Sunday, December 9, 2012

Oakland crime story, the burglars get away

Sorry for the delay -  its burglary, only money and stuff
Its probably better to live in Pacifica

From the San Francisco Chronicle, 12/8/12, Willie Brown column.

"Everyone seems to have an Oakland crime story these days. Here's mine.

My son Michael Brown was at his store out in the Haight when he got a call from his alarm company the other evening around 6 o'clock. They tell him the burglar alarm is going off at his house in Oakland and that they've called the cops.

Michael jumps in his car - he's worried about his wife and three kids. He busts his butt to get across the Bay Bridge, but it still takes him about 45 minutes. Along the way he's calling his kids, but they're not home. He's calling his wife, but she's not home. He calls the cops.

Police arrived about one hour later - not an emergency
"Yeah, we got the call from your alarm company," they say. "We'll get there as soon as we can." How soon? "We don't know, but don't go into the house because the burglars may still be there."

Michael arrives, and sure enough - he can see the burglars in his house! He parks down the street and calls the cops again. The next thing he sees is a car come to a stop near his house. The burglars load up the car and drive away. Five minutes later, the cops finally arrive."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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