promote immigration, because most of our population will be dead, full of bullet holes.
"Hutch did answer Steve's question more than once Anon 406b (Steve). But Steve doesn't listen. Hutch said these sporting rifles are used for hunting, target practice, collecting and home defense."
So Hutch consider the guns that killed 20 kids and 6 adults in a few minutes to be merely "sporting" rifles.
That's repugnant.
I think We, the people, have it backwards. We should heavily arm all of our schools. Afterall, our children are our most important people, right?
Next, make all other government buildings Gun Free Zones, including the White House. According to the polls, all politicians are the least likely people we would trust with our lives. And, if you want to apply for a concealed weapon in california you won't get it. I was told those are reserved for; Judges, Lawyers, Poiticians and Doctors. So, why waste taxpayers money by spending it on all this expensive security when they can and do arm themselves. Surely, they are capable of defending themselves.
Our children are not.
Anti-Gun Democrat North Carolina State Senator was arrested for shooting intruder inside his home. State Senator Lawmaker wrote some of the strictest anti-gun bans, for you and me, but thinks it is okay for people like him to own a gun. Wake Up, People. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid
AntiGun Advocates who have been arrested for having unregistered guns, or,have obtained concealed weapon permit; Ross Mirkarimi (unregistered guns), Michael Moores Body Guard (unregistered gun), Sen Diane Feinstein (concealed weapon permit, afriad of terrorists) and many others.
Pssst @140 wrap your head around this. The people you cite are not in favor of banning all guns just getting the mass-kill weapons and mega magazines out of circulation.
I know it's easier for you to say all or nothing but that's all you.
"State Senator Lawmaker wrote some of the strictest anti-gun bans, for you and me, but thinks it is okay for people like him to own a gun. Wake Up," ect." Anonymous 1:40 PM.
As usual, you're stirring up the "Kool Aid" with your toxic spicing. About Senator Soles, a Democrat of course. Snopes, 2/11. "R.C. Soles is not a 'virulent anti-Second amendment activist'. .. and the claim is "simply not true."
Every time you post one of these misleading doozies, its a reminder that reasonable people must vote for Democrats. The alternative is for moderate people to take back their Republican party.
You are lying. They are for a total ban of all guns.
Now who are you talking about, Anonymous 3:17 PM?
If its Senator Soles, Snopes says you are not correct again. Open the Snopes link (2:39 PM comment). Scroll to the last part of the article.
You need to explore information sources other than far right-wing conspiracy blogs.
Hey how about the 2 rocket launchers turned in during an LAPD gun buyback event yesterday? And more than 75 assault weapons received in a couple hours. The cops say those weren't the first rocket-launchers to be turned in. Estimates say there are over 8,000,000 guns in LA Metro region. That's eight million. According to the gun wackadoos I guess all those guns make LA really safe. Absolute madness.
"rocket launchers" looked to be empty army surplus tubes.
Attorney General Eric Holder indicated that President Obama might turn to executive orders to implement his agenda on guns in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.
“The Obama administration will consider executive actions and specific proposals for legislation as part of its gun policy response to the school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, U.S., Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday,” per Reuters .
Holder, who is traveling to Newtown today, said they are considering their options on executive orders: “Those options will have to include a ‘strong and robust’ Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the chronically under-funded agency that enforces federal gun laws, he said.”
That’s the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that ran Operation Fast and Furious, in which U.S. law enforcement allowed drug cartels to purchase weapons in this country and smuggle them into Mexico.
As Steve said (12/25, 8:52 PM), "Reducing the number of automatic and semi-automatic weapons in circulation is the only reasonable way of reducing these shootings."
Steve's view is extremely radical and far far left. He has said ALL semi auto guns are assault weapons and should be banned. Steve wants to ban all semi auto handguns rifles which are NOT classified as "assault rifles". Semi auto guns have have been around for 100+ years. There is no way you will ever get a ban or reduce the numbers of these guns. This is an unreasonable view that no serious politician is, or ever will advocate. It's ridiculous.
Kathy, Snopes is not the get all of accurate info, complete opposite. Perhaps you need to scroll down and read all news ageny's reporting on the intruder who was trying to kick in Soles door. Apparently it was someone he slept with and screwed over for money. Also, he is accused of sleeping with young men and taking advantage of them. Tsk. Tsk. But lets stay focused here; fact; Soles advocates strict gun laws. Fact; Soles kept a firearm in his home and used it to shoot at a intruder.Soles agenda is to disarm law abiding americans while government gangsters like him get to keep arms for defense and screwing people over. Those are the facts. Sorry if you cant read facts.
The commies want to take away our 2nd amendment rights by banning rocket launchers
"That’s the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that ran Operation Fast and Furious, in which U.S. law enforcement allowed drug cartels to purchase weapons in this country and smuggle them into Mexico." Anonymous 4:34 PM.
Here's the Reuters comment. You may post the same link. What does it mean? Got me.
What do these non-connecting dots to Mexican cartels have to do with Sandy Hook? And didn't the "Fast and Furious" operation begin under the President Bush administration?
Anonymous,4:41 PM, choice of your goofy anonymous smear comments or Snopes? I chose Snopes, not you.
Snopes listed the North Carolina State Senator's voting record as ranked by the NRA: B through A, from 1998 through 2008. However, FMV, I probably prefer lawmakers who are ranked by the NRA as D- and F.
Not to worry, we're slow to get it sometime while we dither over the
2nd Amendment, profits, and gun specifics, but eventually Americans will say we're better than this madness. And say it forcefully enough that the slimeball politicians hear it loud and clear. It's all about the numbers for them. The next slaughter of kindergartners and their teachers should be the tipping point, the proof that we are in real danger of losing our way.
Real and functional rocket launchers per LAPD. They've got 5 over the past couple years.
To change the Constitution takes 2/3's of both houses people. It will never happen. Be real.
LA PD and Mayor showboated on "rocket launchers" That's what is wrong with gun debate: inaccurate preconceived notions that have nothing to do with reducing violence. "launchers" were inert training tubes. No rocket. LA Times revised story at 5:44PM once writer was asked if he checked tube to see if it was loaded, since police chief was waving the thing around so casually. You can buy an empty tube at army surplus stores.
"To change the Constitution takes 2/3's of both houses people. It will never happen. Be real."
- we can dream
"To change the Constitution takes 2/3's of both houses people. It will never happen. Be real."
Nobody's going to revoke the second amendment, but that doesn't mean there can't be controls on which types of guns people get their hands on.
Not enough horror yet? Still worrying about whether or not the rocket launchers were live in LA and the commie threat to the Second Amendment. Smokescreens and excuses. Anything to avoid the real issues. Anything to avoid taking action, imperfect as it may be.
The seal has been broken in Newtown. What's our national tolerance for the slaughter of our children on our own soil? I think we're going to find out.
Anonymous said...
"To change the Constitution takes 2/3's of both houses people. It will never happen. Be real."
- we can dream
December 28, 2012 9:21 PM
Steve Sinai said...
"To change the Constitution takes 2/3's of both houses people. It will never happen. Be real."
Nobody's going to revoke the second amendment, but that doesn't mean there can't be controls on which types of guns people get their hands on.
December 28, 2012 10:01 PM
Prohibiton was repealed.
History always finds a way to repeat itself.
well, as expected, the red flag has been played to stampede public opinion into rash decisions, punishing millions for the crimes of a few. "Not enough horror?"
Bush/Cheney used 9/11 to create TSA where all traveling Americans are guilty for the first time in their lives for merely flying.
Anti-abortion zeolots play the horror card too to try to abolish women's privacy protections...
Constitutional protections are all created equal. Anon 12:51 be careful what you wish for.
Gun stores sold out of ammo and assault rifles. Thanks anti-gun alarmists.
Yeah, gun stores sold 3 years worth of assault rifles in a week on fears they would be banned. Good going anti gun people.
Steve said: "Prohibiton was repealed."
You can't equate giving a freedom with taking one away.
@1249 I wish for no more little kids lying dead on their classroom floor from multiple gun shot wounds delivered by a monster with a mass-kill weapon that should be banned. That's my wish. My fervent, heart-felt wish for this country.
@143 what's the problem? why aren't you applauding more of these guns in the hands of the public if the guns, as you say, are not the problem?
Hey. My name is Ricky Moore. You may not know me, but that doesn't matter.
I am a gun owner. I work as a commissioned security officer in the state of Texas.
I already earn only $580.00 a month at a reduced pay and low hours.
My job requires me to carry a duty pistol. But Obama and Feinstein want me out of a job, and here is how:
1. They want me to pay a $200 tax stamp on my duty pistol because it would be classified as an "assault weapon". I would be out of a job for 8 months while I waited for the ATF to approve my application for the gun I already own.
2. Before that even happens, I would have to have the sheriff "sign off" on my gun. Then I would have to be fingerprinted and photographed like a common criminal and be entered into a federal database as the owner of an "assault weapon".
3. If it is decided that I am not worthy to be owning such a weapon, or if its decided that I am too much of a political opponent of Obama, this husband and father of 3 would be unemployed and out on the street shorty after.
If you are a security guard in Texas, YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVELY HARASSING YOUR REPS.
and California Reps. Call your Reps and tell them to leave our 2nd Amendment alone.
No, not enough horror yet. It'll take a few more Newtown's for America to say enough and demand action. Til then the debate roars on. The pro-gun lobby will be wrapped in the flag and clutching a 200 year-old document the authors anticipated would be a living, breathing reflection of the times we live in and not some sort of cult-relic to be followed blindly.
a fervent wish--I also worry about all violence agst all kids. And backing up wishes with action. Let's get police resource officers back into all schools and make mental health a reality instead of optional (as it as for the sandy hook kid) It will cost billions, but as a nation we have to do this.
Lawyer: $100M sought in Newtown school shooting..the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.
nope, not enough horror yet. we're still reaching for our guns and our excuses and hiding from the truth
pretty cold Anon 405. You must not have kids to talk like that.
"I believe our GOVERNMENT shot those kids and teachers and used Adam Lanza and his family to pull it off. They might have killed two birds with one stone. One: If these men are involved in the LIBOR scandal, they can manipulate their testimony. Two: they get gun control. How very, very clever and efficient of them, right? I hate to say it. I hate to put myself ‘out there’ with this because I KNOW how I will be attacked. But I don’t do this for anyone’s approval. I do it to help the American People. You look at these links and you decide."
Comments after article are interesting.
Steve said: "Prohibiton was repealed."
No he didn't.
3:53 and 4:05 need to be reported to the police.
Thanks, Kathy, for blessing us with nut jobs like 6:35. Please stop antagonizing the tea baggers for awhile until the conspiracy theorists go away.
"I believe our GOVERNMENT shot those kids and teachers" Anonymous 6:35 PM.
Believe what you will, but the article you linked is weak, one persons agreement to a theorized conspiracy.
The LIBOR connection is probably non-existent. Wikipedia has what seems to be a good report of the LIBOR investigation. Note: the inquiry is about global interest rate manipulation, by high level investment bankers and leverage principals).
Gun control? Senator Feinstein has been in process to reintroduce an assault weapons ban, (SF Examiner, 11/8/12). Much more practical regulation is needed, including closing existing gun sale and ownership loopholes.
Congress, gun manufactures, and the NRA all know the statistics, (see Answers for a quick view). The greed track record allowing such loose gun control is dismal. But suggesting our democratic government overtly killed 26 innocent American people (20 children, 6 teachers) to cover-up an ongoing investigation, and promote better gun control (which eventually will happen anyway) makes no sense whatsoever.
Without further clarity, the observable Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy theory fails, and exists merely as rumor and hysteria. There really is no reason to buy into such nonsense, except of your own choosing.
The LIBOR connection is probably non-existent. Wikipedia has what seems to be a good report of the LIBOR investigation. Note: the inquiry is about global interest rate manipulation, by high level investment bankers and leverage principals).
Anyone who logs into Wikipedia can change whats is post there.
Anonymous 6:54 AM, oh do tell us where the scholarly London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal article is incorrect. Here's the Wikipedia link again.
Serious, its doubtful you even bothered to open the link. And if you don't like that easy to view reference, by all means find another, or not.
@730 Why bother? You know very well the point that was being made. The cops and emergency room personnel already know that no horror is sufficient to separate gun-happy Americans from their assault weapons. That's all that those anon posters are saying. The cops and er docs know the proliferation of assault weapons and large clips has brought 3rd world butchery right here to the old USA. Have we seen enough to make us change is a legitimate question and sadly the answer is probably no.
like we don't have enough crazies
haven't you heard? newtown was all about Libor and the conspiracy nutjobs are crawling all over the internet proving it. you know if you read it on the internet it's true and wikipedia is academic grade research. ricky bobby you the fav minimum wage texas crazie. yee haw! how the hell do they find this blog?
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