Hope you're right Dan, but tourism (shared with other coastal cities) may not fix Pacifica's structural economy. The "free" weekend shuttle service (grant from our Measure A transportation tax money) begins today.
Pacifica Tribune, Letters to the Editor, 11/27/12. "Devil's Slide Coast Recreation Area" by Dan B. Underhill
One View from Middle Ridge Trail |
City Councilwoman Mary Ann Nihart spoke very briefly, at the end of the
Pacifica-Daly City Democrat's breakfast meeting yesterday, about a
collaboration between the U.S. National Park Service, California State
Parks Service, San Mateo County Parks, The Coastal Conservancy, Golden
Gate National Parks Conservancy, Midpeninsula Regional, Open Space
District, and the Peninsula Open Space Trust. This collaboration is to
be called the Devil's Slide Coast, and I believe, as all of these
organizations obviously believe that this has all the makings of a very
popular tourist destination.
There has been a great deal of talk
over the years about bringing some kind of industry in to Pacifica. It
has long been obvious to me that tourism is our best bet. We live in a
truly gorgeous place. It is of serious geological interest what with all
the tectonic action that is visible on the surface from part of Highway
One that will become a walking/biking path. We have many wild birds and
animals that live here or pass through here on their migrations. We
have history, and clean air, and the very famous Pacific Ocean. I want to encourage everyone to visit
http://www.devilsslidecoast.org/ .
Council Woman Nihart also spoke of things the city of Pacifica is doing to make good use of the new Devil's Slide Coas
Recreation Area. The
one that stood out for me is the Devils Slide Ride- free weekend
shuttle. It is already funded with grant moneys (If I had paid better
attention I could say from whom) and is scheduled to start when the
tunnels open. Seattle, Washington has enjoyed great success with their
free bus service throughout downtown. It provided a real and lasting
boost to their downtown economy. For those who have expressed
concerns about Pacifica's economic future I would say that these are
real hopeful signs and are in keeping with what our very unique little
venue has to offer. Thank you, Mary Ann."
Related -
Pedro Point headlands.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
I still don't get this weekend shuttle thing? Who's supposed to ride it?
Shoppers? They'd have to drive to and from a shuttle stop and schlep their bags. Tourists? What are those? Might be handy for the homeless guys since it's free and the punk kids are gonna love it.
Good work, city council!
I sure hope there's some advertising inside this shuttle so that all these tourists know where they can go to shop and eat while they're being hauled around Pacifica. How else would this thing create any revenue? Chamber?
Comparing Seattle Washington, in which has a very nice downtown, to Pacifica with no downtown.
someone has some awesome weed!
Pass it around, would ya? This is Pacifica and we all need that happy, hopeful buzz.
Pacifica does not have the business infrastructure to sustain a tourist based economy. And Underhill and the nobie crowd have made sure of this. so his comments seem slightly ironic.
Oh come on, let's just all applaud
council's latest marvel. Take a bow, Ms. Nihart.
If council could find a way to tax pot around town.
They would really have a surplus!
Oh God! When are the Eco-nuts like Dan going to realize that "ecology is our economy" does not work? Never probably. We are not going to get troves of tourists coming to hike devils slide. And the ones who do come are not putting much money into Pacifica.
We've had 20+ years trying their failed environmental theories. It doesn't work.
We need more commercial development and business. Not more trails to nowhere.
The idea behind the shuttle was that we would transfer people to the turnaround in front of the tunnel entrance (when tunnel is open) and keep their cars in Pacifica so when they finish the one hour round trip they can stay and shop or eat their lunch/dinner in Pacifica instead of driving up themselves and then move on to HMB or Santa Cruz. My thought until the openning is that our tourists will be driven around the beach/golf course area of the City and the seniors in the complex near the Church on Oceana will have another means of transportation. As I recall, there is also a stop at the swimming pool at Oceana.
geezlaweez, Are the tourists coming here or not? Hutch says no
and Chris says tourists are the primary reason for the shuttle. Coming to see our environment, are they? I'll be darned. All funny as hell, but as Hutch sorta points out, there's nothing for them to spend their money on. Thanks for the free ride, Pacifica!
The tunnel is actually a pretty big deal. We will have people coming to take a look and ride the shuttle up to the turnaround. I've never seen so many people so negative on anything this town attempts. This shuttle has a defined purpose and with some outreach by the chamber and the city to let people know it's here, it could be a surprising success.
Instead of bitching about it, why don't the readers of this blog actually promote it! Now I'm sure some of you will find a reason to thrash this post if for no other reason than that's what you do. I don't really care what that minority thinks. We as a city should stop tearing stuff down. We have a new council, let's give them some room to try to turn this mess round.
Has anyone thought of this. Once the devil slides back into the ocean. The trail part, Caltrans will never maintain it and close it for ever. Like Thorton Beach.
I wish you all the luck with this. Don't believe it will amount to anything, but hey, I thought the RV park would be a bust too.
Could it be that the nay sayers are the peeps that tried to promote our environment as our economy and now have egg on their face cuz they have no idea how to implement marketing strategies? Let the real business folks here in town show you how it's done!
Hutch, you are sooooo passive/aggresive with your comments!
Oh I can't wait for this town's real business folks to unleash all their pent-up marketing expertise. Stand back!
Opie, a lot of the negativity comes from seeing these kinds of things as publicity stunts intended to deflect our attention from the lack of progress council has made with our real and critical problems. I'd expect a savvy chamber to come up with the shuttle idea, as well as other plans, and run with it. I expect council to devote themselves to solving this town's profound fiscal, infrastructure, and public policy issues.
Now, would be good.
Could be fun. We have almost nothing to lose. Make us proud!
Draft some passengers and keep it full so it at least looks like a winner.
Put it on Yelp and work it!
Does it have a name and a snazzy paint job? It should. The Slider?
Can it haul dignitaries to the Grand Opening? Reporters? Maybe get some free press?
Lots of luck!
The shuttle will not last six months. It only exists because the city got free grant money to throw away.
The Shuttle is being backed by the Chamber and Tourist Bureau along with the grant money so it will not fold in 6 mos. This shuttle is to show our tourists what they can do in this area so please stop with the doom and gloom. When the tunnel opens we can bring people up to view site and then return them to our area to spend money.
Spend money on what, pray tell? Precious little to choose from, even on the weekends which is when this shuttle runs. Less and less to choose from each month. Easier to stay in the car, drive through the tunnel to HMB or beyond where dining and shopping choices are plentiful. Wouldn't you? What the hell, as long as it really doesn't cost this city a dime, go for it , but it isn't anything more than a gimmick.
Ok, so it'll fold as soon as the grant money is gone.
What's to show the tourists?
Take it easy, take it easy. It's just a little shuttle, not meant to change lives or save the city. A trinket. Don't vent your frustration over council's inertia on this, even though it's a very justifiable frustration. Better to wait. We'll have more chances.
The first shuttle was Sue's idea. So why do a couple people from the chamber think this is such a good idea?
The city makes about 7 cents from every 8 dollar sandwich sold around town.
People better get busy selling sandwiches.
some guy one said a thousand mile march starts with the first step. Hmmmm.
Folks in this town, and commenters here, are conditioned into anticipating inaction, a hard slog, failure. Never a good idea to do (fill in blank ) because conditions are not (perfect, etc), the proposed project is not (ideal smart growth, painted in my favorite color, etc) and we are not (Burlingame, Mars, etc).
So, reject negativity. Take the first step. Our economy will take years to stabilize. Reject all changes, ideas and get ready for status quo. As an added treat for a flat economy, we get to see the Pacifica Resource center screwed down on its budget every year--folks who have no where else to turn pay the price. That may be the temporary legacy of Pacificans for Sustainable Development and the anon barkers on this blog, but it will not be the Chamber's.
No nothing in this town, find objection with everything and we will have nothing.
Sue Digre did not work on this current shuttle because her attention span expired...
The Chamber's legacy will be fighting to secure the highest fees in the region for their buddy Chris, and we'll always be reminded of that legacy every time we pay our Recology bill.
for those continuing to squabble about garbage rates, your legacy will be a 100% loss at council. Bummer.
I couldn't care less about this shuttle. It's just something to divert our attention from the fact that council has done so very little to address this town's financial crisis. Remember the beautiful city contest? No revenue for Pacifica. It was simply fluff fed us by the then-mayor. This shuttle is more fluff. After the photo ops and the bows are taken, let's hope the chamber takes full control of this thing and council turns their attention to more important tasks. BTW the earlier shuttle really was an entirely different animal with a basic transport function that mimicked SamTrans. Never enough riders.
Ah, the garbage business. There's nothing dirtier.
did the fat lady sing? anon612 is flogging the Resource Center again to bolster his argument. that usually means the fat lady sang.
Doesn't look like people in San Francisco are very pleased with Recology either.
Many of the garbage/recycling/compost cans wer tipped over on our block during the last storm. It didn't matter if the contents were intact or if they had spilled, the Recology employee refused just left it alone and made absolutely no attempt. And this was the day after Council approved the rate increase. "Gratitude", however it be thy name...
It is really disheartening that any time I put any comment about any subject what-so-ever, it has to be turned around to the garbage fees.
As an added treat for a flat economy, we get to see the Pacifica Resource center screwed down on its budget every year--folks who have no where else to turn pay the price. That may be the temporary legacy of Pacificans for Sustainable Development and the anon barkers on this blog, but it will not be the Chamber's.
Pete, says they should have to beg every year for money. He likes to see adults gravel to him.
He is the Mayor you know?
Chris, come on now. You're not naive. Of course people welcome any opportunity to rant about garbage fees and endless increases. And yours is the face linked to the issue. The fact that council sold us out in a real bad deal isn't overlooked, but those politicians are slipperier than pig snot. Girl, you're stuck.
Chris, 4:25 PM, I agree. Also note the off-topic comment (aka: soft attack) is "anonymous", as in from a bold big-time coward. Speaking for myself and others, you have fans.
Recology also has fans. The mini-campaign against Recology (and maybe any other trash agency) is just that: obsessive trash from a few disgruntled people. But if these same few people want to talk about inadequate city development, and high city franchise fees to make up the difference, some of us will be interested.
And Anonymous 5:01 PM, FMV the city got the best trash pick-up deal with the Recology contract, and at the same time practically solved their franchise problem. Be happy, the residential trash pick-up price is fair, services are good. Recycle more. And this year's 1.4% rate increase is "lite".
But since you like to bitch, how about looking at other utility cost and rate increases.
I guess you shouldn't have all your Chamber buddies show up and ask council to have us put more money in Recology's pockets if you aren't able to handle a little questioning about why that's the Chamber's business in the first place.
What? The Pacifica City Council involved in those other increases, too? We're just lucky their incompetence has its limits.
anon 454 The PRC is sort of a hippie relic. The county can provide those services, but Pacifica wants to do it their way and add the local touch.
The poor are always with us. When they threaten PRC funding Council is using them to leverage public guilt/fear/compassion and win support for fleecing us with taxes, fees, whatev. Hey, Council gets full political value for that $83,000 per year in support. And, the Chamber would be very clever to make saving the PRC their crusade. Hope the PRC reaps full benefits from all the attention.
"...handle a little questioning" Anonymous 6:07 PM.
Okay, here's some questions for you. What's your name? Why are you inserting a tirade into this unrelated Devil's slide tourism (nice letter-to-the-editor) article?
Since you object to others going to city council and speaking favorably for Recology services, why did you not go to city council and speak against Recology services? (Maybe read the audited annual expense report first).
Just saying.. you may be off-course here. And most of us really do not appreciate the unwarranted intrusion.
You just better say your sorry, you you you.....intruder!
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth." Oscar Wilde.
Yeah, and a screwed-up delusional liar with limited truth is just that.
Apparently, one can don a mask and still be unintelligible.
And Kathy proves tat the opposite is true every single day.
@839 Yes, and she's also been known to don a mask from time to time with the same result. Regardless, I think Oscar Wilde had a point.
"...Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth." Anonymous 12/4, 7:13 PM
Ha, quoting Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) for philosophical grounding and common sense is truly unintelligible and laughable. So guess we'll have some fun with that.
Try the Brainy Quotes by Oscar Wilde. Here's one that might work for you: "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." And, possibly you may subscribe to this one: "How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being." And so it goes.
I don't think tourists give rats arse about our hole. There are tunnels all over. Do tourists go look at the Caldicot Tunnel? Just concentrate on going to retail areas.
Ms. Meeh, he might ignite your feminist angst, and more, but I think Oscar Wilde was absolutely right about the mask of anonymity and truth. Wilde knew a great deal about human behavior and his irreverence, sarcasm, and biting wit were his own mask. Just an observation from a fan of that Irishman.
@1125 Absolutely right. Even any real tunnel rats will want to drive through it, not just stand and look at it. They'll do their dining and shopping on the other side where there's plenty to choose from. With all these CalTrans delays in all likelihood the grant money runs out before the tunnel opens. Oops.
"I think Oscar Wilde was absolutely right about the mask of anonymity and truth."
Mr. Anonymous, well good for you, more than 100 years ago. Sounds like a reason for being anonymous forever. And we don't have to agree.
I don't admire anonymous people who take pokes at others under anonymous name. That's pretty low.
As for Oscar Wilde, in today's world, no surprise, I find his clever wit rather trite and stale. And why would you be talking about "feminist angst" in the modern world as if it were an accommodation to you? Who else have you walled-off as part of the human race?
Sorely tempted to be irreverent here but I'll go with we don't have to agree.
The tunnel doesn't bypass the entire Devils Slide. It comes out at a point south that was totally washed out in the 80's and caused the road to be closed for over a year. Could this happen again?
Has anyone figured when the Devil Slide trail washes out Caltrans will not maintain it. Neither will the city of Pacifica.
It will be closed for ever like Thorton Beach.
Pretty funny point @1008. Just because that part of the old hiway that's bypassed no longer carries traffic doesn't mean it's somehow immune to erosion, slides, closure. Now, that might draw some tourists.
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