Apartments blending into "our environment", complete with trail |
The Quarry is a prime city business location. Where is retail sales and commerce component, other than a small conference center?
NIMBIES blocked both 2003 and 2006 town center, mixed-use Quarry redevelopment projects. The consequence: 2015, we are offered the eco bedroom community booby prize.
Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 9/16/15. "Quarry project manager engaged in pre-development site improvements."
Sustainable ocean view tower |
.... The
new (Quarry) owner, Paul Heule, whose company is named Eenhoorn, based in
Michigan, engaged a local project manager who is moving forward on a few
site improvements before a development is proposed. John Zentner ... met the Tribune at the Quarry and pointed out the areas where
work will be done.
development proposal calls for a 20 to 30 unit lodge and conference
center with 30 to 40 small detached cottages. Residential units, 200 of
them of varying one, two and three bedroom units will be tucked into the
hill. On the top of the hill, four to five single family homes will be
built. "These are smaller lots that will be tucked into the environment. We want them to blend in," Zentner said.
Eco-sustainable for goats |
.... ... Zentner plans a reclamation of the quarry, pending approval
from the city of Pacifica and the California Coastal Commission. ... requires moving about 700 yards of material
from the Quarry face and from the cliff. .... ... He expects to begin
work on that in April and May of 2016. .... ... I wanted to be able
to restore wetlands like this. ... I worked on this
site 20 years ago, when a friend was the biologist on the project that
built the wastewater treatment plant."
Read article.
Conference Center nature blend |
Related, Eenhoorn - Michigan Live/Jim Harger, 2/27/12, "Eenhoorn LLC Co--founder built real estate empire after immigrating from The Netherlands." "Mr. Heule, who died at age 83 last Friday, demonstrated that principle
as co-founder of Eenhoorn LLC, a privately held real estate firm that
owns and operates residential and commercial property on three
continents.The Dutch banker immigrated to West Michigan from his native
Netherlands in 1979 to be close to his children, who were students at
Calvin College, and because he was drawn to West Michigan’s religious
climate. Mr. Heule co-founded Eenhoorn with his son, Paulus in 1988. 'Our company has been a great success, I believe, because we have never forgotten the value of honesty,' said Mr. Heule."
Reference -
Eenhoorn, LLC, Real Estate Investments, (residential, commercial, global properties).
Eenhoorn LLC/emapartments.com, "Browse communities by State."
Glassdoor, Enhoorn employee reviews.
Hillside looking at you |
Reference, John Zentner -
Zentner and Zentner, Land Planning and Restoration. ... "Zentner and Zentner is a professional consulting firm specializing in
wetlands, endangered species and other biological resources
headquartered in Oakland, California. ...
John Zentner is a plant
ecologist by training with an avid interest in habitat restoration. John
has over 30 years of experience in wetland science, stormwater
treatment, permit processing and restoration. He specializes in federal
and state policies and regulations, wetland boundary determinations, and
mitigation programs. John has been a principal
project manager for
numerous environmental assessments, C3 stormwater plans, habitat
boundary and mitigation plans, Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permit
approvals and has worked as an expert witness. In addition to his role
at Zentner and Zentner, Mr. Zentner is a founding Board member for the
Restoration Trust."
Note photographs are not projects, designs, or proposals of the developer. Left - Stone cottage from Lanzarote Retreats/Beach front locations in stylish accommodations". Conference center lodge blending "our environment" from Home Decoratro, "Eco friendly modern house.." Right - Apartments (or conference lodge) from Design ruiz, "Collective eco-housing La Canopee by Patrick Arotcharen Architecte." "Bring in a Goat"/Best Green, and "Here's looking at you"/Viahouse from Interiors Black Blog.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
I'm also curious about the commercial component.
Anyway, it should be fun to watch the NIMBY's, one the one hand, saying Highway 1 can't handle the traffic from the quarry development...while on the other hand saying traffic on Highway 1 isn't that bad and thus we don't need highway widening.
Dead on arrival. It will end in tears.
Quarry development will pour hundreds of additional vehicle trips per day into the Vallemar intersection. Widening won't help reduce the congestion caused by that traffic light. An overpass would eliminate the traffic light and eliminate the congestion for everybody. Problem solved.
An overpass was studied. The ramps to and from an overpass would wipe out many, if not most, of the businesses at the corner of Highway 1 and Reina Del Mar.
Not to mention that the cost of an overpass would be a multiple of the widening (and we have the widening funds allocated) or that nobody wants an "Embaracdero Freeway" there.
Is there another idea? Widening won't do anything to reduce congestion if the quarry is developed.
Another hippie noobee nimby know it all!
Another dope smoking hippie.
928, 231, additional exit lanes will reduce congested traffic in the Vallemar/Rockaway area-- all part of the professional 1.3 highway widening Caltrans study.
Or, while stalled in traffic (through no traffic light fault of its own), personal observation looking out of the car window may bring one to the same enlightened conclusion.
Trust Caltrans. They know what they're doing.
334, is the California road you drive on okay? Do you trust driving on California highways, freeways, through California tunnels, and over California bridges? These were all once studies, which required research, data and science.
The studies of updating and improving the 1.3 mile highway 1 traffic congestion corridor through Rockaway and Vallemar intersections is already a 10+ year completed process. And as 1259 says, it's FUNDED. FUNDED for this City is a major accomplishment, which should be welcomed!
The "alternative" is nothing, no project; another city gets their highway updated and improved-- you can trust that.
I agree with 3:34. Who are we to question Caltrans? Just lie back and think of England.
5:29 Haha!
Do I trust driving on California highways, freeways, through California tunnels, and over California bridges? NO.
I trust Caltrans on highway issues a lot more than I trust a bunch of musicians, artists, and stoned twirly-dancers who think they're traffic engineers.
The Tunnel taught us that an informed public, that doesn't settle for whatever Caltrans tries to shove down our throats, can eventually force Caltrans to do it right, although late and way over budget, but whaddya gonna do?
Anyone who thinks they know better than Caltrans is scum
Anyone who thinks that Caltrans knows what they're doing ... hasn't been paying attention.
Scumba bagga, bagga Scumba
^^^ 1149, 659 more "traffic engineers". I like Steve's 647 definition, "... a bunch of musicians, artists, and stoned twirly-dancers..."
659, had Caltrans been allowed to cut a road (continue Highway 1) through Montara Mountain/Devil's Slide as they planned, 25-30 years ago-- many vehicle collisions would not have happened, many lives would have been saved. Still feel all that sanctimonious justification?
As for this article about proposed Quarry development (small convention center, up to 275 houses, "wetland's restoration")-- you'd think NIMBY "development engineers" would have an opinion.
Kathy, you're seriously blaming Devil's Slide traffic accidents on the community that supported the tunnel? And yet you say *they* are guilty of being sanctimonious? That's a very personal accusation you're leveling at a lot of people. Not all of whom are against the widening or quarry development.
Caltran's proposed bypass would have added 4 miles of winding, foggy, slippery road over Montara mountain to our commute, far less safe than what we have now.
And Steve-O, there goes the crazy! Ahhhh, all the Rantanons are back to normal.
747, my comments were directed at 1149, 659. Your wild comment is a creative misrepresentation.
30+ years of really bad accidents on that winding Devil's Slide road, many people dead, other lives affected. That is fact.
Ultimately, though decades of effort, the tunnel happened, it works, it's good; (but had there also been planning for the future, 4-lanes might have been better).
852, the Caltrans updated inland road would have been straighter and safer; the weather might have been similar to current conditions.
Caltrans LIED about the tunnel. That's documented. Mitch Reid found the Caltrans memo. It's a fact.
It's amazing to me that after all that's happened with Caltrans, including several reports about the organization, that anyone still thinks Caltrans is competent. And the biggest laugh is that what it does is "science." Get real.
But Kathy, the Think Tunnel campaign killed the freeway over Montara Mountain. Therefore, in your eyes that delay caused people to die. So Think Tunnel was responsible. You can backpedal all you like but it's not the first time you've made the link. By your reckoning everything should be freeway. Which explains a lot.
Kathy, it isn't 255 houses. The great majority of the housing units look to be apartments or condos. The article says only four or five single family homes will be built.
1109, context and proof are everything, neither of which you've provided.
Continuing to smear Caltrans, and professional research (science) is priceless-- that you have provided.
But, what about the newly proposed Quarry project, the subject of the article-- you forgot the subject?
11:09, what exactly did Caltrans lie about?
And do you define lie as being intentionally dishonest, or do you define lie as anything you disagree with?
Steve 1146, correct! Housing units.
"20-30 unit lodge, 30-40 small detached cottages, 200 residential units (apartments, condos (?)), tucked into the hill, 5 single homes top of the hill." 255-275 housing units total. Plus, restore the "wetlands", probably the artificial wetlands created when the waste water treatment plant was installed. Retail, commercial component? MIA.
"The Quarry is a prime city business location. Where is retail sales and commerce component, other than a small conference center?
NIMBIES blocked both 2003 and 2006 town center, mixed-use Quarry redevelopment projects. The consequence: 2015, we are offered the eco bedroom community booby prize."
The quarry is not and never was "prime city business location". Development has moved away from city centers, creating local neighborhood areas that are walkabe. This project has the potential to recognize Pacifica's unique characteristics and to draw people to the city for those reasons. It warrants close watch, but hardly the "booby" prize that erroneously leads this article (written by the champion of outlet malls in Pacifica).
Nobody is "smearing" Caltrans, Caltrans does that all by itself.
I keep hearing 140 unit 4 star hotel and meeting area.
Steve Sinai - I define lie as being intentionally dishonest.
Caltrans said that they studied the tunnel option and concluded that it wasn’t feasible. Mitch Reid filed Freedom of Information Act requests and eventually turned up a Caltrans memo that said that a tunnel was not only feasible but the best option. Caltrans lied that they had studied the tunnel and concluded it wasn’t feasible.
The Caltrans FEIR for the bypass said that the tunnel was much more costly. An independent Federal Highway Administration tunnel study showed that the tunnel was comparable in cost to the bypass, even possibly cheaper, as well as it could be built sooner than the bypass and was environmentally better. The tunnel was always the better option. Caltrans lied about it in their own EIR.
149, its always fun to see NIMBIES defend housing-- you know, they (with the help of their regional friends) fought against housing (really any development) during the past Quarry development proposals, 2003 and 2006.
And, if current NIMBY dribble is a campaign against town centers (represented as archaic), that is pure circling the drain reasoning.
Yes, I would love to see a premium outlet mall in the Quarry, as part of total retail tax revenue planning there.
BTW, introduction of the premium outlet mall idea: initial credit to past City Council Barbara Carr, and others; on this blog, to Steve Sinai.
1115, 213, 257, yes, there is a direct link between delaying the Devil's Slide highway 1 solution (25-30 years), and the winding road accidents (many of them head-on) in that area.
The best solution is often the practical one available, rather than waiting 30+ years for Federal Funding.
And, that long delay in itself would have made any significant transportation project more expensive (time value of money 101).
According to John Zentner, the project manager, the development concept includes a commercial area next to the existing Rockaway commercial area.
Kathy, it isn't 255 houses. The great majority of the housing units look to be apartments or condos. The article says only four or five single family homes will be built.
Maybe they can have Sonora Shores build the houses..
Fumble 933, sorry I didn't use the word "cave".
However, my follow-up clarification (based upon Steve's "housing units" comment) was stated from the article, my comment, 9/19, 12:02 pm. Check that out, you'll need to make the effort to scroll up.
My view is, if you live in a paper box, that's your house, (interchangeable with dwelling).
But for your benefit, here's the Dictionary.com definition. "1. a building in which people live; residence for human beings. 2. a household. 3. .. a family, including ancestors and descendants.. 4. a building for any purpose: a house of worship. 5. a theater.. 6. the audience of a theater or the like. 7. a place of shelter for an animal, bird, etc."
And that's why further clarification was needed, I was not referring to bird cages.
The question back to you: do you have any further information, or meaningful comments about the project? The comment from 9/19, 4:57 pm indicates "a commercial area next to the existing Rockaway commercial area" is planned. That is of great interest.
It's interesting how many credible engineers are questioning Caltrans representations with respect to the Bay Bridge and a variety of welding, materials and seismic issues. For those of you who continue to shill for Caltrans, good luck wit dat!
Kathy, Based on my 2hr. plus meeting with Mr. Zenter I think you are misunderstanding how much of the project is commercial. The Lodge,detached Cottages,and conference center are all commercial. The Cottages will be rented out to Hotel guest.
Some of the condos/apartments will be on the upper floors of mixed use buildings with stores & restaurants on the ground floor.
Tom 1220, you (and possibly others) had a meeting with John Zentner? And he said, "some of the condos/apartments will be on the upper floors of mixed use buildings with stores & restaurants on the ground floor".
That information is not in the Tribune article, so you can see how easy it is for the public (including myself) to "misunderstand" what the project would include:
For the benefit of Fumble 933, from the Tribune/Jane Northrop article (above): 1. "The development proposal calls for a 20 to 30 unit lodge and conference center with 30 to 40 small detached cottages. Residential units, 200 of them of varying one, two and three bedroom units will be tucked into the hill. On the top of the hill, four to five single family homes will be built. 'These are smaller lots that will be tucked into the environment. We want them to blend in,' Zentner said."
And from the article link: 2. "Once the development is proposed this fall, Zentner said he envisions it will be a sustainable one that will also bring revenue to the city and tie into the existing Rockaway businesses with new businesses. 'It's a nice mix and more environmentally sustainable than the other (the Peebles plan),' he said."
And Tom, yes I know the Convention Lodge, including 20-30 cottages are "commercial" (housing).
By commercial, some of us are thinking "retail". (At least I was.) I'd like a better idea of how much retail is planned.
Tom 1220 do you support the quarry development as you understand it?
A vote for the quarry seems like a vote for highway widening.
Kathy & Steve
My meeting with John was one on one. I know that he has met with Council (no more than two at a time, brown act) and the City Manager. he has also met with Peter Loeb and Leo Leon. I told him he should add Dave Blackman to his list. I am pretty sure he has also met with the planning director.
Everything I saw was conceptual an of coarse subject to change. John seems to be looking for the right project mix for both Pacifica & his client.
He met with Leo Leon and Peter Loeb. Why?
These two goons are the reason why Pacifica is a shit hole.
Peter Loeb told him apartments would be acceptable, as well as a hotel with lodges, etc. Of course, Peter Loeb and the rest of Pacifica's Environmental Family were front and center in the Peebles charette and approved that design too. Look what happened there. The wetlands that they are looking to restore are the ones that were supposed to be filled in when the city built the waste water treatment plant as they are seasonal, not artificial Kathy. These season wetlands have been there since the quarry land was formed. The seasonal wetlands were replaced by the perennial creek created for the outflow of the waste water treatment plant. The City is responsible to in-fill that as part of their permit for the waste water treatment plant. That permit is still open with the Coast Commission. Do your homework Kathy.
Tait Cowen & Stewie Newton went and spoke to Nancy Hall regarding Harmony @ 1. Look where it got them.
All hail the mighty Peter. He has spoken.
but wait...........
There's no traffic problem so that's why we can't widen the highway,
I mean there's too much traffic that's why we can't develop the quarry,
No the frogs are dying cuz there's too many golfers and snakes,
no wait the snakes are endangered so we must build trails with critter bridges.
Oh hell!
Everybody just move away so Loeb and his buds can just fire up a few more doobies and do the NOBIE dance.
The City has an obligation to make opportunity for ALL citizens (not just the NOBY elite) to sit at the table and have their voices heard on this very important development for Pacifica's future.
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