Clean paper, cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, glass jars. |
• Empty pill bottles go into
blue bin
• No plastic bags of any type
are accepted in blue bin. Plastic bags damage the sorting equipment when
the materials are sent to the secondary market for processing. Your cart
will be tagged if plastic bags are Included
• Food contaminated paper
products should be put in the green bin
• Please remove excess food
materials from glass jars and aluminum/tin cans
• No window glass, Pyrex or
china allowed in blue bin
• No small appliances or cart
parts/metal pieces in blue bin. Bring to recycling yard or call for bulky
item pickup
• No clothes, pillows, blankets,
sleeping bags or WOOD (including wood shavings) in blue bin
• No Styrofoam in blue bin
• No propane or oxygen tanks in
blue bin
• Excess cardboard boxes must be
broken down, secured and pieces no larger than 3x3x3
Food, garden trimmings, waxy cartons, to-go containers, paper towels. |
• No biodegradable, compostable
or plastic bags allowed in green cart. Our composting facility has a quick
turnaround time frame so these bags do not breakdown in the time allotted.
• No dirt of rocks in green cart
• Animal waste cannot be
included in green cart. This includes kitty liter. If included, cart will
tagged and not picked up until material is removed
• Cart must close for pickup.
Please cut long branches down to fit into cart
• Green garden hoses cannot be
included in green cart
• No wood or wood shavings in
green bin
• Next free compost giveaway is
scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 24 at the recycling yard from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Please mark your calendar.
Reference - Recology of the Coast/Pacifica. Note: Permission to reprint the Pacifica Tribune article and graphics from the website courtesy of Chris Porter, General Manager, Recology of the Coast.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
We do 90% of Recology's sorting work going through the garbage like Racoons, and we still have the highest garbage rates in San Mateo County.
649, your internet link led to a closed S.F. Chronicle article, "S.F. garbage-dumping contract ignites legal fight", John Wildermuth, 7/31/15-- and the photograph does look like sorting by a racoon.
Otherwise, if Pacifica has the "highest garbage rates in San Mateo County", there could be a correlation between also having the weakest city economy (low commercial); plus the hills, spread-out community sections, and beach trash.
Memo to neighbors: No plastic bags in the green or blue cart, and no walking your dog dodo there either.
I didn't know this till just now. SF Gate is free for everyone, SF Chronicle.com is another web site that is for people who subscribe to the newspaper. I cut and pasted the article.
S.F. garbage-dumping contract ignites legal fight
By John WildermuthJuly 31, 2015 Updated: July 31, 2015 6:48pm
A bulldozer and crane prepare to load garbage on a long-haul truck at the Recology transfer station in San Francisco. Photo: Loren Elliott / Loren Elliott / The Chronicle / ONLINE_YES Photo: Loren Elliott / Loren Elliott / The Chronicle A bulldozer and crane prepare to load garbage on a long-haul truck at the Recology transfer station in San Francisco.
San Francisco’s garbage is headed to Vacaville for the next nine years, but not without an unwanted detour through the courts.
Deborah Raphael, director of the city’s Department of the Environment, signed an agreement with Recology last week that allows the garbage company to haul the city’s trash to its dump in Solano County instead of the Altamont landfill in eastern Alameda County it has used since 1987.
But Waste Management, which owns the Altamont site, isn’t giving up without a fight. The Houston company, which is the largest trash company in North America, is suing to block the landfill switch and force the city — and Recology — to keep hauling its garbage to Alameda County.
There’s plenty of money at stake, with the dumping contract worth an estimated $130 million. The city currently pays about $7.7 million a year to send its trash to Altamont, a cost that was scheduled to rise substantially, regardless of who won the new contract.
649, 124, you had the right idea to post a link to prove your point. Here's that link.
Good article, but does not necessarily supports or prove your comment that, "we still have the highest garbage rates in San Mateo County".
I didn't find a link to the article you posted at 126, but you're welcome to post it as a source link, or a source link with a few sentences, even a few short paragraphs. (I removed it because the source was not identified, there was no link, it was outside the length guidelines for copyright, as well as for this blog.)
Full articles, are generally not posted in the blog comment section. Full or partial articles with links may be submitted to the blog with your real name, any photograph, caption, comment, etc., (see instructions upper left of the blog). We try to keep article content brief adhering to copyright length standards, unless approved in advance by the article source.
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