Friday, October 15, 2010

Pacifica Elementary School District Candidates - Meet Mike O'Neill

Text and picture from Pacifica Tribune online 10/14/10.

The Pacifica Tribune sent questionnaires to all four Pacifica School District Board candidates. Their responses are published in their entirety.

1. What is your background, training and experience that qualifies you to manage the affairs of the Pacifica School District.?Please include your occupation and any personal information you would like to share. Why are you running? I am the father of three children who graduated from the Pacifica School District. My children attended and graduated from both Cabrillo and Ingrid B Lacy. I have been a resident of Pacifica for over 25 years. I met my wife, Liz, here in Pacifica, and have worked in the community for many years. I have served the children and citizens of Pacifica for three terms on the Board of Trustees. Prior to my election to the Pacifica (previously the Laguna Salada) School District Board of Trustees, I served on the City of Pacifica Disaster Preparedness and Planning Commissions.
I have an interest in and dedication to public service and believe that we should all give back to the community we call home, each in our own way, each to our interest, and each to our abilities. I believe in public education and in what an education can do for each person as well as for our country. I believe that education is what preserves the middle class in America. A good education is a gift that cannot be taken away or returned; it can only be used or passed onto the next generation.The Pacifica Tribune sent questionnaires to all four Pacifica School District Board candidates. Their responses are published in their entirety.

2.  How can we make sure that positions that are eliminated, when brought back, will be filled by those who have lost their jobs in the district?
I would certainly feel that when we have the funds available to rehire those friends and neighbors who have been laid off, those laid off be given preference. The agreements we have in our negotiated contracts would cover the rehiring procedures. I can only hope that we will be able to start rehiring very soon. Our ability to rehire would mean that we have turned the corner economically.

3.  What would you consider unwise parcel tax expenditures?  Commitments that are unsustainable if the parcel tax is not renewed by the voters, and thus we cannot stop the expenditure. I would also consider it unwise for us to make commitments that are more than the estimated amount of funds we receive.

4.  What are the major issues facing the Pacifica School District? The ability to maintain the excellent education that the children of Pacifica are getting at this time. We need to continue the standards which we have promised to the citizens of Pacifica. The people of Pacifica have entrusted us with the most precious asset we have -- our children. The ability of the Pacifica School District to maintain our educational excellence, our staff and our physical buildings is integral to sustaining our program. The idea of doing the same or more with less will be facing our country for several years. Our challenge will be to perform at the level our community has come to expect from the Pacifica School District.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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