Friday, August 7, 2015

City Council Meeting, Monday, August 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

According to the contract between CalTrans and Pacifica for the maintenance of the Park-and-Ride facility across from the Linda Mar shopping center, Pacifica must "maintain the Property, including the area outside the lot lying between the boundaries thereof and the adjacent street, free of all grass, weeds, debris and inflammable materials of every description and at all times in an orderly, clean, safe and sanitary condition." The contract goes on to state that "[a] high standard of cleanliness, consistent with the location of the area as an adjunct to the State of California Highway System, will be required."

I don't have any issue whatsoever with this requirement (to the contrary, it makes perfect sense), but it begs the question: If "a high standard of cleanliness, consistent with the location of the area as an adjunct to the State of California Highway System, [is] required", why is CalTrans itself permitted to allow the CalTrans-owned/maintained pieces of property surrounding the Pedro Point shopping center to be overrun with weeds and garbage 365 days a year??

On a separate note, these meeting updates - and the inclusion of links to relevant documents -- are incredibly useful. Thanks for posting them.

Anonymous said...

Is this the only meeting of the month. I thought the 2nd meeting in August is always canceled for summer vacations?

Anonymous said...

Why are the taxpayers paying for Ms Tinfow's apartment rent?

So does she also get a per diem for food and expenses?

Who pays the water, PGE, and garbage? CAble and Internet?

Kathy Meeh said...

809, why don't you read her contract with the City, its online somewhere. Or, you might call your favorite City Councilmember. Or call the City for assistance. You might be connected directly to the City Manager's Office. There your question might be answered.
The "alternative" of asking the same question over and over and over is more likely a statement (isn't it), rather than an inquiry from you. So, why don't you answer your own question and get back to us.

Anonymous said...

She makes enough money to pay her own rent, and her own bridge tolls. Walnut Creek to Pacifica isn't that bad of a commute if you come in early and stay a tad late.

Or you can take Bart over.